Submission #2348: HappyLee's NES Super Mario Bros. "warps, walkathon" in 06:48.23

Nintendo Entertainment System
(Submitted: Super Mario Bros)
warps, walkathon
FCEU 0.98.12
Super Mario Bros. (JU) [!].nes
Submitted by HappyLee on 7/21/2009 7:50 AM
Submission Comments
This is a sidestroller, speedwalk, or whatever you want to call it. This is also an improvement to the Submission #2344 of adelikat. It's 6 frames faster measuring the length of the input file. Here is the old improvement list: I got the mushroom in 8-2 (adelikat did it in 8-3) I saved 42 frames in 8-3 I got hurt in 8-4, the flying fish segment, got in the pipe earlier.
I improved the action in 8-4 of taking damage from a fish. I used improvement from klmz demo, saved 2 more frames.
I stoped the movie at the axe, too.
There is no improvement before 8-2 in this movie. You have to kill few enemies to get the bullet earlier. I think the bullet in 8-3 is the closest situation.
To adelikat: This isn't funny, you know. I won't give up, because I have few records, but you have a lot. You don't have to fight with me on this one.
Thanks to klmz for teaching me the skill.
HappyLee: cancelled
Last Edited by adelikat on 9/16/2023 3:24 PM
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