Alien Soldier is the fourth Treasure game for Sega Genesis.
It is a very hard game, even on SUPEREASY difficulty.
This video is a must see for action game fans.
Game objectives
- Gens 2.11
- Play on hardest dificulty level
- Aim for fastest in-game completion time
This game is basically a boss rush.
Between bosses, you have short stages, where you have chances to recover life
and fill up your weapon gauges.
I choose the two weapons with the best damage-time ratio.
The phoenix attack can only be used when you have full life, and you lose 50 life points
for performing it.
The game has a clock that runs only when time is counting down, it does not count
the power up freeze, so it does not impact the final time.
There is a graphical glitch when you perform the shot absorption move on the ground,
and inmediately you teleport, it looks like the phoenix attack, but it is just the regular teleport.
I start attacking each boss in the first frame they are vulnerable.
In stage 8, you can not move for a few seconds at the beginning, i move in the first possible frame.
mmbossman: Rejecting due to the existence of a faster run, see discussion for details.