Submission #2779: adelikat's NES Battle Chess "Fastest Checkmate!!!!!!!!!1111111111 P(a)wned" in 00:06.77

Nintendo Entertainment System
Fastest Checkmate!!!!!!!!!1111111111 P(a)wned
FCEUX 2.1.4a
Battle Chess (U) [!].nes
Submitted by adelikat on 8/2/2010 3:05 AM
Submission Comments
If its worth doing, its worth overdoing. This represents the least number of input frames to land a checkmate. Boo-ya
More text so that the submsision form doesn't complain at my lack of text.
Boo-ya Boo-ya Boo-ya Boo-ya Boo-ya Boo-ya Boo-ya Boo-ya

adelikat: Rejecting for bad game choice. It also is a bad goal concept, but really, bad game choice.
Last Edited by adelikat on 11/29/2022 3:58 PM
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