Submission #2985: X2poet's Arcade Metal Slug X in 18:24.47

(Submitted: unknown)
FBA-rr 0.0.3
Submitted by X2poet on 1/24/2011 2:54 PM
Submission Comments


  • Aims for fastest time of two players
  • Genre:Shooting
  • Emulator FBA-rr 003c
  • Manipulate luck
  • 2 players
  • Take damage to save time
Using two players will cost a lot of lags.And I will explain it in my summary.

About the continue

There are the main reasons why I struggle to use continue.
  • 1.Making the jumping after the train smoothly.
  • 2.Making sure that boss battle have enough items because of the power of R is very low.
  • 3.Machine Gun can hit the 5-3 door smoothly and need not wait the door destroyed.
  • 4.continue is not only used in this game,some other games in this web have used continue and borrowing lives.
  • 5.If squarrel king can use continue,I have no doubt to use continue for adding more lives.
  • 6.Continue is availiable in Arcade but just need coins,if coin is the problem,well the PS version can?
  • 7.Continue can make 4 members jump out to show in this run.
  • 8.It can be regarded as a script.
  • 9.It can avoid many lags.
  • 10.It can make the dropping place right to get the Frameshot.
  • 11.Using pistals to hit the train looks stupid.
  • 12.I can only die 2 lives.But dying three lives have more advantage for entertaining this run.And this add the entertainment but other games do not have the chance to use this.If I have 4 lives is it a problem?
  • 13.There are 20 more different experiments that I take no death there,it will make the boss battle looks foolish.Not only because of the longer time.
  • 14.There is a fat getting thin time for player-2.
  • 15.It can also not use continue but waiting for the conuting down for adding new player.
  • 16.The item manipulation for boss battle's experiments:
(1)Using 1 frameshot and the 10 bombs in robot. (2)Using 1 frameshot and 5 bombs in the robot and give up it. (3)Using 1 frameshot and 6 bombs in the robot and give up it. (4)Using 1 frameshot and give up the robot at first and pick two R.That is still not enough to beat the boss.And it is in Level 4. (5)Using 2 frameshots and give up the robot at first.If not use bombs,it is not enough to beat it. (6)Using 2 frameshots and use the robot' 2 bombs. (7)3 bombs. (8)All 4-10 bombs. (9)At first give up the robot and use normal bombs 1 or more. (10)At first give up the robot and only hit it by frameshot,that is also not enough.
So large entertainment killed without what you see the continue used.

The Game

Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001 (c) 1999 SNK.
Originally released to improve upon some of the problems the previous Metal Slug game ("Metal Slug 2 - Super Vehicle-001/II") had, most notably its notorious slowdown, this update also implemented several changes to beef up the gameplay, such as new enemies, a different end boss layout and a number of new weapons and secrets. The result is a better game and one of the finest chapters in this series.
SNK Neo-Geo MVS hardware
Game ID : 0250
Main CPU : 68000 (@ 12 Mhz)
Sound CPU : Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
Sound Chips : YM2610 (@ 8 Mhz)
Screen orientation : Horizontal
Video resolution : 320 x 224 pixels
Screen refresh : 59.19 Hz
Palette colors : 4096
Players : 2
Control : 8-way joystick
Buttons : 3
=> Character > [A] Shoot, [B] Jump, [C] Grenade
=> Metal Slug> [A] Gun Attack, [B] Jump Board Vehicle, [C] Artillery Attack


Mission 1

21 frames faster than the precious movie,because shooting together.take a lot of lags.Hitting the boss by tank and camel.Because camel jump fast and has the infinity mechine gun.Tank have great bombs to hit boss for a lot of damage. Camel can using in the Mission 2 at first.Saving time that ignore the L gun.

Mission 2

100 frames more than the precious movie because of there cannot manipulate Shotgun in the 2-2 and the time waiting for the 2p jump for rolling the map takes a lot of time.I can use single player in 1&2 for faster,but I don't do so.The entertainment of two players' run is the key.

Mission 3

800 more faster using dual attack,and manipulate luck in the first boss battle for the Shotgun.

Mission 4

6 frames faster.Lags kill the improvement I think.

Mission 5

400 more frames saved.Dying in the train time.and get two mechine gun and 20 bombs.Using two flame shot to hitting the boss is the key.I have almost 10 experiments in this stage just like do not get the F,Using R,Using the robot hitting,and even more.Finally,I get the best answer.

Mission 6

Manipulate Luck in the last boss's battle,H and L can make the continuous attack.
End this movie.
See you next time and I am in the other plans for MD and Arcade games.

Nach: Judging.

feos: Synched encode is highly needed. Linked what we have for now.

GabCM: Synched encode is here.

DarkKobold: This run has now been sitting on the bench for nearly a month, and Nach has been M.I.A. on this submission, so the senior judge is taking over.
First off, this run is hell to sync, and I have been unable to verify it, despite numerous attempts. This alone would not warrant rejection, as we do have a publishable encode.
Second of all, this run doesn't play at the highest difficulty. Now, this also shouldn't be a sole reason for rejection, especially since it only adds health to bosses. (I actually think the difficulty this is played at should be up for debate.) However, the decision on the previous movie stated that further movies should use the highest difficulty, and I think that should hold weight.
However, the biggest issue is the use of continues, and it is two-fold for this submission.
First off, death would have been sufficient to restore grenades. Continues, on the other hand, gives you a free "Heavy Machine Gun," which is an advantage over the the player's starting stats. So, essentially, you use money to buy a stronger position, which I would equate to the use of a cheat code. In other words, if a code were used to get the heavy machine gun to fall from the sky, it would be viewed in the same light.
Finally, the biggest reason for this rejection is that the use of the continue was poorly done. You died multiple times in the same spot, so that the continue could be used. Now, if continues were going to be used, it would have been trivial to enter the menu, and adjust the number of lives down to one - Or to die in other places, so that grenades could have been reset and used elsewhere. Essentially, it looked like poor planning, and sloppy.
I would reconsider a new submission if the author fixed the use of the continue, and redid the run from there (not fixing the difficulty). As I'm able to get this run to sync up to the end boss, perhaps the first issue would also be taken care of.

DarkKobold: In light of the new rule, this submission was well received, and is being given a second chance. Whether or not it is a rule is no longer a question, but should an exception be made for this movie.

DarkKobold: This movie had a less than positive response. Judging by #3040: X2poet's Arcade Metal Slug: Super Vehicle - 001 in 12:10.23, people prefer a no death run of Metal Slug games.
Last Edited by adelikat on 9/21/2023 4:06 PM
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