This is a romhack of Sonic the Hedgehog created by Cinossu in 2011. According to the author, "It's a game you can pu-ray!" It is exactly like Sonic 1 with a couple of key differences:
- There is a hub world where you can access any act at any time
- The clock counts milliseconds as well as minutes and seconds
- You are followed by Omochao
- There is a hub world where you can access any act at any time
- The clock counts milliseconds as well as minutes and seconds
- You are followed by Omochao
I'll leave the rest for you to discover on your own =)
Okay fine, I'll leave some spoilery objectives aaaaaaall the way at the bottom:
- Is a demonstration
- Contains speed/annoyance tradeoffs
- Plays on the most annoying difficulty
- Heavy annoyance abuse
- Takes no damage to save further annoyance
- Happy early April Fool's!
DarkKobold: Ju-ju-judging, Ju-ju-ju-judging, ju-ju-ju-judg-uh-ing
DarkKobold: Oh. Hell. No.