Published on 10/30/2022
KUBO is a homebrew NES game developed by a six-year old boy and his supportive father as part of a father and son summer project. You play as a cowboy turtle who must travel through a world full of monsters to retrieve a jewel. The game was programmed by the father using NESMaker and the designs were made by his son.
In this run, Cephla exploits quirks in the NESMaker engine in order to beat the game in record time. Diagonal walking is not supposed to be possible, but a glitch called "drifting" makes it possible in all directions except the down-right direction. You can read the author's notes for more details.
You can get the game here.

Watch this run being played back on a real console.

Video Downloads:
Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
BizHawk 2.8

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