Published on 1/14/2024
Operation Full-Moon is a lunar-grounded shooter and one of 52 games on Action 52, the most well-known multicart on the NES. In this game, you are supposedly on a military operation to assault a moon base that's called "Luna Base 1". Your mission is to get to Luna Base 1 while destroying everything else that belongs to the enemy. In practice, you're actually driving a moon buggy where your goal is to get to the other side while avoiding everything else that wants to kill you.
LoganTheTASer here endures yet another space game from Action 52 and beats it in record time by ending input as early as possible while still beating the game. The game crashing at the end is considered the end point as there's nothing else after it and no way to get around it.
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Emulator Replay:
BizHawk 2.9.1

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