Master of Darkness, known in Japan as In the Wake of Vampire (イン ザ ウエイク オブ ヴァンパイア), is an action platformer that plays very similarly to the Castlevania series of games on the NES. It also has a similar plot, but with one major difference: instead of playing as a muscular barbarian or a noble warrior, you play as a more normal psychologist that has set out to defeat Dracula all by himself, suspecting him to be behind the murders in London that were attibuted to Jack the Ripper. However, there appears to be a supernatural conspiracy that involves more than just Dracula himself.
For this run, The8bitbeast skips considerable chunks of the game by exploiting a glitch where dying and landing on a health potion tricks the game into thinking the level is complete. In the process, he beats the current TAS that doesn't utilize this glitch by nearly six minutes.