Published on 7/24/2024
DamDam Stompland is a rather unique combat game for the PlayStation that was released only in Japan. The goal of the game is to defeat your opponent by stomping on their shadow in under one minute. Whoever gets three successful stomps before time is up wins the game. There are seven characters to choose from, each with their own unique abilities. Items that spawn on the stage can be used to either aid you in stomping your opponent's shadow or to defend your shadow from being stomped. The game appears to have been built around the fact that the PlayStation can render shadows of 3D models in real-time.
In this run, somyeol chooses Lipty for her speedy panicking ability and manipulates their opponents so their shadows can be stomped on as fast as possible in order to beat the game in record time.
DamDam Stompland

Video Downloads:
Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
BizHawk 2.8
Additional Downloads:
(Post-Game Cutscene Input)

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