Published on 9/7/2024
Klonoa is the Wii remake of the acclaimed Klonoa: Door to Phantomile in the Klonoa series. It features the catlike Klonoa and his friend Huepow, a ring spirit. Together, they go on a journey to investigate a mysterious shipwreck that soon turns into a grand adventure to save the land from a powerful demon.
Like Kirby 64, the game is a 2.5D platformer. Klonoa can only move in two dimensions, but everything is rendered in 3D, allowing the path to curve and objects outside the path to be interacted with. Klonoa can attack by throwing Huepow at enemies and having him return with the enemy. Klonoa will then hold the enemy over his head, which allows him either to throw it at another enemy or bounce off of it to jump into the air.
In this run, inconsistent takes on the Wii release in record time. For more information reading the author's submission comments is highly recommended.

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Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
Dolphin 5.0-16793

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