Little Ninja Brothers also known as Super Chinese 2 (スーパーチャイニーズ2) in Japan, is an action role-playing game and the sequel to Kung-Fu Heroes, also known in Japan as Super Chinese. Being one of the first action RPGs, this game combines the standard early video game RPG mechanics with battles that have you fighting your enemies in real-time instead of through turn-based combat. With certain battles, however, the combat is instead turn-based, but still uses stats that are gained from leveling up during regular real-time battles. As for the story, Jack and/or Ryu have decided to save their country called Chinaland from the invading Blu Boltar, who has kidnapped the emperor.
For this run, Acmlm opts to play with only Jack and manipulates the RNG into generating as few random encounters as possible, allowing them to save Chinaland in record time.