-Snes9X v1.43-dev for Windows
-All Default settings
-Minor program error -> Infinite combo chains, you can do this with Guy Or Lucia, I haven't played as Haggar or Dean in all my life, because I don't like their fighting styles, "you can pull of these infinite chains even when playing without slowdown". (Seems like nobody on Zbattle.net knows about this :S)
-Doesn't take hits
-Fastest possible tool assisted, In the Snes9X Author Info box, I've gotten Timeattack mixed with Speedrun. This is a Timeattack, I've been making Final Fight 3 movies before I knew about Bisqwit's site. And I didn't know the true difference between a timeattack and speedrun until I've visited a site today, if you've watched my Contra III Timeattack, that was my first time beating the game, and I assure you, you won't regret watching this one. Because I've beaten this game plenty of times On Zbattle.net on the Expert level.
-Beat 'em up game
It wasn't really hard to record I've trained a lot on this ever since and showed some of my friends online, and all I need to watch out for is where the enemies pop out and find the best way to annihalate them ASAP into luring them into a group "a simple button press on the D-pad that doesn't appear do anything will make the enemy take a route to somewhere else on the screen". This is unfinished sadly to say, This is a full run on Round 1, well I have lots of things to do, so I don't think this timeattack will ever be finished onto the whole game, but it may be, I also have to find the shortest route possible, I've been through alternate routes but I forget which was the fastest possible, I would hopefully finish this if I do have free time this summer! :D