Submission #897: Randil & hanzou's NES Adventures of Lolo 2 in 24:10.65

Nintendo Entertainment System
FCEU 0.98.12
Adventures of Lolo 2 (U).nes
Submitted by Randil on 11/28/2005 4:40 PM
Submission Comments
  • Emulator used: FCE Ultra 0.98.12-blip.
  • Aims for the fastest possible time.
  • Length of movie: 87039 frames (24m 11s).
  • Abuses programming errors in the game
This is mine (Randil) and hanzou's improved version of the full Adventures of Lolo 2 TAS. This version is 3 minutes and 6 seconds faster than the previous version I (Randil) made. 34 out of the 51 levels have been redone with various improvements as listed below. Special thanks goes to BagOfMagicFood and CtrlAltDestroy for their contributions.
Levels 4-3 to 5-4, 7-1 to 7-3, all of floor 9 and the Castle levels were played by hanzou. The rest was played by me, Randil.
Here's a list of all the levels that have been improved:
  • 1-5: 83 frames faster by exploiting Rocky.
  • 2-4: 39 frames faster by better handling the Rockies.
  • 2-5: 16 frames faster due to a half-push optimization found by BagOfMagicFood.
  • 3-2: 11.7 seconds faster by floating on Gol instead of Snakey, as proposed by BagOfMagicFood.
  • 3-3: 73 frames faster due to better Leeper usage found by BagOfMagicFood.
  • 3-4: 9.2 seconds faster by exploiting Rocky so as to avoid having to backtrack for emerald blocks.
  • 3-5: 32 frames faster by shooting Skull at point blank.
  • 4-1: 41 frames faster by hammering the bottom rock and not having to wait for Leeper's protection.
  • 4-2: 15 frames faster by luring and dodging Alma instead of running from her.
  • 4-3: 128 frames faster by making eggs sink earlier.
  • 5-1: 112 frames faster due to a cleaner initial strategy on pushing emerald blocks.
  • 5-2: 19.6 seconds faster due to a new strategy with less rafting, shorter rafting, and shooting the raft.
  • 5-4: 4.1 seconds faster by exploiting Rocky.
  • 6-1: 4.8 seconds faster mainly by letting Don Medusa run free as found by CtrlAltDestroy.
  • 6-2: 54 frames faster by making the egg sink earlier.
  • 6-4: 11.5 seconds faster by exploiting Rocky as well as Don Medusa.
  • 7-1: 150 frames faster by outrunning rather than blocking the Don Medusas.
  • 7-2: 7.6 seconds faster by using Leeper to protect the center aisle so an emerald block doesn't clog the path to the doorway.
  • 7-3: 86 frames faster by starting the first egg more downstream.
  • 7-4: 114 frames faster due to sharp Snakey shooting and live Skull manipulation.
  • 7-5: 2 frames faster due to earlier egg, and also now demonstrates a glitch.
  • 8-2: 10.2 seconds faster by aggressively running through a crowd of enemies.
  • 8-3: 161 frames faster by building a bridge closer to the jewel box.
  • 8-4: 8.8 seconds faster by blasting away then later using the second Snakey.
  • 9-1: 6.8 seconds faster by dodging Gol fire instead of safely blocking it, and consequent path optimization.
  • 9-2: 11.6 seconds faster by walking in front of Medusa and blasting through the whole passageway.
  • 9-3: 26 frames faster due to a slight emerald block optimization.
  • 9-4: 35 frames faster by better manipulating Alma.
  • 9-5: 34 frames faster due to a different route that involves chasing rather than running from Don Medusa.
  • C-1: 4.3 seconds faster by shooting Rocky and Snakey instead of the two Gols.
  • C-2: 85 frames faster by walking through the line of fire to catch the floating egg.
  • C-3: 39.8 seconds faster due to a shortcut strategy that obviates the need to build walls against three Don Medusas and seven Skulls.
  • C-5: 8.9 seconds faster by sending Leeper out rather than putting him to sleep in the beginning, thanks to CtrlAltDestroy for testing various wild strategies.
  • C-6: 71 frames faster with better rapid-fire against the final boss.
Here's a list of people I'd like to thank for their contributions in the previous run:
Bag of Magic Food: For great tactics on floor 1 and 2, I use his strategys on almost every room on floor 1 and 2.
Baxter: For strategy on room 2-5, and for pointing out the mistakes in the first WIP. Thanks! :)
Tom 'rdrunner' Votava: For his speedrun on Speed Demos Archive, a lot of inspiration and ideas are from his speedrun.
And last, but of course non the least, the biggest thanks to hanzou for all time and effort he put into helping me with this.

Truncated: Since this is played well and people want it to be published, I will put it on Accepted.
Now, I will go and try to get that desanitizing happy tune out of my head...

Bisqwit: Processing.
Last Edited by on 1/1/2022 6:13 PM
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