Submission #9267: Rxser's Flash 6 tsu no hoshi no heya kara no dasshutsu in 00:03.00

Adobe Flash
6 tsu no hoshi no heya kara no dasshutsu
libTAS 1.4.6 // ruffle-nightly-2024-09-06
Submitted by Rxser on 9/6/2024 9:08 PM
Submission Comments
6つの星の部屋からの脱出 by YominoKagura
Routing: Another room where we bypass everything
  • Right, right (I made sure the first input was on frame 4 and not frame 5)
  • Select the blue and white checkered box
  • Button combination: TR, TL, BL, BR, BL
  • Grab key and go back
  • Right, right (again)
  • Select the key and leave the room (only one press to leave this time instead of two)
  • Enjoy your lowercase "clear" for the second time
Other information:
  • --no-gui
  • MD5: 2ba7b528d61bc132df5fd6ac827e0c27

CasualPokePlayer: Claiming for judging.
Last Edited by CasualPokePlayer 6 days ago
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