Published on 9/24/2024
6-tsu no Hoshi no Heya Kara no Dasshutsu (6つの星の部屋からの脱出, Escape From the Room With the Six Stars) is one of many escape room Flash games by Yomino Kagura. As the name implies, you are trapped in a room with six grey stars on a shelf. Also in the room are a monitor, a few safes, a checkered box, and a weird futuristic table contraption. You will need all of these to figure out where the key to the door is.
Rxser thankfully already figured it out and escapes the room in record time without looking at the stars.
Game Version:
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Compatibility MP4
Emulator Replay:
libTAS 1.4.6 // ruffle-nightly-2024-09-06

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