Submission #9447: KusogeMan's GC Capcom vs. SNK 2: EO "survival, maximum score" in 24:40.57

Nintendo GameCube
(Submitted: Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO)
survival, maximum score
(Submitted: Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO (USA).rvz usa)
Dolphin 5.0-20571
88834 (cycle count 719549010183)
! Sram
The following Dolphin configurations were used to verify the movie:


- General

-- Enable Dual Core (speedup): Off

- Audio

-- DSP Emulation Engine: DSP HLE

- GameCube

-- Slot A: Memory Card USA (empty)

-- Slot B: Memory Card USA (empty)

- Advanced

-- CPU Emulation engine: JIT Recompiler for x86-x64

-- Enable MMU: Off

1) Playback the verification movie provided by the author, which passes the game and unlocks extra characters for the playaround:

Note: There might be a weird Dolphin behaviour that it saves the game to the generated memory card (/User/GC/MoviaA.raw) instead of the provided, user-created memory card (/User/GC/USA/Card A/<user's card name>.USA.raw). Please, check both cards using "Tools -> Memory Card Manager". If MovieA.raw stores the save, copy it to /USA/Card A and select it as the memory card for Slot A.

2) Playback the movie attached to this submission. This memory card already has the produced save from the verification movie:

Note: Save a copy of your memory card before playing the TAS. The save gets overwritten in the middle of the progress!
Submitted by KusogeMan on 1/4/2025 6:32 AM
Submission Comments
This achieves max score in survival mode 9999, I redid the start to do a lot of unscaled damage combos and at the end i made up for the points by doing longer combos and doing shun goku satsu right after for extra 30 hits. This should please your highness judges. We only get the high score at the very end.
Due to feedback from viewers i shortened my high score TAS in survival mode, different combos are used for different char hitboxes and stun meters!
Chain combos from EX groove delay stun so they're used to avoid stunning earlier, yuo cannot stun twice in the same combo, so i save it for later so i can use 33hits super more often. For speed, the best super is Misogi, the heavens palm strike. Weaker chars get stunned earlier and the health points are also varied between chars which contributes to the different combo choice in each match.
EX groove was with C meter for ease of meter building and flexibility with level 1 2 and 3 supers, so i can do more super finishers and build points faster surprinsingly, because of the different bodies characters have, more combos were used so we could control stun gauge and damage for longer, so it wasn't taht repetitive. Thanks for your attention!

CoolHandMike: Claiming for judging.
CoolHandMike: Replacing file with truncated file.
CoolHandMike: Optimization looks better than the previous submission since there is not an unnecessary farming of points. There seems to be time that could be saved here and there on this, but acceptable optimization.
Sync needed the same deal as the playaround movie with the save file from the verification movie needing to be renamed from MovieA.raw to MemoryCardA.USA.raw.
Accepting for Standard branch "survival, maximum score".

EZGames69: Processing...
Last Edited by EZGames69 1 day ago
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