The tool records inputs into a movie file which has a .ltm extension. It is actually a tar.gz archive which contains three text files.


The first one is config.ini, containing all meta-data of the movie file. It consists of a list of key/value pairs. Here is an example of such a file, with added comments:
authors=me ; authors of the movie
auto_restart=false ; does the game restarts automatically when closed
frame_count=81 ; frame count of the movie file
framerate_den=1 ; denominator of the number of frames per second
framerate_num=60 ; numerator of the number of frames per second
game_name=SuperMeatBoy ; name of the game executable
initial_time_nsec=0 ; number of nanoseconds of the initial system time
initial_time_sec=1 ; number of seconds of the initial system time
keyboard_support=true ; are keyboard inputs sent to the game
length_nsec=733333333 ; number of nanoseconds of movie length
length_sec=52 ; number of seconds of movie length
md5=a6fa991f40ef518b302a4a492af7259c ; md5 hash of the game executable
mouse_support=true ; are mouse inputs sent to the game
nb_controllers=0 ; up to 4 controllers are supported
savestate_frame_count=13 ; savestate frame for savestate movies
variable_framerate=true ; is the user allowed to change framerate
; Time hack values
authors=me ; authors of the movie
frame_count=81 ; frame count of the movie file
framerate_den=1 ; denominator of the number of frames per second
framerate_num=60 ; numerator of the number of frames per second
game_name=SuperMeatBoy ; name of the game executable
initial_time_nsec=0 ; number of nanoseconds of the initial system time
initial_time_sec=1 ; number of seconds of the initial system time
keyboard_support=true ; are keyboard inputs sent to the game
mouse_support=true ; are mouse inputs sent to the game
nb_controllers=0 ; up to 4 controllers are supported
savestate_frame_count=13 ; savestate frame for savestate movies
; Time hack values


The second file is the inputs text file. In this file, each line that starts with the character '|' is an input frame. The content of one line depends on the three settings keyboard_support, mouse_support and nb_controllers above.
The line is a concatenation of sections for each device. Each section starts with '|' followed by a identifier.
Keyboard starts with '|K', followed by a list of Xlib KeySym (u32) values of each pressed key. They are encoded into an hex string and separated by the ':' character. The list is unordered, the order of the events that will be sent to the game for a single frame is arbitrary. If this section is not present, the default value for the keyboard is no pressed keys. Example: |Kffe1:20:ff53
Mouse starts with '|M', followed by mouse inputs in the format: xpos:ypos:X:12345. xpos and ypos are x and y coordinates of the pointer (i32) in decimal strings (can be negative). The reference mode of these coordinates are described by X, which is a single character, either A (absolute coordinates) or R (relative coordinates). This is followed by 5 characters which are either a digit if the corresponding mouse button is pressed, or the character '.'. When decoding the file, the code only checks if the character is a '.' or not. If this section is not present, default value is 0,0 absolute coords and no button pressed. Example: |M202:264:A:1....
Each controller starts with '|C' then the controller number (between 1 and 4). The controller inputs are in the format: axis_left_x:axis_left_y:axis_right_x:axis_right_y:trigger_left:trigger_right:ABXYbgs()[]udlr. The first 6 values are the axis values (i16) encoded in decimal strings. Then each character is either a button character or '.', indicating if the corresponding button was pressed or not. The order of the buttons are:
  • A, B, X, Y buttons
  • back (b), guide (g) and start (s) buttons
  • left stick (() and right stick ())
  • left shoulder ([}}) and right shoulder ({{])
  • dpad up (u), down (d), left (l) and right (r)
If this section is not present, default value is 0 for axes and no button pressed. Example: |C1-3977:-89:0:0:0:0:A..............
Flags starts with '|F', followed by the format R1234ILUO. Each character is either a flag character or '.':
  • R: reset input
  • 1, 2, 3, 4: controller X was attached
  • I, L, U, O: controller X was detached
If this section is not present, default value is no flag. Example: |FR........
When variable_framerate is enabled, we need to specify the framerate of each frame. Starts with '|T', followed by num:den. num and den are the framerate numerator/denominator (u32). If this section is not present, default value is the metadata value. Example: |T60:1
If keyboard_support=1, a list of Xlib KeySym (u32) values of each pressed key is appended to the line. They are encoded into an hex string and separated by the ':' character. The list ends with the '|' character.
If mouse_support=1, mouse inputs in the format: xpos:ypos:12345 are appended to the line. xpos and ypos are x and y coordinates of the pointer (i32) in decimal strings (can be negative). This is followed by 5 characters which are either a digit if the corresponding mouse button is pressed, or the character '.'. When decoding the file, the code only checks if the character is a '.' or not. The list ends with the '|' character.
For each controller from 1 to nb_controllers, the corresponding controller inputs is appended to the line, in the format: axis_left_x:axis_left_y:axis_right_x:axis_right_y:trigger_left:trigger_right:ABXYbgs()[]udlr. The first 6 values are the axis values (i16) encoded in decimal strings. Then each character is either a button character or '.', indicating if the corresponding button was pressed or not. The order of the buttons are:
  • A, B, X, Y buttons
  • back (b), guide (g) and start (s) buttons
  • left stick (() and right stick ())
  • left shoulder ([}}) and right shoulder ({{])
  • dpad up (u), down (d), left (l) and right (r)
Each controller inputs end with the '|' character.


The third file is the annotations.txt text file, containing movie annotations.

EmulatorResources/LibTAS/LTMFormat last edited by Randomno on 7/10/2023 6:58 PM
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