Post subject: Shadowgate
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?I? ?c?o?u?l?d?n??t? ?f?i?n?d? ?a? ?t?o?p?i?c? ?a?b?o?u?t? ?t?h?i?s?.? ?H?o?p?e? ?I? ?w?a?s? ?r?i?g?h?t?.? ? ? ? ?A?n?y?w?a?y?s?,? ?I? ?a?c?t?u?a?l?l?y? ?g?o?t? ?a? ?r?e?q?u?e?s?t? ?t?o? ?t?i?m?e? ?a?t?t?a?c?k? ?t?h?i?s? ?g?a?m?e? ?a?s?w?e?l?l? ?s?i?n?c?e? ?I?'?v?e? ?m?a?d?e? ?t?h?e? ?o?t?h?e?r? ?2?.? ? ? ? ? ?I? ?t?e?s?t?e?d? ?i?t? ?a?r?o?u?n?d? ?a? ?b?i?t? ?a?n?d? ?i?t? ?c?a?n? ?b?e? ?p?l?a?y?e?d? ?a?s? ?D?e?j?a? ?V?u? ?a?n?d? ?U?n?i?n?v?i?t?e?d?,? ?e?x?c?e?p?t? ?t?h?a?t? ?t?h?e? ?c?o?n?t?r?o?l?s? ?a?r?e? ?a? ?l?i?t?t?l?e? ?s?l?o?w?e?r? ?t?h?e?n? ?t?h?o?s?e? ?2?.? ? ? ? ?A?n?y?w?a?y?s?,? ?I?m? ?n?o?t? ?r?e?a?l?l?y? ?a? ?b?i?g? ?f?a?n? ?o?f? ?"?s?t?e?a?l?i?n?g?"? ?o?t?h?e?r? ?p?e?o?p?l?e?s? ?w?o?r?k?s?,? ?s?o? ?C?a?i?t?h? ?S?i?t?h?.? ?W?o?u?l?d? ?y?o?u? ?m?i?n?d? ?i?f? ?I? ?d?i?d? ?t?h?i?s? ?e?v?e?n?t?u?a?l?l?y??? ? ? ? ?B?u?t? ?a?l?s?o?,? ?"?c?o?m?p?e?t?i?n?g? ?b?r?e?e?d?s? ?p?e?r?f?e?c?t?i?o?n?"?.? ?S?o?,? ?w?h?a?t? ?d?o? ?y?o?u? ?g?u?y?s? ?t?h?i?n?k??? ?S?h?o?u?l?d? ?I? ?g?i?v?e? ?i?t? ?a? ?g?o???
/Walker Boh
Post subject: Re: Shadowgate
Joined: 5/29/2004
Posts: 757
WalkerBoh wrote:
But also, "competing breeds perfection". So, what do you guys think? Should I give it a go?
If you cream his time, even by a second, it's totally worth it. :) I never knew the Sphinx was as random, as it is, so that was a surprise. In all honesty though, I could see this improving MAYBE by 5 seconds at best.. and that's pushing it. Mr. Kellly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
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Please do compete. Even though movies may seem perfect, with some competition there can be many seconds of improvemtent(see Power Blade, the SMB games, Umihara Kawase, just to name a few)
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?W?e?l?l?,? ?I? ?m?i?g?h?t? ?g?i?v?e? ?i?t? ?a? ?t?r?y? ?t?h?e?n?.? ?H?o?p?e? ?t?h?a?t??s? ?o?k? ?f?o?r? ?y?o?u? ?C?a?i?t?h? ?S?i?t?h?.? ?A?n?d? ?l?e?t??s? ?h?o?p?e? ?I?'?l?l? ?b?e? ?a?b?l?e? ?t?o? ?i?m?p?r?o?v?e? ?i?t? ?t?h?e?n?.?
/Walker Boh
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5 seconds is shaved off ;) 5 minutes also! A time of 09:28 is submitted. Also, great thanks to CaithSith2!!
/Walker Boh
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I'm personally not interested in speedruns of this kind of games :/
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There are peoples who are, among them is me. So I'll continue to do them.
/Walker Boh
Joined: 5/29/2004
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WalkerBoh wrote:
5 seconds is shaved off ;) 5 minutes also! A time of 09:28 is submitted. Also, great thanks to CaithSith2!!
That is absolutely sickening! I can't believe this even happened! I can hardly wait to see this and the Deja Vu run! Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
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Wow, that was REALLY FAST. Nice work. I like that movie.
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Strange, I was thinking of redoing that one, learning that the menus were much faster. Anyways, that saves me from having to do it.
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?H?o?p?e? ?t?h?a?t??s? ?o?k? ?w?i?t?h? ?y?o?u?.? ?I?t? ?r?e?a?l?l?y? ?i?s? ?a? ?g?r?e?a?t? ?g?a?m?e?.? ?U?n?f?o?r?t?u?n?a?t?e?l?y? ?i?t? ?g?o?e?s? ?t?o?o? ?f?a?s?t?!?!? ?T?h?e? ?b?e?s?t? ?m?e?l?o?d?y? ?i?n? ?t?h?e? ?g?a?m?e? ?d?o?e?s?n??t? ?e?v?e?n? ?g?e?t? ?s?t?a?r?t?e?d? ?=?/?
/Walker Boh
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See? Told you :p