Post subject: Ganbare Goemon 2
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Joined: 8/17/2004
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Hi, this is my first post in these forums though I've been a big fan of the time attacks here for a long time. I decided to try my hand at a time attack of a game I know fairly well, Ganbare Goemon 2. Yesterday I recorded going through the first area of the game, and the first two stages of the second area. You can snag the smv of that here. Please keep in mind that this is my first attempt at a time attack, ever, and I'm well aware it isn't perfect. Though I do intend on seeing it through to the end. Just a few notes: -I use Goemon, as there doesn't seem to be any difference in walking speed between him, Ebisumaru and Sasuke (like there is in GG3 and 4), and his full powered weapon makes defeating bosses considerably quicker due to its power and range. -In the town scenes where you simply have to walk through the town, I spice things up by striking a villager causing the guards to chase me, and hilarious music to play. Of course, I won't do this in towns where I have to do things. For example where the movie ends, I have to buy a pass in the upcoming town, and I can't have the guards angry at me for that. -In the second stage I'm aware there is a moment I am delayed as soon as I board the mouse-cart, it couldn't be avoided as there's no way to clear both the gap and reach the ledge in one jump. -Also on the Mouse Cart, I do take some hits in that. While riding a vehicle in Goemon 2 you aren't knocked back by being hit by an enemy, thus you can afford to take some hits, and almost have to in order to get by quickly, since you are bigger and easier to hit. The Cart can take three hits, and breaks on the fourth, and I take three in the video. Goemon's life bar isn't decreased while on a cart, thus Goemon himself takes no damage. -The one thing I am truly dissatisfied with is the first Impact sequence and Impact Boss Battle. More than likely that will take many attempts to get right. I waste a number of nasel bullet shots in the boss battle that are unnecessary. -The first stage of the second area is automatic scrolling, which is a pain to deal with in a time attack, so I try to be entertaining while riding the Mermaid Cart. Though I make a mistake in a few areas where the scrolling pauses and you have to kill an Oni Carpenter to restart it, I delay too much in doing so. As things stand now, I'm satisifed with the run up to the start of the first Impact sequence, and I plan on redoing everything past that point. However I'd like some opinions from the regulars at how I should do this, as I said before I'm a total newbie when it comes to this.
Joined: 7/5/2004
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Location: Karlstad, Sweden
Never played this one, what's the genre of the game?
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It's a side scroller. Set in cartoony feudal Japan. Overall it's a fun game series that has seen few North American releases. Personally I'm surprise no one has seriously tried to translate Ganbare Goemon 2-4 yet. To my knowledge there's only one version of the GG2 rom out there.
Joined: 7/5/2004
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Location: Karlstad, Sweden
Oh, so it's a Japanese game? I live in europe so maybe it wasn't even released here..
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Yes, it's a Japanese Rom. It doesn't matter much as I've finished the game a number of times before, and I skip all the skipable cutscenes so it's easy to watch and get into. Ganbare Goemon 3 would be much harder to make a speedrun out of though, it's a different style of game, borderline action RPG, and it's quite long with a lot of text. Ganbare Goemon 4 returns to the sidescrolling formula, though it is longer than 2.
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That's great news, good luck, this game is loooong, I tried to make a run for ganbare goemon 2 on the nes but it stops working the moment you use save states.
Kage bunshin no jutsu!!!
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Sorry, but you messed up on the first level. You don't have to get out of that fish thingy. When you jump out of the water just keep on jumping while on land and you won't lost any speed
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Oh no, I forgot that you maintain your momentum after getting in water on those things. Well now I certainly feel stupid, but that's what these tests are for.
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I've actually have been working on a speed run of this game playing as far I've got the 1st three worlds done.
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Posts: 377
Alright, I've updated the smv. It's at the same address which you can dl here. This time it goes until the end of Area 2, just a few more notes: -I re-ran the run starting at about half-way through the first stage. This time I stay on the Fish Ride, keeping my momentum until the end of the stage. -Not much changes for the first town or second stage, once again I recieve three hits while on the Mouse Cart, but it doesn't affect Goemon's life meter, and it doesn't slow him down. -Minor changes in the first Fortress. -The first Impact Destruction Sequence and Boss Battle are done much better now. In the Destruction Sequence I recieve two Pipe Bombs instead of just one. I recieve no damage while fighting the boss this time as well (except for the natural energy loss Impact occurs, his life meter slowly drains but it's very minor) and I don't waste any Nasal Bullets this time either. -The first stage of Area 2 is a bit faster due to killing the Demon Carpenters as soon as they appear when the screen stops scrolling. Otherwise, I do a lot of unnecessary jumping around as the screen scrolls. -Again no changes to the second stage in Area 2. Like last time I choose Goofy Woods instead of Log Lake to play. -I quickly run through the second town, buying the Pass you need to get through, and anger some guards and a swordsman on the way out :> -I delay a few seconds throughout the second Fortress, in order to keep Goemon from recieving damage. I could have shaved a bit off had I opted to let him take a hit, but not only would it have lowered his life meter, but also lowered the power of his weapon. I want to keep his flaming chain pipe throughout the game, so I plan to avoid taking hits with Goemon where I can avoid it. In instances where I'm riding a Cart or some other sort of Armor, I can then afford to take damage as it doesn't hurt Goemon directly.
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I've just submitted my speed run of the game playing as can see it by going to the sumissions page
Skilled player (1233)
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Sorry I reply the post. I want to do this that I didn't see who did it. I use Sasuke, he runs faster than other 2 guys. Stage 1 is finished.
Emulator Coder, Former player
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I can contribute some informations for the run. - TestRun in 38:17.20 by LuckyStar - Time decreased by 2 (and that caused underflow) -- I guess $7E:1B06 (camera position vertical) affects to carry, and causes the glitch - Level 2 : Avoiding guards with Sasuke LRUD glitch - Level 6 : Breaking the gate in faster - Boss will be stronger when you controls two guys (SMV 1P/2P). I'd love to see beautiful 2-players run :) I think Sasuke and Goemon is good.
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