Post subject: How about a tutorial video ?
Joined: 4/26/2004
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Location: Montréal, Québec
I mean a video explaining how timeattacks are made. It could serve as a tutorial for people who want to make their own video and additionnaly it would inform people curious about the techniques used to produce timeattacks. I could take the form of a Camtasia movie with someone talking over.
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Whats so diffucult about it? What can be explained in a video that can't be explained in text?
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Actually, that's not a bad idea. If I had something better than FRAPS2.0, I would think about doing it. Then again, I don't see why someone would need a video when text seems to have gotten the point across before.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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?P?e?o?p?l?e?s? ?s?e?e?m?s? ?t?o? ?i?g?n?o?r?e? ?t?h?e? ?t?e?x?t?s? ?b?e?c?a?u?s?e? ?i?t??s? ?m?o?r?e? ?w?o?r?k? ?w?i?t?h? ?r?e?a?d?i?n?g? ?i?t? ?=?/? ?S?o? ?i?t? ?i?s? ?a? ?g?o?o?d? ?i?d?e?a?.? ?A?t?l?e?a?s?t? ?I? ?t?h?i?n?k? ?i?t? ?i?s?.? ?F?o?r? ?e?x?a?m?p?l?e? ?i?f? ?s?o?m?e?o?n?e? ?s?h?o?w?s? ?a? ?s?m?a?l?l? ?p?a?r?t? ?o?f? ?S?M?B?1? ?(?a?n?y?o?n?e? ?c?o?u?l?d? ?r?e?l?a?t?e? ?t?o? ?t?h?a?t? ?g?a?m?e?)? ?w?h?i?l?e? ?m?a?k?i?n?g? ?t?h?e? ?m?o?v?i?e?!?!? ?I?n?c?l?u?d?e?s? ?s?e?v?e?r?a?l? ?r?e?-?r?e?c?o?r?d?,? ?s?l?o?w?d?o?w?n? ?a?n?d? ?m?i?s?s?e?d? ?j?u?m?p? ?e?t?c?,? ?j?u?s?t? ?t?o? ?g?i?v?e? ?p?e?o?p?l?e?s? ?a? ?h?i?n?t? ?o?f? ?w?h?a?t? ?i?s? ?g?o?i?n?g? ?o?n?.? ? ? ? ?B?u?t? ?o?n? ?t?h?e? ?o?t?h?e?r? ?h?a?n?d?.?.? ?I?f? ?t?h?e?y? ?a?r?e? ?t?o? ?l?a?z?y? ?t?o? ?r?e?a?d? ?t?h?e? ?w?e?l?l? ?w?r?i?t?t?e?n? ?i?n?f?o?r?m?a?t?i?o?n? ?t?h?e?y? ?p?r?o?b?a?b?l?y? ?d?o?n??t? ?d?e?s?e?r?v?e? ?t?o? ?b?e? ?e?n?l?i?g?h?t?e?n?e?d?.?
/Walker Boh
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Eh, I would watch it but might become boring pretty quickly... Heh heh heh, just kidding. Actually, it might be fun. Though I don't think it would serve the purpose of teaching people how to make timeattack movies, it could be an entertaining documentary. Then, submit a story about it on Slashdot! Woohoo! Inform the masses!