yeah, just stay at your computer for a couple of weeks, and the nagging is gone. so's your girlfriend, but you got to have priorities!</sarcasm>
my gf lives roughly 600 km away from me. We rarely get to see each other because 8 hours + 40€ for traveling each way is just too much for a weekend.
Right now, I'm at my girlfriend's place. Came here after spending christmas with my family, have to go back sunday.
I'm currently making good progress playing the Metroid Impossible hack. She just brought me tea and went back to her computer, playing sudoku. We both know through experience that even though this week is the first time we met since september, and will be the only time we'll spend together until around may, being in each other's face 24/7 isn't good for either of us.
Plus, we're both too damn addicted to our computers to let them go for a week, but that's a different issue.
Don't feel bad for wanting time without her. Although you might want to work on making her understand.
Edit: Disclaimer: I'm a geek. Do not listen to relationship advice from a geek.
Prime ones: I procrastinate, I make several plans and intentions without following through, and I don't live up to my supposedly immense potential.
Most everything else I consider either neutral or good qualities about myself. That includes the cynicism and asociality.
Actually, Tub's story looks a lot like mine accept for some small details. :She serves me beer instead of tea, she likes sudoku too but is really into Tetris, Adventures of Lolo and all those braniac type of games, but the thing is that i live with her and have only one cpu so you see the picture?...
Fighting over who plays first, or that i've been playing all day and stuff like that, but it's not so bad, i even like it. But she is right on the fact that i spend more time on my cpu than on her, that makes me feel low even... "geeky". I guess she deverse all my attention, actually, since she would even die for me.
That was a great topic.Talking with you guy's really took the weight of my shoulders. Thx Guys! =P
Joined: 3/11/2004
Posts: 1058
Location: Reykjavík, Ísland
You guys might be interested in this website here:
It has secrets, posted anonymously by people all over the world. Some secrets are pretty horrific, and I find this site to be fascinating. It also helped me to get out of a spot of depression I had a while back. Anyway just check it out, it's inspiring.
I have seen two Finnish websites of that same style, Blublu. [EDIT: But without pictures.]
For most part, it seems that things posted on such a website (anonymous confessions) definitely should not be read. The reason is that you never can know whether something has been posted seriously or in jest, and the latter kind usually tends to be shocking with very bad taste.
Joined: 3/11/2004
Posts: 1058
Location: Reykjavík, Ísland
Bisqwit wrote:
I have seen two Finnish websites of that same style, Blublu.
For most part, it seems that things posted on such a website (anonymous confessions) definitely should not be read. The reason is that you never can know whether something has been posted seriously or in jest, and the latter kind usually tends to be shocking with very bad taste.
Okay, I guess you can't tell if they are true or not. There would be no way to verify that without making it not-anonymous. But I still don't see why they should not be read. Anyway it seems to me that that site is heavily filtered, only the best "secrets" are posted. But you are right that it could be that 100% of those letters are made-up by strange people. (for that matter, the whole thing might be a hoax). I just thought it was fascinating and decided to post it.
Edit: I think an important point is also that there's no real reason not to believe those secrets. It takes a bit of an effort to send a postcard like that to the address provided, so most of the fakers are weeded out that way. I am willing to believe that most, if not all of them, are true.
Joined: 5/1/2004
Posts: 4096
Location: Rio, Brazil
Blublu wrote:
You guys might be interested in this website here:
It has secrets, posted anonymously by people all over the world. Some secrets are pretty horrific, and I find this site to be fascinating. It also helped me to get out of a spot of depression I had a while back. Anyway just check it out, it's inspiring.
Had visited that before, didn't give much credit to the veracity of the phrases because the cards are so artistically worked. Maybe the site author remade them, or maybe he just made them all up.
I'm really horrible at lying. I can't do it convincingly even when I need to do it, to get out of major trouble or not hurt other people's feelings.
That too: I hurt people's feelings. Most of the time I don't realize I do.
I waste obscene amounts of time on the internet instead of doing what I should. If I need to study I never do it at home, I go somewhere where I can be at a safe distance from any computers. I recently pulled out my network cable on the computer where i'm writing my thesis so I could get something (anything) done.
I look down on people who I feel are not as smart as me.