Alright, time to raid another forum's YouTube topic and my favorites list...
God Playing
There is a place where the word "impossible" does not exist. (Yeah, and you happen to be standing in it.)
Stop-motion drums
Just because you don't know how to play the piano or drums doesn't mean you can't make music.
Don't Download This Song
By Weird Al Yankovic, also from Straight Outta Lynwood
Series of Techno Tubes
Ted Stevens remix. Old, but awesome.
Knights of the Round Table
You all know this one, from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I'm just glad someone finally made it available.
College Saga - Episode 1
The entire thing is 40 minutes long, and totally worth it. The only people that might not like it are those with super-short attention spans and those who've never seen an RPG.
Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series
Episode 1, it all starts here.
[URL=]Tony vs. Paul[/URL]
A stop-motion battle between two people. Hilarious "animation" and good music. Won a $10,000 award somewhere.
[URL=]Superman Theme Song[/URL]
Some guy puts lyrics to the Superman theme (also has others that I'm not linking; check his profile out).
Stunt Video Gone Wrong
The least violent Grand Theft Auto video that is still worth watching.
[URL=]Charlie the Unicorn[/URL]
The search for Candy Mountain! - A famous flash animation from Newgrounds recorded into video.
I Was Lookin' For Some Action
It was night. Late at night. (Very arcane music video starring robotic Japanese)
Will it Blend? - iPod
Final Fantasy Victory Fanfares
The progression of a classic tune.
Super Glitch Bros.
This is what happens when you scribble on a Rom's tiles that aren't actually graphics.
Corrupting NES Metroid
Metroid + ROM corrupter = hilarity.
We Are The Strange!
This is a movie trailer for an actual movie developed by one person. No words can describe this. Watch it for yourself.
[URL=]Top Ten Video Game Weapons[/URL]
GT counts down the top ten video game weapons of all time.
[URL=]Koopa Force[/URL]
A hypothetical movie trailer for an animatied Super Mario Brothers movie; really nice animation and voice-acting, with music supplied by Mustin of OneUp Studios.
I think that about covers everything. Enjoy, or something.