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I can see how you would confuse Wurmple with Weedle. They are similar in the fact that they both start with Poison Sting. And they are both Worms. ;3
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Kitsune wrote:
I can see how you would confuse Wurmple with Weedle. They are similar in the fact that they both start with Poison Sting. And they are both Worms. ;3
Not to mention their names are similar and they both have Stage 1 evolutions that are cocoons.
Why, oh, why do I even <i>try</i> to understand my own species?
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N. Harmonik wrote: Not to mention their names are similar and they both have Stage 1 evolutions that are cocoons. Yes, that as well. :3 Plus they are both poison types I believe. And oh so adorable.
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This is creepy. Oh, and their final evos are after noon to night predators, weird.
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I never really trained a Wurmple to it's final Evolution. Beedrill are good. Although they don't get any decent attacks for a while...Playing on my actual GBA, I have a Level 16 Beedrill, and it's only worth while attacks are Fury Attack and Poison Sting. While my Butterfree has Confusion, Stun Spore, Tackle and Poison Powder. The only Bug Type that would probably be any use for a Speed Run, would be that Ninja Bug. It's gets a speed increase after every round in it's final evolved form. And if it's attack is any good, it could be one of the fastest TASes ever.
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Kitsune wrote:
N. Harmonik wrote: Not to mention their names are similar and they both have Stage 1 evolutions that are cocoons. Yes, that as well. :3 Plus they are both poison types I believe. And oh so adorable.
Actually, Wumple's just a Bug Type. It becomes part Poison Type though if it evolves into Cascoon.
Why, oh, why do I even <i>try</i> to understand my own species?
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Ah, alright. I just remembered, Nincada is the Pokémon I'm refering to above. Ninjask is the one that increases it's speed. ;3
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The speed increasing would just take more message box time, because it's already the second fastest pokemon in the game by a large margin, and has no danger of being outsped.
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Ninjask has almost as much attack power as speed. Given enough time to power up Fury Cutter it could rip through anything. But that's all irrelevant as Nincada/Ninjask can't be caught in this game. Nor can it even be used until after the E4.
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Here's a small tip on the offshoot that you didn't know about it - you can skip the item animations with a button press.
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What a waste of a page...
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Let's see how different a FireRed/LeafGreen run would be compared to the originals... Ways the run would be faster: You get the Running Shoes after you defeat Brock and, even after you acquire the Bicycle, they'll still come in handy, as you can use them in places no bike can go, like Silph Co. and the Pokémon Mansion. You give Tea that you receive from a lady on the first floor of the Celadon Mansion to the thirsty guard instead of Fresh Water, Soda Pop or Lemonade you buy on the roof of the Celadon Department Store. More text fits onscreen at a time. Ways the run would be slower: I really don't think the Poké Doll will work this time with the ghost of Marowak, which means you'll have to go kick Team Rocket's butts at the Game Corner. No glitches that give you super-powerful Pokémon this time.
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Leaf Green Catch List ver. 3 *see page 3*
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That post actually kind of makes me want to start TASing again just so I can do this run. The problem is some of the main tricks used in the sapphire run are out of the way. Quick Claw is in the safari zone, I think, and Facade is on one of the islands, which means I can't get it. And here's the party then, if I follow that list. 1. Squirtle 2. Pidgey 3. Ratata 4. Pikachu 5. Butterfree 6. Beedrill Squirtle gets Surf, Raichu gets Strength and Rock Smash, Pidgey gets Fly, Rattata gets Cut, and I suppose Squirtle gets Waterfall too if it's needed. So what nature would be good for Squirtle? And is Leafgreen really that much better than Firered?
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c02y wrote:
You need room in your party to get Lapras, so don't bother talking to the guy in Silph Co. for one.
No, you don't. You did in the original Red and Blue versions but in the FireRed and LeafGreen versions, Lapras will automatically get sent to your PC.
Why, oh, why do I even <i>try</i> to understand my own species?
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N. Harmonik wrote:
No, you don't. You did in the original Red and Blue versions but in the FireRed and LeafGreen versions, Lapras will automatically get sent to your PC.
Oh really? Awesome, then you'd get Lapras instead of Eevee. It'll be faster since the guy who gives you Lapras isn't out of the way like Eevee is.
kirbymuncher wrote:
So what nature would be good for Squirtle? And is Leafgreen really that much better than Firered?
The best would be a female Bold Squirtle. Bold is +Def/-Att and female to avoid attract attack's from Lorelei's Jynx. Also, I say Leaf Green is better because Magmar is in Cinnabar Mansion, so there's more Pokemon to catch without having to go out of your way and having to evolve Pokemon. I UPDATED THE LIST-- - Catch Meowth at Route 8 so you don't have to jump over the rocks into the grass on Route 5. - Weezing isn't in Cinnabar Mansion in LG!! Sorry!! - Evolve both Metapod and Kakuna ANOTHER EDIT! You can use rain dance+torrent to boost squirtle/wartortle/blastoise's water attacks, so it's kind of like a facade attack.
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Just a warning. The RNG for wild encounters is based on step. So it may not be possible to avoid encounters before getting Repel (even if it is possible to change this based on the previous battle).
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Well, you could try to manipulate it so all the random encounters are ones where you catch the pokemon appearing. Also, about Nature, Bold doesn't seem like the best choice. It would probably be better to get something with +Special Attack. I recommend mild or rash, because they lower a defense stat, and that could be useful for Torrent. Rain Dance, however, would be slow, because it uses a move and each turn has the "it's raining heavily" message.
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I'm arguing with someone on SDA is what's faster: Catching pokemon or evolving them with stones. I say catching because you can avoid pokemon centers and buying stones. He did bring up one thing though! You have to do the Island 3 quest where you have to go looking for Lostelle before you go looking for the ruby and sapphires for the scientist dude. If you do that after you beat Blaine, you can save yourself an extra trip to Cinnabar after the the first round of the E4. Plus, you can pick up extra pokemon, so you won't have to buy a thunderstone for Pikachu. You can go back to the Islands after the Elite 4 through the boat in Vermilion, it's probably faster to bike to the port and just say "Go to Island 1"
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So what pokemon can be caught on island three? Any major list edits, or is it mostly just pokemon you've already seen on the mainland?
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There's a Hypno you have to fight on Island 3, so catch that instead of evolving Pikachu.
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List updated Oct. 16, 2008. Scroll down to view.
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c02y wrote:
If you run into a rare pokemon not on the list , be my guest and try to catch it.
Unless I am missing something... That statement suggests that this route is for SDA. TAS's can catch rare pokes just as easily as common ones. Luck is somewhat irrelevant here.
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I know, but this route can be used for both here and SDA. For TAS, you'd just make small little tweaks, like instead of getting eevee, you get Tauros, or something like that. But still, since the encounter rate is based on steps like FF said, you want to catch some pokemon, then repel since I don't think you can manipulate WHEN a pokemon pops up. I'll tweak the list for this site though. ::EDIT:: The list is now TAS friendly and updated
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No worries, I haven't quite started yet. In the next 4 days of school, I've got 3 projects due and a test, so I don't have that much spare time. Here's some questions: Mega Punch, Mega Kick, both, or neither? Do you think a lucky egg on chansey would be helpful? And would picking up the quick claw in the safari zone help or will I already be overlevelled enough?
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