• Aims for fastest time
  • Abuses programming errors
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Manipulates luck
Video Plugin: Jabo's Direct3D8 1.6 Sound Plugin: Jabo's DirectSound 1.6 Input Plugin: TAS Input Plugin 0.6 RSP: RSP emulation Plugin
Together, AKA and Swordless Link worked in an attempt to beat Super Mario 64 in the lowest possible time, through several new opimisations as well as an entirely new route for one part of the game. They managed to finish the game in a mere time of 15 minutes and 8 seconds.
The new route saved about 6 seconds. It consists of avoiding Bob-omb Battlefield completely, and instead getting a third star from Hazy Maze Cave and Lethal Lava Land. The stars we chose were "Swimming Beast in the Cavern" for HMC (AKA's idea) and "Hot Foot it into the Volcano" for LLL (Swordless Link's idea). These stars seemed to be the fastest alternatives to BoB.
The never-before seen optimisations in this run contributed greatly to reaching the improved time. The optimisations may seem to be little things, like a dive in place of a long jump, or a cleverly executed wall kick, but overall they saved the rest of the time that wasn't saved through the new route.

AKA's comments

When I first saw the currently published run, I thought the movie was near perfect and could only be improved by 1 or 2 seconds, I had no interest in doing another run, mainly becuase it would visually look very simalar. However, when I saw a unique glitch in HMC being performed, I suddenly thought it might possible to grab the star and sure enough, with brief testing, it was, and it also worked out to be faster than the current slowest star. I was making minor improvements until by chance I stumbled across Swordlesss Link's WIP, which showed quite a lot of neat stategies I wasn't aware of. It had many improvements I didn't think were possible, although there were some bits where I was faster or I thought could be improved a little further, I proposed to him that we should work on it together and we also had a complete rethink on the all the strategies and lines of thinking at pratically every part in the game, some of the new strategies saved a very surprising amount of time. It was also shrewdly calculated that another star over the Chain Chomp star was faster to obtain when all the time diversions were calculated. In terms of work put in, it was near enough 50/50, a lot of time the person whose playing changes 6-7 times in a very short period of time, so no one was assigned specific sections to do. It should also be strongly noted that the real re-record rate is significantly higher than whats stated my estimate is probally over double what's stated.

Swordless Link's comments

I had been working on a TAS of this game in secret, and one day contacted AKA for help with editing a m64 for another run. It was at this time that he informed me that he had also been working in secret on a new SM64 TAS. We decided to show each other what we had so far, and discovered that there were parts where he had done better than I had, and parts where I had done better than he had. Granted, neither of us were that far into the game, but we decided at that point that the best solution would be to co-author the run, so that's exactly what we did. AKA suggested going to HMC for a third star, instead of the Island star in BoB. I then suggested getting a third star from LLL to eliminate any need for BoB, and AKA timed this to find that it was considerably quicker than the old route. Most of the time saved over the previous run, however, comes from our optimisations, and little things we discovered along the way. For example, I found that you could grab the third Bowser while he was in the air, which saved a reasonable amount of frames. Although this altered his final position, which placed us not quite under the star, the amount of frames gained by it outweighed the few frames lost by it. Another new strat we used was when backwards long jumping on the 50 star door stairs, I came up with the idea of long jumping onto them first. AKA then came up with the idea of getting Mario inside the next set of stairs to save time. Both of these combined saved a lot of time in that part of the game. We achieved a time of 15:08, after hoping initially to beat the current run by around 3 seconds.

People we want to thank

Mukki - For discovering the glitch we used in HMC.
Rikku - For your previous runs which served as a fantastic guide for most of this run.

DeHackEd: AVI under way

Joined: 9/7/2006
Posts: 81
Location: Luxemburg
Holy Shit. That was awesome. Voting YES.
I don't need a Signature
Skilled player (1820)
Joined: 4/20/2005
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Location: Norrköping, Sweden
Wow, really great improvement. This should get a star in my opinion. Yes vote here.
Skilled player (1097)
Joined: 8/26/2006
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Location: United Kingdom
Excellent. When I saw the submission I had a pretty good idea of what it would look like, and I was mostly correct, but there was so much here that surprised me which was great (I never expected 'hot-foot it into the volcano'). Having seen this I don't think sub-15 is possible, although it will still be a while before perfection is a reality. Voting Yes with great pleasure :)
Former player
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Perhaps red hot log rolling is a better choice than hot foot it into the volcano, from what I've tested this method, combined with this one (both are very unoptimized) can probably be a second faster, with full optimization. edit: not that I'm asking you to redo the run or anything, just to keep it in a list of improvements for v4.
Borg Collective wrote:
Negotiation is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
Active player (436)
Joined: 4/21/2004
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Very nice comeback AKA and congratulations on your first (?) submission Swordless Link. Voted yes.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Active player (498)
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Posts: 682
Thanks everyone so far. And laughing_gas, I don't think it's faster. I'm just visualising it now, and the fact that you need to go around the fence seeems enough to cause it to be slower, even when optimised...
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Swordless Link wrote:
Thanks everyone so far. And laughing_gas, I don't think it's faster. I'm just visualising it now, and the fact that you need to go around the fence seeems enough to cause it to be slower, even when optimised...
I timed it in Mupen and it was only 30 frames slower than hot-foot-it-into-the-volcano as shown in the tas. With optimization it can definitely become faster than the current method. Also, is it possible to use one of the two signposts in the beginning of LLL to BLJ in a style similar to this, perhaps gaining enough speed to bypass the fence?
Borg Collective wrote:
Negotiation is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You will be assimilated.
Joined: 3/15/2007
Posts: 131
An amazing improvement to an already amazing run. Great job.
Player (181)
Joined: 10/20/2006
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VOTE=VERY YES! I've thought before that the 15-minute mark might be beaten someday when we have quantum computers. But seeing the amazing moves in this has convinced me that actual TASers, not computers, will be able to break 15. I figured there might be a couple seconds somewhere for humans, but nothing like this. VVVVgj (VERY VERY VERY VERY good job).
Joined: 4/17/2004
Posts: 275
I laughed and went "wtf?!" That's good enough for me. Yes for enjoyment, yes for publication.
Joined: 11/15/2004
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Very nice. I wasn't expecting this. The camera work was great throughout. The entire Bowser 3 stage is incredible. Mario gets embedded in slopes in more locations, and the long jumping along the edge of the platforms in the moving platform section is awesome. The Bowser fight was incredible! It looked like you grabbed Bowser's tail while he was still in the air! Voting Yes due to all-around awesomeness. The only question I had was about Lil Penguin Lost, where you fell instead of sliding down the wall like Rikku does in his 120 star WIP.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
Banned User
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Me and SL did many various forms of testing on the penguin star and the one we used was the fastest. The dive on the penuin is a good deal slower as well.
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Just wow...awesome job guys! Yes vote!
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I really like what I see :) I have to wonder if there was anyway to toss bowser that third time so you can talk to him under where the star bounces. It might be worth it to hit another bomb or try throwing him lower down?
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Active player (498)
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Posts: 682
Well, we tried that. The bomb that you'd usually hit was the one that got him furthest away from the star, and the bomb that we didn't hit which isn't that, ended up only costing time. What we did was the fastest available, and the only way I can see around it is perhaps catching him at a later point while he's in the air. =/
Joined: 2/16/2005
Posts: 462
OK. There is variability though on how hard you throw him and the distance he recoils from the explosion (at least i think so) Did you play around any with that? Maybe you can throw him lighter so he doesnt bounce as far away?
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Active player (498)
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Posts: 682
Yeah, we tried everything...I shall experiement more with this battle in the future, just to double check...
Joined: 9/5/2006
Posts: 61
Wow, this run is really great. Despite Rikku's crazy optimized runs, it's the first that makes me really feel that Mario's normal movement (not just the glitches) was truly superhuman. Especially liked: creative lag avoidance (as well as stellar camera work in general), Bowser fights + levels (especially #3), the new LLL and HMC strategies, and overall the high level of precision and entertainment that I really love about SM64. Recommendation: star.
Joined: 8/27/2006
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Is it possible to have an AVI version of the run ? I can't watch it for the moment.
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Swordless Link wrote:
Yeah, we tried everything...I shall experiement more with this battle in the future, just to double check...
In that case great job! :)
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I didn't know ninjas were that damn noisy. WOOOHOOOOOO!!! (Yes vote.)
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
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Sorry to ask suck a newbie question. Please explain to me. It is a really good run, but I dont understand. Why skip the star at the bunny and then do a whole new stage for the last one, isnt faster to take that and go directly to Bowser?
Wheeeehaaa.. Yaaayy..
Editor, Expert player (2171)
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To unlock the second Bowser lvl you need to take the submarine star. So far no one has figured out a way to get in there without taking the star.
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Ah, okey. Thanks Tompa for clearing things up for me :) You have my yes vote :)
Wheeeehaaa.. Yaaayy..
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This is an awesome run, and a very impressive improvement. Very much a yes vote.
They're off to find the hero of the day...