Post subject: Any Nightwish fans?
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This band completely owns my soul. Our Finnish members here will likely know what I'm talking about, everyone else should just freaking RUN and download something from them. Try "End of All Hope", "Slaying the Dreamer", or "Moondance" for starters. -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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What language?
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Even though IIRC all of the band members are Finnish, all of their songs are in English. Their accents (the lead singer is female, there are occasional male voices as well) can be tough to understand at times, so you'll likely want to check lyrics often. Their official page is the best place to look. Let me just say this, if any of you enjoy Dracula Battle Perfect Selection or The Black Mages or anything like that, you will wet yourself with joy upon hearing this. -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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Haven't heard of any of those :/ What's a cd you reccomend?
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Oceanborn, their second album, is definitely the one I'd recommend for a newcomer. Their music is best described as symphonic metal...Tarja (said female lead singer) has an INCREDIBLE voice. -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
Player (68)
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I gave it a listen and I like it, thanks. Too bad their mp3 downloads suck (only a part of the songs can be downloaded). :(
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I had no problem downloading a full cd by them >_> Well actually, its in progress now
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I mean legally, duh. :)
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Theatre of Tragedy is better in my opinion.
/Walker Boh
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I have all Nightwish albums :) I didn't like the 'Once' album as much as Oceanborn for example. Holopainen kinda took it too far, sounds like he is 'being artistic just for the sake of being artistic'. It grows on me though, but generally I hope they don't follow the footsteps of Rhapsody and other similar 'epic' bands. Rhapsody is just ridicilous.
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As I've understood these guys are somewhat like Blind Guardian, and BG is great! I might try to dl some tracks. While recommending these kind of bands, try Galadriel (, they play melodic doom metal in about the same style as BG plays their speed epic. Galadriel even made a cover of BG's Bard's song - The hobbit.
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Yeah, I was about to say they sounded like Blind Guardian, which I love. Only with a female voice. And not as good :/ Well, the girl is good, but the guy(s?) is crap
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I never liked Blind Guardian for some reason.
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Perhaps you guys should try some real music like Cannibal corpse, Dark funeral, Sorhin, Immortal, Iniquity, Envilent? Sure.. I like Nightwish allso.. But it becomes a bit too much. I've seen them live once as well. Pretty good live. Nothing like Cannibal corpse live though. That was pretty kewl.
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Hm...I'll look into what Grillo and Highness recommended, though I'm not really into metal so much as rock.
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Bob: Download the song The end of eternity by Galadriel, it's really beautiful actually! I never thought doom metal could be beautiful... The Slovakian accents of the singers make it even better.
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Well, I didn't look that hard, but I couldn't find anything by Galadrial
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In Flames, LockUp, Testament, SoulFly, Sentenced. Nightwish isn't the only music I like :)
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Bob Whoops wrote:
Well, I didn't look that hard, but I couldn't find anything by Galadrial as I said :)
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> MP3 and Videos < Download temporary disabled !!! Don't worry as this section will be back at the end of October. :/ Anyway, I assume they only let you download single songs or clips, and I HATE doing that. I only get entire cds.
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I got some Cannibal Corpse and Dark Funeral. That's the type of metal I don't like. Everything is good...except the singing. In Dark Funeral, I can't even understand what the guy is saying, and in Cannobal Corpse, he sounds like crap. Back to Deep Purple.
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Bob Whoops wrote:
> MP3 and Videos < Download temporary disabled !!! Don't worry as this section will be back at the end of October. :/ Anyway, I assume they only let you download single songs or clips, and I HATE doing that. I only get entire cds.
I noticed that now... I dl'd the songs just some days ago, and I haven't checked back since. There were two songs from each album they've released (totally 10 songs) to download, and the songs from their 2 last albums were really great. In any case, there is no possibility to download their entire albums, not legally nor illegaly. I've bought their two latest albums, but I thought I could as well download them until they got here, but I couldn't find the albums anywhere on several p2p programs.
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Oh Bob! Maby you got some really bad songs with them? Cannibal corpse - Severe head stoning (Can be found on the Wretched spawn CD which is the latest). For Dark Funeral. Download the live album. It's the best. And you can hear what he is singing there. :) Dark Funeral - De Profundis Clamavi Ad Te Domine The other live CD is very good as well with them in Colombia. Some of my Dark funeral favorit songs are as follows: Apprentice to satan The Dawn no more rises Hail murder The arrival of satans empire. For Immortal you should go for the Sons of Northern darkness cd. Very good indeed. Not fully as demonish as Dark funeral. Not not as grindy as Cannibal corpse. Check it out. :)
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Perhaps I could like Dark Funeral, but not Cannibal Corpse. The singing was just crap in that. :/ And I couldn't find cds from any of the other groups you mentioned.
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Nightwish is some of the finest music I've ever heard. A top-notch Finnish band, one blatantly worshipped by many American bands, such as Evanescence. My favorite song of theirs is "The Pharaoh Sails To Orion."
Hoo ha.