Hey, does anyone here know of a program where I can plan my tetrises?
I have all of the pieces planned out, but I need to plan carefully if I want to get a full tetris every time in Nintendo World Championships 1990.
New high score at normal 78.740.080 :D
It was going so good up to a certain point that I though I was gonna get higher than this, too bad that didn't work out.
Edit: New improvement, score is now 84.637.184 (same link)
I finally did it!!! High score is now above 100.000.000
Check here for the replay.
I had a lot of trouble at this game, so I wasn't able to make that much tetrisses, and the time taken is also a little longer because of it (compared to my 93 million score). Because of this, I completed nearly 40 more lines than previously, reaching nearly level 150 :D
New death mode highscore (do note that I had several improvements to the previous time I posted about a death mode highscore, but I think this one is worth mentioning): 19.723.988
This new high score will also include a tetris which completely consists of red blocks.
Replay can be found here.
I just discovered this Tetris game today (thanks to DK64MASTER). I'll sure never break the top 50, but I'm going to have a lot of fun with this.
I am not a Tetris expert or Tetris master, but in my opinion the closer the tetrads get to totally random the better. IMHO, if you knew for a fact that you were going to get a red line piece as one of your next 13 pieces, that would take a lot of the fun out of going for tetrises.
edit: Does anyone know of any videos that are not near the top of the scoreboard that would be a good watch? I'd be interested to see them.
edit: Does anyone know of any videos that are not near the top of the scoreboard that would be a good watch? I'd be interested to see them.
I have been trying to get 2 red tetrisses in a single movie at death mode for a long time now. It's very difficult, especially since it requires 2 red blocks at the start. Since there are 7 different blocks, this happens only 1/49 times. Getting a T or an S block after it also messes it up, so you only get a chance every 70 times you play statistically. Then, if you are 'allowed' to give it a try, most of the time you are dead really fast. I came very close to making it several times, but never got it. :(
Here is the attempt I just did, which comes very close. I think it fits your criteria pretty well (not near the top of the scoreboard, but good to watch).
The skill and speed necessary to play that way ... just wow. Anybody that can survive two minutes in Death Mode is WAY beyond me.
After watching your videos to learn how, I got myself an all-red Tetris in normal (not death) mode, but I bet anybody can do that.
As someone who can't play tetris to save his life, I really enjoy watching Baxter's videos. I'm seriously very impressed.
Good luck with the double red tetris.
Here is the attempt I just did, which comes very close. I think it fits your criteria pretty well (not near the top of the scoreboard, but good to watch).
Holy damn, that is insane! "Not near the top of the scoreboard," my ass, you completely oblitherated my high score on death mode. COMPLETELY.
Very awesome baxter!
It appears that the TC'ers have caught on to this one.
Good luck defending, Baxter. =P
I wouldn't mind being beaten. The more people play it, the better. No doubt they have the skill to beat me, but they will need to actually play the game. It kinda reminds me of what DK64_MASTER wrote a long time ago:
DK64_MASTER wrote:
HOLY CRAP, we have RZ Stephen on the list. That guys QUADRA (Tetris with pieces that fall) is the best in the world. Quadra can be found here:
I urge you to download it, and view his crazy replay. I bet he'll be in the top spot soon enough :)
Here's my first two-all-red-Tetris game, but of course it's just in normal mode.
One all-red Tetris in death mode would obviously be a lot more impressive than two in normal mode. I can see that one in death mode would take a huge amount of strategy (and speed of course :P )
Finally, I got 2 red tetrisses at death mode!
Here is the movie.
Movie doesn't look as impressive as it could have been, since I was pretty lucky... and actually made the second red tetris only 1 minute and 40 seconds after the game started. Didn't really know if I should have played on after the second red tetris. I decided to do so, but nothing real good came out of it. Final score was a little over 2 million.
I told some other TCers about this one when it first came out. There was little interest because of its lack of wallkicks. They sort of streamline 20G. I also showed RZ Stephen, but that was because I was talking to him on Cultris one day, and he wanted me to show him what 20G was like.
Personally, I don't believe you'll find many speed-stackers since the game's a little slow.
No offense, I think it's great that there's something like this browser-based and with replays.
Man Baxter, I saw your recent replay on Normal Mode with the 142000000+ score, it's really unbelieveable how awesome your Tetris skills are! This is so fast and precise that it's hard to imagine how a human can have such fast reflexes in every situation in realtime. Other than that you seem to just have a huge experience in this game and a extremely good intuition to know immediately where to optimaly place each brick.
Good job. I'm highly impressed.