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Player (121)
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Dear Fabian, What kind of food do you like to eat? What kind of food do you actually eat? Also, do you enjoy caffeine as much as I do (that's a lot)? -Bummed I Can't Call You Fabby in America
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
Active player (411)
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Fabian wrote:
Super Mario World, Super Demo World, Super Metroid (and some of its hacks), Sonic 1, 2 and 3, Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, SMB 3. If it's not one of those games I'm probably not watching it, so either pick one of them or pick whatever :)
Will you make an exception with SMB2?
Fabian wrote:
I do think banning people is generally a good choice to make a community start sucking less. I don't think there's much point in saying what my thoughts on possible bannings in this community are. Not looking for flamefests in this thread, I want to avoid that stuff.
If you want, you can pm.
Player (201)
Joined: 7/6/2004
Posts: 511
mr_roberts_z wrote:
5. Why is this page stretched for no noticable reason?
Sorry to hijack Fabian, but the answer is because earlier someone posted the super long link http://www.bra.se/extra/measurepoint/?module_instance=4&name=ENGS UMMARY.pdf&url=/dynamaster/file_archive/051214/60257a9f34f07207c56 544c72654e44b/ENGSUMMARY.pdf PS thanks for your advice Fabian. Edit: oops its on page 7 now, better split that link so this page isn't stretched too.
g,o,p,i=1e4,a[10001];main(x){for(;p?g=g/x*p+a[p]*i+2*!o: 53^(printf("%.4d",o+g/i),p=i,o=g%i);a[p--]=g%x)x=p*2-1;}
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Warp wrote:
Fabian wrote:
Warp wrote:
I'm 33, a hopeless computer nerd, and single. What should I do?
Are you seriously unhappy and looking to change? Because there's a ton of stuff you could try, small changes and big changes. Let me know, maybe tell me a bit more about yourself.
Well, I'm middle-aged and I watch people playing NES games. I think that's quite telling. 90% of my social life happens through the internet. 9% of the IRL socializing happens with two friends. Not a chick in sight, though. Sometimes I feel like there could be more to life than this. It's usually married people who go through mid-life crisis. I suppose singles do too, although differently.
I think forcing yourself to change in this situation is really really tough to be honest. Trouble is, while it's all generally kinda sucky because you never meet any women and have almost no friends, on a day to day basis it's kinda alright, right? What I mean is, the feeling of emptiness isn't THAT unbearable during a given day, because you have stuff to kinda occupy your time with, even if they're things you don't really want, long term. I'm making this guess because that's exactly my situation 6 months ago so I can definitely see what you're going through. Either you need some pretty serious willpower, or you need your life to get even worse so you're basically forced to change. Hopefully it's the former, basically you need an attitude change and have to acknowledge that you must make some pretty drastic changes to get things to turn around for you. Step one is to meet people. I'm not sure where you live, hopefully in an area where there are singles bars for people your age group, that would be one good option. Picking up a hobby is a good idea too, I bet yoga is a solid choice. Going to the gym is another good one. This should be a good idea anyway to make yourself look more presentable (I'm obviously making generalizations here since I don't know you at all) so that one is awesome. That's really the important thing. If you meet people and start talking to people (this can be tough too though, especially if you're really socially awkward or something. I don't know if people are still socially awkward in their 30s, I can elaborate on this or something else if needed, let me know), eventually you'll find yourself with a much larger social network. Once you've accomplished this you're almost all the way there and I'm sure you'll be fine, it's the initial steps to change which are tough. To sum up. Make yourself look presentable. Start losing weight if you need to. Start working out if you need to. Don't look like a hobo (nice clothes, nice hair, nice nails), women pay attention to this. I think one thing you will have to pay extra attention to is your personality. You come off pretty bitter (no need to get defensive, I do this too) and grumpy some of the time. You don't have to explain to women you meet why they're wrong about subject X. It doesn't matter, let it go. What you have to do is fake being somewhat upbeat, interesting and CONFIDENT!!! Confident is such a keyword I should just write it sixty times here. Looking good will help with getting the ladies but as long as you're confident you'll be fine once you start talking to them. There are some good books about picking up chicks or making yourself look attractive to women. I think that might help, let me know if you want some recommendations. Again, not everything here will apply to you, I don't know you. Don't get offended if I said something about your personality that's not true or if I told you stuff you think is really obvious. And let me know if you want clarifications on anything. Good luck man.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Tub wrote:
Dear Fabian, what do you tell a woman when she asks you if she's too fat? Sincerely yours, Tub
I'm never asked this because I'm useless with women. Ouch. If someone I wanted to have sex with asked me this I'd look them up and down and tell her "that's just stupid stop fishing for attention" and throw in a little smile after a second. If a friend (who am I kidding, I want to have sex with all my female friends) asked me, I'd say "that's just stupid you look great, stop being so insecure" without a creepy look or smile. Edit: I should add, "that's just stupid stop fishing for attention (or compliments)" is what you should answer regardless of whether the chick is a fattie or not, doesn't matter.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Dear Fabian, What kind of music do you listen to? Do you watch sports? If so which sports? What other languages do you speak? Sincerely, Deign Edited to delete a repeat question.
I'm sciencing as fast as I can ! ______________________________________ <adelikat> once more balls enter the picture, everything gets a lot more entertraining <adelikat> mmmmm yummy penises
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alden wrote:
Dear Fabian, What kind of food do you like to eat? What kind of food do you actually eat? Also, do you enjoy caffeine as much as I do (that's a lot)? -Bummed I Can't Call You Fabby in America
I like to eat meat. Great steaks are fantastic for example. In everyday life, it needs to be easy enough to make/cook/buy because I'm not a good cook (though I'd like to become better) while still tasting alright and be reasonably healthy. This is a pretty tough combo to come by for someone as uncreative as myself, so really I have like 5 or 6 standard dishes I alternate between and rarely eat anything else. I do enjoy caffeine as much as you do. I'm pretty confident I enjoy it more actually. Coca cola is the reason I used to be a fattie. Since age 13ish, I've easily averaged 2.5-3L a day. Might be more than that to be honest. I cut back to two cans (0.66L) a day in January when I decided I was tired of myself (see my response to Warp just now, a lot of that applied to me). It's sometimes tough to get by without it, but I try reasonably hard. I've lost lots of weight because of it, which is a great motivator. If we meet in America, I will give you permission to call me Fabby.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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are you soft or hard ? what kind of eyes do you like ? do you like spaceboys ? do you like to dream about birds ? do you like me ? do you like random things ? - Shinryuu
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Phil wrote:
Fabian wrote:
Super Mario World, Super Demo World, Super Metroid (and some of its hacks), Sonic 1, 2 and 3, Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, SMB 3. If it's not one of those games I'm probably not watching it, so either pick one of them or pick whatever :)
Will you make an exception with SMB2?
Fabian wrote:
I do think banning people is generally a good choice to make a community start sucking less. I don't think there's much point in saying what my thoughts on possible bannings in this community are. Not looking for flamefests in this thread, I want to avoid that stuff.
If you want, you can pm.
Yeah I guess I would watch it if you made a new short SMB2 run. Probably just once and when it had been published though. But sure :)
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Deign wrote:
Dear Fabian, What kind of music do you listen to? Do you watch sports? If so which sports? What other languages do you speak? Sincerely, Deign Edited to delete a repeat question.
My favorite artists are Elton John, Simon & Garfunkel and The Beatles. In general I guess it's acoustic'ish rock or something. I think Elton John is especially awesome because I play the piano and I think his piano playing is awesome. Simon & Garfunkel are just overall sick good, same goes for The Beatles. Actually I think a lot of people who have never listened to Elton John would enjoy a lot or at least some of his music. Let me know if you want recommendations :) I don't have a TV, and so I almost never watch sports. I used to when I was younger though, especially soccer I guess. Also enjoy(ed) watching hockey, table tennis (this one is extra awesome but is not on TV a lot) and the occasional 2 week straight TV marathon that is the Olympics. I speak Swedish (native language) and I speak English reasonably well. Apart from that, nothing. I took some French and Spanish in school but it didn't stick. I guess I understand Norwegian and Danish since they're so close to Swedish but that doesn't really count.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Shinryuu wrote:
are you soft or hard ? what kind of eyes do you like ? do you like spaceboys ? do you like to dream about birds ? do you like me ? do you like random things ? - Shinryuu
Soft definitely. Too soft. Blue and happy looking. Don't know what spaceboys is. I don't like dreaming about birds. I feel neutral/indifferent towards you. I don't know you at all. I guess I like some weird things, if that's what you mean by random. Nothing really springs to mind at the moment though.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
Post subject: edit: forgot a question
Player (35)
Joined: 12/18/2005
Posts: 250
Dear Fabian, Why am I so slow at TASing? Is there any methods you use to TAS that could help me TAS better? I don't want Star Fox 64 to be done in 2014.. Also, on an awesome scale with 10 being you and 1 being gannon/rock-banned, what am I? :D Thanks~
Player (121)
Joined: 2/11/2007
Posts: 1522
Dear Fabian, Do they have Dear Abby in Sweden? -Curious in Lalaland (almost)
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
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Fabian wrote:
If we meet in America, I will give you permission to call me Fabby.
It reminds me of some discussions I got involved. For you, what is America, a country or the continent? And why? Do you like me? Do you think I should create a "Ask Phil" thread? What kind of person do you think I am. If possible i want you to describe me.
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Fabian wrote:
I think forcing yourself to change in this situation is really really tough to be honest. Trouble is, while it's all generally kinda sucky because you never meet any women and have almost no friends, on a day to day basis it's kinda alright, right? What I mean is, the feeling of emptiness isn't THAT unbearable during a given day, because you have stuff to kinda occupy your time with, even if they're things you don't really want, long term.
Can you read minds? Or is my life really *that* obvious?
To sum up. Make yourself look presentable. Start losing weight if you need to. Start working out if you need to. Don't look like a hobo (nice clothes, nice hair, nice nails), women pay attention to this.
That's one thing I hate about women. They always claim that they want men to be themselves, even though they mean the exact opposite. They *don't* want men to be themselves, but they want them to suit up and act to please the woman. That seems to be the difference between a woman and a true friend. The latter doesn't care what you look like, what you wear or if your hair is ok. The friendship will not be in any way diminished by shallow mundane things like those. A true friend accepts you as you are and doesn't expect you to change nor to perform for them. A true friend doesn't need nor want you to act all posh and formal and good-mannered with them. In fact, if you did that it would be more awkward than anything else. Why must women be so shallow?
I think one thing you will have to pay extra attention to is your personality. You come off pretty bitter (no need to get defensive, I do this too) and grumpy some of the time.
I only act like a jerk online. IRL I'm pretty quiet and seldom express my opinion on anything, and even when I do it's only if people are willing to listen.[/i]
Post subject: Re: edit: forgot a question
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Vidar wrote:
Dear Fabian, Why am I so slow at TASing? Is there any methods you use to TAS that could help me TAS better? I don't want Star Fox 64 to be done in 2014.. Also, on an awesome scale with 10 being you and 1 being gannon/rock-banned, what am I? :D Thanks~
You're asking me how to become a more effective TASer? hahahahahahahhahahahahaha :) Seriously though I think you just have to enjoy it enough to actually want to spend time on it. Back when I was really enthusiastic about SMW I'd start working on this particularly tricky section and it's just challenging and fun, you don't want to stop you want to keep going and find better/better looking solutions, you know? When you feel like that it's easy, time will fly by and you'll see some very sweet progress to. Once that feeling goes away I think it's pretty much over though. Even though you force yourself to work on something (and why would you?) when you don't feel like it the result is going to tend to be worse, because you won't put all of your energy to make it the best you possibly can. TASing under these circumstances just kinda such, because you won't enjoy the process and you won't enjoy the results. I have no specific tips on how to keep your enthusiasm I'm afraid. Not sure it can really be taught/forced. Placing people on awesome scales when you don't know them is pretty tough. Basically you can often tell how awesome they are minimum, but you don't know the upper limit until you get to know them better. For example, I can tell you that Joe is definitely a 5, he's no worse than that. I don't know yet if he's a 6 or if he's a super duper awesome 10 yet though. I like you, but you're a pretty private one and I can't really tell how awesome you are. You're at least a 7 and I'm guessing probably an 8.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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alden wrote:
Dear Fabian, Do they have Dear Abby in Sweden? -Curious in Lalaland (almost)
No not as far as I know. The closest thing I can think of is sex advice columns in teen girl magazines, which is.. not the same.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Phil wrote:
Fabian wrote:
If we meet in America, I will give you permission to call me Fabby.
It reminds me of some discussions I got involved. For you, what is America, a country or the continent? And why? Do you like me? Do you think I should create a "Ask Phil" thread? What kind of person do you think I am. If possible i want you to describe me.
America (North America) is Canada + US. Not including Mexico+etc. See here's the thing Phil. A lot of the stuff you do is based on selfishness, and you're not very considerate of others. You go around calling people gay and homo, and I'm sure sometimes it's just a joke lost through the language barrier but I'm reasonably sure it's not even that sometimes. You are pretty close-minded, by that I mean you have trouble considering other people's viewpoints and you have a hard time accepting (or admitting) when you're wrong or being unreasonable. This is a lot of criticism and I'm sorry about that, but I'm sure if you made a more conscious effort you'd become a lot more likable. I don't think an Ask Phil thread would be a good idea for many of the reasons I didn't think an Ask Bisqwit thread would be either. That is, I don't see you as the type of person who likes giving straight and honest answers to questions, especially not when they are difficult. I think that's pretty important for something like this.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
Player (36)
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Dearest Fabian, Why is it, do you think, Phil asks you questions seemingly designed to illicit a negative response from you? Also, what's the strangest, most "Twilight Zone"-esque situation that you've ever found yourself in? Finally, I see myself as pretty forgettable and my lurking habits of late don't help, what do you think of me?
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
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Warp wrote:
Fabian wrote:
I think forcing yourself to change in this situation is really really tough to be honest. Trouble is, while it's all generally kinda sucky because you never meet any women and have almost no friends, on a day to day basis it's kinda alright, right? What I mean is, the feeling of emptiness isn't THAT unbearable during a given day, because you have stuff to kinda occupy your time with, even if they're things you don't really want, long term.
Can you read minds? Or is my life really *that* obvious?
To sum up. Make yourself look presentable. Start losing weight if you need to. Start working out if you need to. Don't look like a hobo (nice clothes, nice hair, nice nails), women pay attention to this.
That's one thing I hate about women. They always claim that they want men to be themselves, even though they mean the exact opposite. They *don't* want men to be themselves, but they want them to suit up and act to please the woman. That seems to be the difference between a woman and a true friend. The latter doesn't care what you look like, what you wear or if your hair is ok. The friendship will not be in any way diminished by shallow mundane things like those. A true friend accepts you as you are and doesn't expect you to change nor to perform for them. A true friend doesn't need nor want you to act all posh and formal and good-mannered with them. In fact, if you did that it would be more awkward than anything else. Why must women be so shallow?
I think one thing you will have to pay extra attention to is your personality. You come off pretty bitter (no need to get defensive, I do this too) and grumpy some of the time.
I only act like a jerk online. IRL I'm pretty quiet and seldom express my opinion on anything, and even when I do it's only if people are willing to listen.[/i]
I don't think we're very different you and I, in spirit. Here's the thing about women though. You need to grab their attention. I'm talking unknown women, picking women up if you will. You do this by making yourself look attractive. A lot of this is just basic behavioral psychology based on evolution. Once the bullshit phase of a relationship is over though, a lot of that shit goes away. Let's say after like two weeks. The problem is, you won't ever reach that stage if you don't make an effort to bagging the chicks in the first place. There's no easy way to get around this as far as I know, you just have to suck it up and act engaging and confident for the first couple dates. You get past the bullshitting reasonably quickly though. After that point, you will start developing solid friend-/relationships, generally speaking. I don't really think it's fair to call women shallow if it implies men are less shallow. Let's face it, we're all shallow. Who doesn't enjoy staring at some good looking boobies? After a week or two the boobies (or the awesome personality women want men to have) kinda stop mattering (at least mattering less), and you're heading towards a less shallow relationship hopefully. Edit: [23:20:03] <jimsfriend> Fabian, it might also be good to let warp know that failure doesn't mean he should give up, just that he should try again [23:20:12] <jimsfriend> if he is socially awkward he might take rejection a bit hard This is an extremely important point I completely forgot to mention. Doesn't matter much if you're socially awkward or not, still needs emphasizing. Hitting on chicks is a numbers game. If you don't get rejected 50 times it means you haven't tried enough. Learning to deal with this can be extremely tricky (I haven't mastered it yet so I don't talk to chicks I don't know, not having great results with this method), you just kind have to force yourself.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Dear Fabian, I did many timeattacks, I did encoded movies, uploaded .torrent at suprnova.org and some other sites, uploaded movies at internet archive.org, created some FAQs, edited some pages, published movies, active at the forum , the first to use x264 video codec which was revolutionary for this site and I did this all for this community. How can you say I am selfish when I did more than most guys for this community?
Fabian wrote:
That is, I don't see you as the type of person who likes giving straight and honest answers to questions, especially not when they are difficult.
The irony is that many people thinks I am direct and probably too much. Why are you saying the opposite?
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Dearest Fabian, Why is it, do you think, Phil asks you questions seemingly designed to illicit a negative response from you? Also, what's the strangest, most "Twilight Zone"-esque situation that you've ever found yourself in? Finally, I see myself as pretty forgettable and my lurking habits of late don't help, what do you think of me?
I think Phil likes to act provocative and stirring up some drama, and he can't do that if no one says anything negative. This is true for plenty of people of course, not just Phil. I'll have to think about your next question some more. What happens in Twilight Zone, not familiar with it? Yeah I have to be honest apart from recognizing your name and your avatar I don't have any idea who you are or if you're awesome/a douchebag, sorry.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
Player (36)
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Posts: 2624
Fabian wrote:
I'll have to think about your next question some more. What happens in Twilight Zone, not familiar with it?
Weird shit. Mostly it's a show that finds what you take for granted and then turns it on it's ear. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twilight_Zone
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
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Phil wrote:
Dear Fabian, I did many timeattacks, I did encoded movies, uploaded .torrent at suprnova.org and some other sites, uploaded movies at internet archive.org, created some FAQs, edited some pages, published movies, active at the forum , the first to use x264 video codec which was revolutionary for this site and I did this all for this community. How can you say I am selfish when I did more than most guys for this community?
Fabian wrote:
That is, I don't see you as the type of person who likes giving straight and honest answers to questions, especially not when they are difficult.
The irony is that many people thinks I am direct and probably too much. Why are you saying the opposite?
This is a pretty simple example of logical reasoning. You have done a great deal of things for tasvideos, and I'm sure most people are grateful for it. Just because you (not you specifically Phil, I'm talking you in a general sense) do lots of stuff for a community doesn't necessarily mean you have an unselfish personality. To clarify, you can't use your past actions to determine what kind of person you are. Your personality could be completely different. I'm sure you've done selfish things as well as unselfish things at some points in your life, as have we all. We can't tell based only on that what kind of person that makes us. I understand what you mean about a direct, confrontational personality Phil. I think it applies to you, like you say. However, I don't think it applies very well when you're up against the wall and someone's is telling you why you're wrong about something, or asking you a question you can't answer without looking bad. In those cases, I believe you will instead ignore the question, answer a different question or throw something else back to shift focus from the question to this other thing.
Zoey Ridin' High <Fabian_> I prett much never drunk
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Posts: 1522
Dear Fabian, My girlfriend just got back from Seattle and commented on how much people say douchebag there. We almost never hear it here in Santa Barbara. Is that a common Swedish thing too, or is it Internet? Or maybe you never use it at all normally... -Bored in Santa Barbara
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
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