Joined: 3/11/2004
Posts: 1058
Location: Reykjavík, Ísland
Just change that thread and call it "Post your crappy crap here!!!1" and be done with it. Then post everything there that doesn't have anything to do with reality.
Of the Smiley...
Its strongly claimed Today (September 19, 1982) was when the birth of the smiley took place. It was signified by 3 keystrokes i.e. :-) although its more commonly abreaviated to :)
It aparently came in a discussion about how to denote humour, it was only realised when people were told to look at it sideways. Since the bithe of the internet its now been greatly spread and there are many more variations.
:-) = smiling
:-( = sad
;-) = winking
:'-( = crying
:-V = shouting
>:-< =angry
<:-| = dunce
8-0 = OMG!
:-D = laughing
:-x - my lips are sealed
(:| = egghead
:*) Clowning around
\_/ = My glass is empty
b(-_-)d = Thumbs up
As stated many of them have been shortened by generally not including the dashes inbetween. There probally more, but thats about all I can think of. Also I propose that smileys should be enabled on the board from now on :)
Joined: 3/13/2004
Posts: 1118
Location: Kansai, JAPAN
Hi folks, just thought I'd let know that. Have a nice day!
...oh wait, perhaps I should explain?
I'm in Japan now, working in small-town elementary schools. While I have high-speed access at my home, I do find that using the Internet at work is a great way to kill time in-between classes. However, being that I work at elementary schools, there is an ever-present "i-Filter" in place which blocks access to a variety of sites. It's always courteous enough to give a reason though. For example, any sites that are likely time wasters (e-mail, blog, and streaming media) are blocked. Likewise, "adult sites" are out, for obvious reasons.
But there are oddities. For example, I can freely access Wikipedia in any language, but some articles are off-limits. It seems something about the Sylvester Stallone entry triggers the "adult site" warning (my only guess is that the article does address his early porno work).
Also, most forums that I can think of are unrestricted, which brings me to this site and the reason for this post. Recently I tried to visit TASVideos on a whim only to learn it was blocked. The reason?
i-Filter wrote:
For those of you who don't read Japanese, it says "Illegal software / Anti-social activities." Surely emulators are not illegal software, so it seems this community must be responsible for some egregious, malevolent behavior. Shape up, you hippies!
I'm gonna be making a YouTube video using the Game Genie code "AOSUZI" (For the PRG1 ROM of SMB3) that allows you to pull ice blocks out of the scenery, which in turn allows you to destroy backgrounds and dig through walls.
The problem however, is that on levels with lifts in them (Such as 1-4 and 1-6), the game crashes and freezes. I once had an eight-letter code that took care of this bug, but it's long gone.
So my question is, could someone convert "AOSUZI" from a six-letter code to an eight-letter code for me? I don't have the proper tools or knowledge to do this myself, and I'd be very appreciative of the help.
(And this can be locked once my help has arrived)
Thank you in advance!