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Just saying it's really boring to watch right now. Should have been a little more specific. And Moozooh. I will never truely stop posting. I only do it when I have something to say. I'm sure the Final TAS will be better once there are tricks used. :3
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Kitsune wrote:
I'm sure the Final TAS will be better once there are tricks used. :3
You do know that this is only the "pre-TAS" run, which is only intended to generate the SRAM needed to get All-Gold without doing each track 3 times in a row, right? You don't sound like you know that ... just for the heck of it, I'll explain once again. There will be a "pre-run" which will complete bronze and silver on all sets. Then, when that is done, the TAS will start from the SRAM generated from that "pre-run". The TAS will get Gold everywhere. My intention on this pre-run is not to entertain or to beat some records or use any tricks or whatever. My intention is only to beat bronze and silver. That's it. My intention on the TAS is to get the fastest time possible. Therefore, in the TAS, I will use as many tricks as necessary to do an OMFG-ish run. Hope that helps. Just to make sure this is clear ... this pre-run will NOT be part of the final TAS. The TAS will start from a savestate (and not from a reset that clears SRAM) and will only complete Gold on every track.
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No. I understood. Just saying, the final cut is bound to be near perfect, if not completely perfect. I didn't know you had to do each track a certain amount of times though. So I did miss some information. I'm Female enough to admit when I'm wrong. ;3
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Not sure if this bug is known about. This applies after completing bronze on a given tour. The way the designed had intended it, was that you can redo the bronze tour without getting a silver/gold medal. However, they seem to have forgotten to test for that. What you do after completing bronze on a tour, is then go into the tour, go all the way to the bottom, where it says silver, push A to select bronze. Now, go to the stunt course, and complete the "Silver" qualifying score. You will NOT qualify if you only meet the bronze score. After doing that, do the remaining races, and you end up with your silver medal, regardless of the fact that your racing bronsen, and can therefore apply minimalist tricks possible, and still win. Another thing, that is useful, is that the table top stunt, (which is MEGA #2) always gives 10-12 points most of the time. This one is therefore useful to incorporate into your huge jump stunts in the stunt based qualifiers, whenever possible. (Like Twister city, table top, or roll city, table top, or something of the like.)
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caitsith2 wrote:
[Explanation about the "easy play" glitch]
Thanks, but that isn't going to be used.
caitsith2 wrote:
[Facts about tabletops and other tricks in stunt courses
Thanks, but I already knew all of that.
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I'm on the verge of something big here. On the course loops of the second ciruit, I've come within 1 block of making it past the containment zipper at the very start. I think if you can make it past it you will be able to fall all the way to the end of the course or at least skip the first 2/3s of it. What did was jump after going down the first hill a little ways then do a TtFR3T, release right untill near the end of the track then hold right and jump. Then I did some fiddling around with how you want to land to skip the furthest ahead. having your head touch first and as far to the right is good. But I found something a little better, if you put your head down more like 60* instead of 10*, then go into a table top, then come out of the table top right as you land. There might be an ever better way to land to get further so I enourage people try on their own and maybe we'll find something. Another way to get further would be to have more speed. The speed address doesn't seem to accurately show your speed it's quite strage how it will jump from 200 to 30 all the time with no significant change. I need to know how boosts affect your speed. It seems like you don't start going faster untill the trick is displayed on screen and you build speed as is goes through all the tricks you did (Tt,.. F,.. R and so on). Will your peak speed be any higher if you do 4F instead of TtFRTZ or how is your peak speed determined? Is there any way to affect your speed in the air after you do a manual jump? The speed adress always varies in the air but I don't see why other than if it counts your Y-component too. Here's a pick of how close I got:
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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Please reduce the size of the image ... it makes the forum go too large and I have to scroll horizontally to read your post. Thank you. Peak speed is 640. The peak speed is always 640. It will not be higher, ever. You can't affect your speed while in the air, unless it's by slowing it down. Boost increases when the trick is displayed on screen, yes. The reason the boost-storing technique works is because the boost is not used when it is shown on screen because you're in the air when that happens.
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I say, PROGRESS! Thanks to Nitrodon, I now have decided to start from SRAM. That SRAM is a hacked one, which basically tells the game "Hey, every unicycle has a silver medal on every single set of tracks". That means I can now start the TAS for real. Progress might not be fast (in fact, it may be really slow), since I'm now in University (aka College in the USA, something else in other countries). Still, I'm gonna have some spare time, which I'm sometimes going to use to TAS. Don't expect too much though. Here's some technical info on how to create that hacked SRAM yourself: 1) Open Snes9x, load the Uniracers game, start recording a movie (make sure you select to start from reset and clear SRAM). 2) Continue recording, and go in the unicycle selection screen (Don't know if that's necessary, but I know that this works). 3) Stop recording, delete that completely useless smv, close snes9x (or unload the ROM). 4) Using a hex-editor, open the .srm file of the game and set 69c-71b to 02 (all silvers) and 10d3-10e2 to 02 (first 8 tracks unlocked) 5) Save the modifications, open snes9x, load the ROM, and voilà! All unicycles now have access to the Gold races of all the tracks! Here's a more detailed description of those 2 intervals (69c-71b and 10d3-10e2): Section 1: Tour medals (00=none, 01=bronze, 02=silver, 03=gold) 69c-6ab: Crawler medals 6ac-6bb: Jumper medals 6bc-6cb: Shuffler medals 6cc-6db: Bounder medals 6dc-6eb: Walker medals 6ec-6fb: Runner medals 6fc-70b: Hopper medals 70c-71b: Sprinter medals 71c-72b: Hunter medals (starts with all silver in a clean SRAM) Each uni gets one byte in each of those lists, which is why each list is 16 bytes long (16 unis) Section 2: Tours unlocked (00=4, 01=6, 02=8, 03=all) 10d3-10e2: Tours unlocked for each uni So yeah, I'm gonna be using that SRAM to make the TAS. I'm basically going to create a movie, select "Start from reset", but uncheck "Clear SRAM". The movie will start by renaming the Uni I'm going to use to "Hal" (because there's not enough room for "Halamantariel"), and then it will proceed to pwnage. In the meantime, you can create that hacked SRAM yourself and try beating Goldwin in realtime. Loads of fun guaranteed. EDIT: For the lazy, I've put the hacked SRAM (as well as the clean one) on my website. Go here: http://www.obellemare.com/speedruns/ scroll down and download the file named "Uniracers (U) [!] (Hacked).srm", then replace your uniracers .srm file with this one.
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Halamantariel wrote:
instructions on hacking uniracers SRAM
You know, this is all nice and interesting, but smv files contain the SRAM data they start from. Or if they don't start from reset, they contain the savestate data they start from. No need to mess around distributing SRM or ST? files, or giving instructions on how to create ones.
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upthorn wrote:
Halamantariel wrote:
instructions on hacking uniracers SRAM
You know, this is all nice and interesting, but smv files contain the SRAM data they start from. Or if they don't start from reset, they contain the savestate data they start from. No need to mess around distributing SRM or ST? files, or giving instructions on how to create ones.
I know that. I just wanted to tell the world + dog the way I used to create the hacked SRAM, so that they could "verify" the validity of the SMV I produce. Hacked SRAMs are a huge debate here on TASvideos (if I understand correctly). Providing instructions on how to create it allows verifiers to .. erm .. verify that the only thing hacked in this game was the medals, and nothing else.
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Ah, okay. Now that makes more sense.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.
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Hey! I just bought this game recently. I had it before, but I got rid of it. I don't really know any tricks except the holding "Y" and forward at the count down to get a big speed boost. The other funny thing I know is that if you call yourself Sonic, it will say "name not cool enough" and will make you rename yourself. I thought that was funny. I don't know if this run as been abandoned, but I think it would be neat to watch.
Post subject: Best of luck
Joined: 2/7/2008
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I actually came into the forums, to see if there was any info on a Unirally/Uniracers speedrun being done. There must be an insane amount that could be done - from the boost-saving trick, to skipping loops and bits of track you weren't meant to. When playing normally, I was overjoyed the first time I got the 'out of bounds' bit of track - it'd be wild watching a TAS really taking the game to its limits. I just want to offer my support, even though I can't really do much. I understand that TASs take a silly amount of time and effort so I just want to say you'll have an avid watcher in myself when you do finally complete it, whenever that may be.
I'm just some random guy. Don't let my words get you riled - I have my opinions but they're only mine.
Post subject: Re: Best of luck
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Bezman wrote:
I actually came into the forums, to see if there was any info on a Unirally/Uniracers speedrun being done.
You're in for a treat! I've TASed the game a little in the past, and came up with a 23.56 time for the first track. You can watch the progress that was made by downloading some of the stuff on my website: http://www.obellemare.com/speedruns/#5 However, I have to warn you (and other people) to not anticipate this TAS too much ... there's a huge amount of work required for this TAS to see the light of day. I haven't worked on it for a long while now ... but I'm slowly getting into it again. I'm not going to give any dates for progress reports though.
Post subject: Re: Best of luck
Joined: 2/7/2008
Posts: 185
Halamantariel wrote:
You're in for a treat! I've TASed the game a little in the past, and came up with a 23.56 time for the first track.
It seems I can't get the .avi working. Quicktime says it uses an h264 codec and I can't find a suitable thing or work out what else I could use to play it. Any chance of you uploading this 1-track preview onto a .smv? I watched the 2 smvs you do have and they seemed like some sort of trial run. Anyway, I've gone years without seeing an inhuman feat at Unirally, so I'm happy to wait a little longer. Looking forward to learning of your the project's completion, whenever that may be. As you say, it seems incredible to know how close that weight-lifting youtuber was to perfection. I remember hearing about him at another site and it blew my mind! Everyone commented that the flip-twist trick didn't have much benefit outside of Dragster, but I expect you'll find a few uses for it on other tracks with the tools at your disposal. Ganbatte, Halamantariel!
I'm just some random guy. Don't let my words get you riled - I have my opinions but they're only mine.
Post subject: Re: Best of luck
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Bezman wrote:
Any chance of you uploading this 1-track preview onto a .smv? I watched the 2 smvs you do have and they seemed like some sort of trial run.
If you've seen the smvs, you've seen the AVI. There's one SMV of me playing in realtime, but the other one is the real deal. It's the TAS (what I have done so far), including the 23.56 dragster time. Anyway. To watch the AVI, I suggest downloading VLC Media Player. It plays all sorts of media content.
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Ahhhhh... hahaha. I was a silly bunny. I got the unirally rom rather than the uniracers one. Firstly - I gotta say - WOW! Seeing all those tricks being fitted in on dragster and disappearing off the screen on zoom zoo... seeing this game being performed TAS-style is really something. Secondly, thanks for the program recommendation, which indeed let me watch the .avi and realise I was missing something. When I first saw the .smv, you didn't even complete dragster - having started moving to the left (thanks to your pressing that direction in mid-air, I suppose, as well as PAL/NTSC timing?). Ah well. Now I can have a chuckle over my mistake and learn that the version matters. I suppose I should expect all .smvs to be for the US version? I'd like to take a moment to note that the typography for 'uniracers' and 'unirally' is totally different. The US name is big, blocky and 'macho' whilst the European name is lowercase and 'friendlier' and has a cute decorative i. Anyways, sorry for going off-topic. Thanks for showing the WIP and I'm now more eager than ever to see the full thing, having had a taste. I'll be patient though. As a side-note, I notice you didn't seem to be able to make any stunts on the upwards green track. I never did that when playing, but I always felt there must be some undocumented trick to being able to jump despite going upwards. Maybe not. Keep up the awesome standard!
I'm just some random guy. Don't let my words get you riled - I have my opinions but they're only mine.
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Bezman wrote:
I notice you didn't seem to be able to make any stunts on the upwards green track. I never did that when playing, but I always felt there must be some undocumented trick to being able to jump despite going upwards. Maybe not.
It's simply impossible to do stunts on an upward slope. At least, pressing B doesn't do much (a slight hop, maybe). Unless someone proves me wrong, I'm certain it's impossible. On a sidenote, I decided to upload the avi to youtube. I hope it will help advertise the upcoming TAS (and TASvideos, of course). Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iHDG9CcCAI
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!!! UPDATE !!! This is it baby! This time it's for real! The TAS of Uniracers is officially started! Updates will always come in the form of a youtube video. So here is the first track of the Crawler league: Dragster in 23.46 seconds. Enjoy! Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-GDcRBo3cg To keep up to date on my progress, I suggest you subscribe to my youtube channel. I upload my videos there before making a post here, and sometimes I might decide to just edit my last post instead of creating a new one. Best way to make sure to not miss anything is to subscribe. Important information about the TAS: It is played on the hardest difficulty level, which is going for gold medals everywhere and completing the secret 9th league. Normally, you would have to play through and win all bronze medals and silver medals. You would then be able to compete for gold, and once all gold medals are acquired, you unlock the secret league. To skip all this nonsense, I used a hacked SRAM (created by Nitrodon, big thanks here!). That SRAM gives every unicycle every bronze and silver medals for all 8 leagues. Both the clean and hacked SRAM are available on my website for validation purposes (so that others can validate that the hack only affects medals, and nothing else).
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can't wait for august when we get the next track !
I'm sciencing as fast as I can ! ______________________________________ <adelikat> once more balls enter the picture, everything gets a lot more entertraining <adelikat> mmmmm yummy penises
Joined: 1/17/2008
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I look forward to seeing this TAS. If this game wasnt so overly repetitive I'd make a normal speedrun of it. It would be handy if the game had a code built in to unlock everything instead of having to use a hacked SRAM. I like how the instruction booklet says there's 4 hidden stunts. Did they never make the last 2?
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DRybes wrote:
I like how the instruction booklet says there's 4 hidden stunts. Did they never make the last 2?
If they did, nobody ever found out about them ...
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Great job on the new vid.
DRybes wrote:
I like how the instruction booklet says there's 4 hidden stunts. Did they never make the last 2?
It doesn't say that in the local (UK) version. I assume you mean the Uniracers manual? What exactly does it say?
I'm just some random guy. Don't let my words get you riled - I have my opinions but they're only mine.
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Posts: 48
*whips out instruction manual* Here's the only references to hidden stunts I know of: "MEGA Not telling. It's supposed to be a secret. But since you'll be staring goggle-eyes at the Stunt Scores and see 'MEGA' emblazoned in glowing phosphor on your TV, a word might be in order. Mega is for the Stunts that may or may not be in the game, so you can get scores that you may or may not have earned on Stunts that may or may not actually exist. Cool, huh? Try pressing buttons at random and see what happens." Later, in handwriting is the following: "Psst! Hey guys; There's something I'm not supposed to tell you. Uniracers has another kind of stunt! It's something called a "tabletop" and you can do it by... erm.. heck, it's some buttons or other.... Whoops! I've been rumbled, gotta go! Yours, The Writer." By the way, Uniracers, without a doubt, has the best instruction manual of any video game ever.
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Schnretzl wrote:
*whips out instruction manual*
That first quote, letter for letter, is in the UK version. But the only handwriting in the UK manual is on the last page ('theory of uniraces'). Hmmm... seems odd. I might have to buy the US version and compare. Or... if I were to show you mine, would you compare them and show me the pages that are different? My favourite part is the colours section, where it mentions 'pink & orange, tartan, polka dot', then 'red & orange & yellow & green & blue'. Puyo Puyo 2's also a great manual, with detailed character art and lovely design (Super Famicom manuals seem nicer in general - colour being the norm rather than exception), but Unirally's the only manual I've read that's made me laugh.
I'm just some random guy. Don't let my words get you riled - I have my opinions but they're only mine.
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