I started writing a user guide for this application a while ago, and it was included in the past couple of releases, but not in v0-12 for some reason. You can download it
here if you need it.
Seeing as it's christmas and I haven't really been very active lately (priorities changed, got engaged, new job, new apartment ... etc) maybe it's time to start this project up again. There have been almost 1000 downloads since the last update in May, so I guess this tool has been moderately successful :D
If there's any interest in a new version, maybe we can start planning over the xmas holidays and start development in the new year. I'm considering a complete re-write, since that tends to spark the ol' creative juices more than just updating the existing codebase so if anyone wants to join up and do a group project, we could make a good editor the greatest editor of all time :)
MERRY CHRISTMAS and have a happy new year!!!