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Soulrivers has started to make an improvement of the glitched run. How much is it that can be improved more than, for example, this: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/4317/Perfect.vbm Chef: He also spoke to Tarin from a different location, the same spot as in your run. Are there any more improvements? Something with the nightmare bosses maybe... EDIT: Btw, Chef, that's a small improvement you can hex edit to your run. You can take the sword from a few frames more to the left by pressing U+D+L+B instead of just udb. That will save you a little ^^. EDIT: Lol, my bad about the movie... I forgot that I had already spoken to the Owl before I did the trick. So you have to take the sword, go back a screen and then screen skip from the left side. Sucks. Nintendo had been thinking through this too clearly...
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Posting here to introduce the run I'm working on, which is, as Tompa posted, Link's Awakening, heavily abusing the warp glitch. This WIP goes up to the start of the nightmare battle, and honestly I could use some help in luck manipulating. I just can't get it to work. So watch this, and feel free to give me feedback. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/4360/Link%27s%20Awakening%20WIP1.vbm Currently 804 frames ahead of the published run.
My published movies [03:45:05] <Naohiro19> Soulrivers: ... [03:45:19] <Soulrivers> ? [03:46:35] <Naohiro19> <Soulrivers> No! <Naohiro19> So? <Soulrivers> Yes! [03:46:48] <Naohiro19> joke
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When you come back, Stef, you can take a look at this: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/4458/Sword%2BShield.vbm It could maybe be useful somewhere:). I don't think I need to explain what's happening, heh. I'm going to see if you can obtain keys this way too. Might be able to skip the leaves... =). (Yes, you may kill me if I find it possible.)
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In the DX version, how do you do that skip-over-the-pit trick with the moblins?
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You mean when you will be boosted over the pit in the area around the first key? Just check Chef_Stefs WIP and his input and you'll find out. =P
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I'm really sorry that I haven't worked on this for so long, but I do have a new WIP for everybody. I hope everybody enjoys the latest progress!
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I wanna see the rest of that WIP, haha. Could that be a 100% run possible? =P
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Finally :), after checking this post three times a day for over a month :) Good job, i'll watch the entire thing later on today.
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In the end he wanted to work with the project the secret way :D. So we have had contact with eachother for awhile, planning routes and searching tricks and such. And we both wanted you to be surprised when the release came. As some things was better to not spoil for ya.
Joined: 7/20/2004
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Wow, nice. A few parts made me do a double take. In all my attempts to play this game over and over, there was a ton of tricks I never discovered (including one room in level 3 I finally noticed is bomable into from 2 different spots...never noticed the cracks before, and another 2 in level 8 I never knew existed). Although, I'm more of a 100% run sort of gal on this game, rather than a minimalist. I'm used to playing the original, where I know it IS possible to enter the Egg before the owl begins his speech (in real time), since I've been sucessful a few times doing that (only maybe 5% of the time though). Is this simply not possible in the DX version? I can see you're taking advantage of moving the few pixels forward when he lands and before he talks; is that as far as you can go? Also, is it possible to beat the level 5 boss (what the hell is his name anyway?) in one cycle at all? Not that I'm experienced with TASing or all the funky fighting techniques used, but it sort of looks like to me it MIGHT be possible with perfect timing. But hey, I'm not the expert here.
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Takarifreak wrote:
I'm used to playing the original, where I know it IS possible to enter the Egg before the owl begins his speech (in real time), since I've been sucessful a few times doing that (only maybe 5% of the time though). Is this simply not possible in the DX version? I can see you're taking advantage of moving the few pixels forward when he lands and before he talks; is that as far as you can go?
I extensively tested this, and I concluded that it's impossible in the DX version. Link can only move 3-4 pixels forward before the owl speech starts, but you have to go forward another 3-4 to enter the egg.
Takarifreak wrote:
Also, is it possible to beat the level 5 boss (what the hell is his name anyway?) in one cycle at all? Not that I'm experienced with TASing or all the funky fighting techniques used, but it sort of looks like to me it MIGHT be possible with perfect timing. But hey, I'm not the expert here.
Well, I still have to hit him 3 times in his 2nd cycle, and even that was only because I discovered the spinattack cancel trick. Part of the problem is that the boss moves back inwards really fast, so it becomes very difficult to hit him with regular slashes (since Link stops during a slash). The spinattack is the most efficient way to hit him at that point. Thanks for showing interest in the run, by the way!
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I just finished watching the video and I have to say...amazing :) I enjoyed how you figured out how to jump over huge gaps by switching to your hook shot and kind of ricocheting off. Just curious, how much time do you think that you could really shave off now since this looks like a "perfect" run?
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And not to be redundant but...
Tompa wrote:
Could that be a 100% run possible? =P
Can't blame a guy for trying.
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Themattman wrote:
Just curious, how much time do you think that you could really shave off now since this looks like a "perfect" run?
Let's see... -I waste ~30 frames to do entertaining tricks -It's probably possible to collect the 20 rupees in better places than I did (maybe 1-2 seconds) -If ANY new trick is discovered, that's another second (or more, depending on the trick). Example: In an earlier version, I picked up the bombs from the clockbombs in the 3rd dungeon. Skipping them saved about 2/3 of a second. If a major sequence break is discovered, such as skipping the 3rd song or skipping the walrus outside the desert, whole minutes could be taken of the run's time.
Tompa wrote:
Could that be a 100% run possible? =P
If I ever get the motivation to work on another Link's Awakening run, I would have to know a lot about the planned route, whether to use the black and white version for screen warps, etc. But I might consider this in the future.
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I guess you could file "Getting Bowwow to eat the flowers faster" under the any new trick category. I know you tried forever to get it optimal, but it was the only noticeable slowdown I saw in the first half of the game (still watching)
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Chef Stef wrote:
...whether to use the black and white version for screen warps, etc.
It would be beter to do on the colour version due to the bonus dungeon would it not? Might not really feel 100% if you used a version which did not even have everything in it.
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The black&white version... 100%... with screen warping? O..M..G! Nearly impossible to plan such route, honestly... I suggest the DX version, the color dungeon isn't too bad either. I have done a route for this to be used for my future speedrun. Won't be hard to remake it for a TAS instead. Shall I?=) Chef: If you do, I'm ready to bitch around with you with it if you like.
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Again I await the day the 100% begins :)
Post subject: Link's Awakening DX (requesting deletion)
Joined: 3/25/2008
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A friend and I are going to be collaborating to create a TAS of Link's Awakening's DX. Yes, I'm aware that there's already a nearly perfect run of it. But that run doesn't use a certain glitch that could certainly shave a full 15 minutes off the time, possibly more. Has anyone heard of the 'doghouse' glitch in this game? The one where you utilize the doghouse in Mabe Village to get into a glitch world? EDIT: Didn't see a topic for this game already existed, sorry.
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Hi and welcome to TASvideos :D. Yeah, I know about it. But if you uses it the run will count as a "warped run", which will be a different category. That's why it isn't used in the run on the site. E: Also, there's a topic for Link's Awakening already.
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Holy crap, how did I fail to see that when I looked down the page? I guess I'll request that a mod delete this and just use that one. Sorry about that.
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Alright, since I just found this thread...a friend and I are making a TAS of this game that abuses the doghouse glitch that warps all over the place. I've already found quite a few applications of the glitch that I'll post as soon as I get VBA to function. For example, warp to entrance of Catfish's Maw, warp into Angler's Tunnel, warp directly to Magic Rod, warp to the boss of Eagle's Tower, etcetera. Does anyone know of any others? EDIT: Actually, I've read over this thread, and I think I might be up to creating a 100% run, since so many people seem to want one. I think the doghouse glitch that I covet so much could still be useful here. So...what all would I need to do to make a 100% run? Obviously, all eight instruments, secret seashells, and pieces of heart. But would I, for example, have to open every chest of every dungeon to be able to call it 100%?
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Tompa and I were defining 100% as collecting all items and heart containers (which implies that all instruments and trading quest items are collected). I would personally recommend that you do the run without warping glitches, since otherwise you might as well do the run on the black and white version with the screen warp glitch. If you still want to do this with warps on the DX version, though, do you know about the pegasus boots warping glitch? I've mentioned it a few times in this topic, and it's relatively simple to perform. I can make a video of the glitch if necessary.
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Yeah, what you need for 100% is: All heart pieces. Take the three upgrades for the bombs/magic powder/arrows. All 8 instruments. Finishing the trading to get the boomerang. Get 20 seashells to get the Lvl 2 sword. Complete item inventory with level 2 power bracelets, level 2 shield and the 3 Ocarina songs. Compasses and maps are NOT part of a 100% definition. Here's the 100% route, Bomb & Arrow using and a very bad realtime 100% testrun of the B&W version I did for my speedrun. There are lots of tricks it doesn't include but it shows most of the route in action. And yeah, if you shall do a warped run you should use the B&W version with the select warp instead. Good luck.
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The reason I'm not using the screen warp glitch in the B&W version is that it would definitely get very bland very quickly. The doghouse warp, however, is a whole lot more interesting because it only has limited applications and is completely unpredictable. It would be a lot more fun to make and to watch. If you don't know a whole lot about the doghouse warp, here's a video I threw together in ten minutes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZN6x-eF17A Also, would it be necessary to get all five dungeon keys, if they could be avoided? EDIT2: Stef, where did you get the rom that you used here? The one I have seems desynced with yours, and as such your movies consist entirely of running around Marin's house.
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