Post subject: Phantasy Star
Joined: 4/13/2008
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Ok, here's a little demo using Dega 1.14a. As for how this will work, holding different directions while in motion has no effect for mob spawns. It's all frame based and based on previous path taken apparently. Now the question is how can I use that to get the mob spawns I need? I just started a second going (didn't do a full reset on first one), already at 167 rerecords and I can't figure out what frame is going to give me a single scorpion after only 1 or 2 steps out of protected space. (I had to take 4 for that 2nd one and I don't know if that'll be sufficient for this kind of a run. I just guessed on them I got after a lot of trial and error. This is my first foray into TAS runs, so I have no idea what I can do, if anything to avoid a run with millions of re-records. As for the order of events planned, 1. Kill 2 Scorpions in 2 separate battles and buy Irn Swd - Completed 2. Kill 22 scorpions in 11 battles to get 300 meseta for Roadpass and Passport - In Process 3. Grab lac pot and Pick up Myau 4. Use Asuline on Odin 5. Pick up Compass 6. Talk to old geezer who hid the key. 7. Return to camineet for dungeon key I would need to figure out next the best way to acquire 1000 meseta for CAKE. Most likely I'll return to Motavia and fight barbarians, or I may do that immediately after step 3 instead, depending on if the fight can be won or not. That should at least keep me busy for a while. After that. 8. visit Mayor and Run from bad dreams! 9. Get Noah, and 2000 meseta from chest. I'll also need to figure out which way I'll want to go in terms of setting transers up. This may create some saved game data files so make sure to back up your own.
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Didn't get very far did you? :) I worked on this awhile ago up to getting Noah but I haven't touched it in weeks, so I'll share it here. download length so far ~ 21 minutes est. completed length 2 - 2.5 hours The route is optimal (I measured all the alternatives I could think of) but after this point finding optimality gets much harder. Unfortunately RNG manipulation doesn't give much wiggle room. There are no criticals or random misses. And damage is very sensitive to relative attack and defense so you can't just kill anything you want. The biggest problem is getting 6500 exp for Noah so he can cast Open. nfq says he did it in 2:17 but I haven't been able to get any details.
Joined: 4/13/2008
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I agree very much on the point of damage, which is why I think the best way to handle things will be to use attacks that have a set amount of damage, regardless, such as fire, wind, and the guns, similar to how I did it in my 5:40 Speed Run.
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Dammit wrote:
nfq says he did it in 2:17 but I haven't been able to get any details.
checkout this page for details: phanta sister 2:17
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Was this ever submitted?
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Player (94)
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This PM is a year old, but I'll respond to it in this appropriate thread. Posted: 2018-06-02 13:30:58 Subject: TAS phantasy star SMS
zoboner wrote:
hi, I work currently on "phantasy star" SMS and I'll be curious to know your route planning concerning your TAS... I know than that do now some years, but maybe you have some notes or else. With all my thanks.
Hi, are you still working on the Phantasy Star TAS? How far have you gotten (how many minutes)? Could be interesting to see your progress. Regarding the route, I just tried to take the fastest possible route. If there's something specific you wonder about, I can try to explain. It's been 10 years since I made this TAS though, so on the top of my head I don't remember much about the route planning. But I don't remember coming up with any improvements for the route. There were some small mistakes I made in my TAS, like buying 2 burgers too many and opening a 10 mesetas chest unnecessarily. Dammit started a TAS that is a bit faster than mine, so except the better optimization, he might also have a better route, so be sure to check it out if you haven't.
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Hi, THX for this quickly answer :) lol My work is based on critical hits and RNG in fight, this is very interesting to see and use these critical hits, because it can won a lot of time! I created those LUA script for studying and obtain all values that is possible with all characters, weapons, enemies and more. I restarted this work since 1 or 2 month and found more informations to create a new script for have best results (this script will can to know in advance who will fight (enemies) and how many enemies fight, player attack always in first with critical hits... ), I make the inventory of RAM addresses (150 or 200 I don't know, maybe 300). But now I don't have time to work on this TAS, because I have a lot of things to do! But it's not a problem, I will restart in some months when I will be less occupied. I can make a video to explain this if you are interest, but not now! Concerning the route planing, you can obtain the light saber more quickly in a secret room. Why don't buying Myau's silver fang? After some of tries, I know it's a better weapon than that you use and don't lose a lot of time to obtain it in comparison to time lose with all fights you do without it! Maybe it's a wrong way, but I prefer try for know... Someone have trying this?
GAW sms... Totally destroyed
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Yeah, it would be interesting to see a video of you explaining those things. I don't know how the random encounters work, I just triggered the right encounters with trial and error. If you could trigger fights fast enough in dungeons, that might be a faster way to level up than what I did, because in dungeons there is no fade-in and fade-out. Fights in dungeons can be triggered by bringing up the menu, so it's not necessary to walk. I didn't have enough money to buy the silver fang when I got there the first time, and it was more important to get money for other things, like maybe the spacecraft. I bought the silver fang at 1:16:15: Not sure what secret room you mean. Maybe the red dragon in Casba: I don't remember if I knew about that. That was posted in 2011, so it could be some new information that was not available when I made my TAS in 2010, so that could be a major time saver.
Player (94)
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New improved TAS of this game by ninespaces: ninespaces's SMS Phantasy Star in 1:55:56.04 Just posting this here, for greater visibility, if someone wouldn't happen to notice this on the workbench. I actually found this TAS on youtube before I noticed it on tasvideos.
Joined: 6/22/2012
Posts: 81
I didn't if this is a good strategy Do the quests until fight Dr.mad Go to Uzo, do the quests and go to the Paseo Church and back to Uzo o fly to Dezoris and do the quests, use Fly to back to Paseo and back to Uzo to fly to Palma, beat Lassic, use Fly to go to Paseo, sell Landrover, reborn everyone and fight Dark Falz
Joined: 6/22/2012
Posts: 81
Sorry for double post, but I found in an old trick book, actually have more $5500 in Casba dungeon that didn't have in dungeons images in PSCave