Post subject: MGS4 Retconning? (big spoilers, obviously)
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Joined: 3/21/2006
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For those who don't know, I'm in Israel at the moment, but since the trip is winding down I decided to sit down and write about Guns of the Patriots. Now, I haven't played the game myself, but thanks to the magic of YouTube I've seen pretty much everything the game has to offer. I've noticed some people were disappointed with MGS4's story because it retconned a lot of stuff. I don't agree with the "a lot of stuff" part, but I'm curious about the whole subplot surrounding the bodies of Big Boss and Solidus Snake. - If we're to believe that all of Metal Gear 2 was retconned, it might make sense, because Big Boss' body was supposedly burned by that makeshift flamethrower Snake used. How does Raiden manage to find BB's body, and how was Naomi able to sustain him? - BB claims his body was reconstructed through parts of Liquid and Solidus, but Solidus' body had just been burned up in Europe and I don't think Ocelot would have wanted Liquid around after he stole his arm. What's up with that? I'm too tired at the moment to write more, but maybe we might be able to analyze this incredibly crazy story once and for all.
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They're not bad games, but honestly, the plot belongs on the Sci-Fi channel.
Joined: 6/4/2004
Posts: 285
I'm just upset because now it definitely renders The Last Days of FOXHOUND non-canon.