Post subject: Let's See You Play: Dr. Mario
Active player (330)
Joined: 2/23/2005
Posts: 786
That's right, I'd like to see you record yourself playing Dr. Mario, unassisted. Any version is fine, even the Wii version if that's what you prefer. Any settings are fine. Play just one level, or try to get to level 20 from level 0. Show off your combo skills, speed skills, or whatever you want. Just make sure it's unassisted. Lately, I've been playing a lot of Dr. Mario Wii, so I'd like to see how some other people play.
Former player
Joined: 3/31/2005
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Location: Argentina
Okay, here's my try. Note that Dr. Mario is a game that actually never really caught my attention, so it should come as no surprise if my play sucks. Recorded with FCEU 0.98.12
Active player (330)
Joined: 2/23/2005
Posts: 786 Here's me almost beating Hi. Probably'd want to watch it on 300% speed. For the first 8 or so levels, I try to show off. A lot of the times it works, but sometimes I fail miserably. Levels 10-15 consist of me screwing up early on and having to dig myself out. Kinda boring. :/ 16 and 17 are surprisingly (even for me) well-played.
Player (36)
Joined: 10/8/2006
Posts: 284
I tried it, but I haven't played Dr. Mario in somewhere around 7 years. I got to level 8 (Yeah, I suck) on medium speed before dying. I doubt you'd want to watch it, although I did record it, since there were only two really impressive things (both accidental) and a lot of really stupid stuff involving digging myself back out again and again. Nothing ever flips properly, so I put so much stuff in the wrong spots. It took 28 minutes just for 8 levels.
Joined: 5/26/2008
Posts: 11
Here is my attempt: Played on Hard and gets to level 23 before I crapped out. Pretty boring, nothing really special, but I did get that far in one sitting, which is pretty good for me.
Joined: 9/9/2008
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Location: Beijing, China
Aweful game - 0- I really don't have patient to play over 10 minutes...
Joined: 4/11/2010
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Location: Myrtle Beach
I can't compete with level 23, but here's levels 15-18 on hard. The way things went sometimes, you would think I was doing it on purpose. I'm particularly proud of what I did on level 17.