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can you send me the plugin file?
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it's really slow at some parts, like the title screen and the letter from speech runs really really slow, but its good after that i think i might play through it when i tried to record something, the screen was black the whole time, i don't think this is going to be a good plugin.....
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pyromaniac wrote:
it's really slow at some parts, like the title screen and the letter from speech runs really really slow, but its good after that i think i might play through it when i tried to record something, the screen was black the whole time, i don't think this is going to be a good plugin.....
There always seems to be some in-game lag at the title screen (or maybe it's just the core being bogged down and it is just emulation lag). But this plug-in is really hard on computers because it is one of the best ones out there. Of course, this really shouldn't matter if you are recording at frame advance and slow speed anyway. I took a look on the Glide64 website for screenshots of Paper Mario and found a lot of effects that Glide64 Napalm shows that Jabo cannot show. I suspect that this plug-in looks to be the best choice. However, previous versions of Glide64 can only work if you load a ROM once while running the emulator. If you close a ROM and open another one, you have no video. The only way around that is to close the emulator and open it again. Unfortunately, Mupen64 seems to reload the ROM whenever you start movie playback... So maybe this game will need to wait until Mupen64+ comes out, unless another video plug-in is found that is acceptable. There are so many effects in this game (thanks to its late 2001 release) that decent emulation is hard to find...
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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alright, then just wait till mupen64+ comes out? how far along is that?
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It's hard to say where they are at in Mupen64+... The only thing I suggest is try using the latest Rice plug-in with the OpenGL mode. https://ricevideo.bountysource.com/
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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it doesn't make it passed princess castle, is that what opengl is for? how do i do opengl?
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There are two ways to render 3-D images with Rice: DirectX and OpenGL. By default DirectX is chosen, but for some reason that causes the emulation to hang after the castle hovers mid-air. OpenGL does not cause this hang. To change this setting (do this while no ROM is loaded), go to Options>Video Settings and change the Render Engine to OpenGL under the General Settings tab. Oh, I made a ticket regarding the Glide64 issue so hopefully we can use Glide64 for rerecording once Mupen64 Plus is released: http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/issues/detail?id=136
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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whenever i turn on opengl, the screen is black, is it my computer?
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Has anyone tried to use Glide64 wonder ++? It emulates well for me but I haven't went too far into the game.
Knock Knock!
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i got rice to work with the update you gave me woodendoorknob! i'm going to try and go further
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WoodenDoorKnob: I have not tried, but it has the same issue as Glide64 Napalm with reloading the ROM... Either plugin would work beautifully if replaying or recording did not need to close and open the ROM. pyromaniac: I suppose it may be an issue with your video card... You could start recording with Jabo and release an early WIP and I can tell you if it synchs with Rice. EDIT: nvm, you're good
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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i just realized that when i record, it does the same black screen thing. i say just wait till mupen64+ comes out. i'm committed to this, so don't worry, i can wait until then to do this
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It appears that the problem is your video card. I tried playing back the Paper Mario WIP with Rice on my old computer and the screen was black. It has no problem on my newer computer though (even though its video card isn't the best, it is definitely better...). But I suppose we can wait for Mupen64+... They seem committed to bringing us a product in due time (unlike Project64, which is supposedly starting up again after a year hiatus). We have been waiting a few years for a Paper Mario TAS anyway. However, you could start playing around with Paper Mario to form strategies (using Jabo whenever you are recording). I am pretty sure that recording with Jabo will synch with playback with Rice OpenGL anyway. Oh, I found out the problem with the slow opening sequence. Go into Audio Options and uncheck the Sync Audio to Game option. This will allow playback at full speed. EDIT: I got a reply about the reloading ROM problem. Apparently the Soft Reset feature they recently implemented will allow the game to be reset without reloading the ROM. So Glide64 Napalm (or Rice) may work with us yet! (this could become the first game encoded using Glide HQ if the encoders out there have the hardware to meet the demand!)
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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N. Harmonik wrote:
dartht33bagger wrote:
On May 9th track will be over so ill resume the paper mario TAS.
May 9th has come and gone so where are you? ...Please?
Well paper mario still has a problem with save states so I've put the run on hold until mupen+ is released for windows(hopefully that will fix the problem).
Joined: 4/29/2005
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Think Mupen+ will run Gauntlet Legends too? So far the only Gauntlet Legends game that works to perfection is the PSX one. >.>
Joined: 11/1/2007
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Reviving the thread for technical updates. I've been screwing around with different plugins, and here's some preliminary results: Glide64 'Napalm' Public Release 1.0: Menu objects are corrupted while spinning as they always have been, and there's very small (sub-pixel) seams between polygons, but there's no flickering issue, and even Bowser's star rod transformation seems to be accurate from my recollection. I'm going to test it some more with/without the "official" wrapper (zeckensack's glide wrapper would be used instead). So far, this seems to be the best candidate in terms of graphical accuracy. Aristotle's Mudlord & Rice Video: Graphics are nearly perfect, but something hangs at the transition between the "zoom in" part of when the castle is risen and when Peach/Mario stop running around. OpenGL renderer gets past this, but the dark scene following it has dark characters/flickering. Still testing this one. glN64 v0.4.1: Flickering seen, so I rejected it. As for mupen64plus: getting the last SVN revision to compile and run has been an exercise in pain. I did manage to get it to compile, but it crashed when loading Paper Mario, presumably because it did not have valid sound or RSP plugins loaded, and compiling the plugins is a continuation of said pain. It seems they have put off Windows compatibility for now. The best bet is to patch 1.3, as AFAIK it should compile in Windows (it even has an official release of sorts). Maybe someone can port the mupen64-rr patch to it.
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IIRC, the hang in Rice happens in one rendering engine, but not the other. So choose DirectX or OpenGL instead of what you are using now. EDIT: Doi, I posted about this up higher on this page. Use OpenGL and Rice should work.
<ccfreak2k> There is no 'ctrl' button on DeHackEd's computer. DeHackEd is always in control.
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ccfreak2k wrote:
As for mupen64plus: getting the last SVN revision to compile and run has been an exercise in pain. I did manage to get it to compile, but it crashed when loading Paper Mario, presumably because it did not have valid sound or RSP plugins loaded, and compiling the plugins is a continuation of said pain. It seems they have put off Windows compatibility for now. The best bet is to patch 1.3, as AFAIK it should compile in Windows (it even has an official release of sorts). Maybe someone can port the mupen64-rr patch to it.
First of all, good job! I've tested this previously on cygwin and getting some libs working(like SDL-image with the "correct" libpng and some other) is very long and painfull... from what I heard on irc, you manage to make qt4 working insthead of gtk?? Does some other rom are working on your build? (you may want to try the no-sound plugin)
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I made a test encoding using Glide64, and it looks nearly perfect. The menus are the only problem visual that I can see. http://glasnost.us/~ccfreak2k/papermario-glide64.avi Replace "avi" with "mkv". Since that seems to be solved, is there anything stopping a run now?
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Sorry to complain, but the link may be broken.
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Read his whole post.
Nothing to be found here.
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Thanks. Sorry for complaining.
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Hello, everyone. I was looking through this thread, and I noticed that money was an issue. While I don't have time to dig through ten pages of discussion at the moment (though I did search the thread), I notice no one suggested the trick of buying several Mystery? and then bringing them to Tayce T. to cook into a better item. The Mystery? will cook into a random recipe, and I believe it can, in fact, become any but the best of recipes (Jelly Ultra, and maybe some others). It has been a while since I played, but when I needed money, this was always the trick I used. It's possible to turn 1 coin from purchasing a Mystery? into 300 coins from the outcome. I just thought, if money was still an issue (again, I apologize for not being able to go through the whole thing at the moment), this would be a rather simple fix, especially considering that you have to go through the Boo's Mansion, anyway (and I believe you can also find some in the environment before then). EDIT: I would also like to submit for review the idea of getting one more level of BP than currently planned. You can use the extra slot for the Spike Shield Badge (which takes no detouring) and use it as necessary. Should it prove UNnecessary, it can simply be switched out for the FP Plus Badge. I forget if there are any necessary spiked fights, and I realize that the use of a Hammer (unless the enemy is not on the ground) or partner can get around this, but perhaps switching the badge on/off takes less extra frames than the Hammer/partner attack would.
Joined: 2/14/2007
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A bit of a late reply, but whatever: A bit over a year ago, an updated run of Paper Mario was posted at speeddemosarchive. It beats the game in 3 hours, 38 minutes (SDA timing). The strategy used there is pretty much optimal. Barring any discoveries of helpful glitches or frame-precise tricks, I would be surprised if an optimal TAS was better by much more than 5 minutes. The main strategy is to avoid all optional fights, and use Bow's Spook attack against ordinary enemies you're forced to encounter. Bosses are taken down by Power Bounce/Jump bolstered with Mega Rush & charging, helped out with Parakarry's Shell Shot. Money is not an issue -- you only need 50 coins to get Speedy Spin before Chapter 2. Now, money would be an issue in a 100% run -- you'll need about 2300 coins to purchase all of Rowf's and Rip Cheato's stuff. But that's easy -- just abuse the 9-block Jump Attack minigame to win 900+ coins each time.
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