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EDIT: Going to redo this. Someone want to help me with the boss tactics, again mainly before Setzer. But if anyone won't help me I'll do a strategy list which I'll probably use.
I have finished this game like 20 times and i DO know like everything. If I don't, GameFAQ's will help me.
btw, how do you insert a word instead of the real URL? someone plz tell me!
In the URL tag, type an = after "[URL" and paste in the url; then put the words between the tags, just as the help prompt says when you mouseover the "URL" button.
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Someone is starting it! Yay!
Your route and boss strategies for the WoB are in the SNES thread. Just don't do the extra crap that I did to set up the Sketch Glitch, since you can't. The Magitek Research Facility is the only place where you will have trouble killing bosses. Erokky used an instant death trick with Gau on the first boss, then fought the second one mostly with tools. I killed both bosses legit. You will have to do that, too.
Here's the difference to a TAS:
- no more sketch glitch
- (no more equip anything glitch, SNES JP only)
- all of the cool things you could do with a Merit Award are fixed
- no more mblock glitch
- setting up Cyan's infinite Retort trick is much harder (basically fixed)
-- Vanish/Banish is fixed
+ you can still rig the slots (you know)
+ less text to scroll through
+ your evade stat now works and you can now manipulate dodges!
++ increased sprinting speed
+++ bonus content
The tricks for manipulating a pre-emptive strike are the same, but I never found the matching memory addresses to watch on the GBA. Sorry. Fortunately, the battle transition animation seemed to not cause a "16 frame rule" in my tests. So I think you'll spend much less time manipulating random encounters than I did. (That's why I took a year doing the SNES version.)
Dodge is so nice that you might want the Guardian. It's a knife class weapon for Locke that you can find at the start of Mt Koltz. The RNG this game has is horrible for a TAS and Locke is forced to be in your party for so much of the game. That extra 10% dodge may open up more possibilities in your luck manipulation.
Skip Gau in the WoR, do not "skip Celes", get the Charm Bangle, and get Mog in the WoR. But you didn't ask for a WoR route. :)
If you do this game, you have to do the bonus content stuff. Try to beat Kefka in less than 2:30:00, real time. Having to actually kill most bosses will be a pain, but some people like that. (Dodge, hit for 1000, dodge, hit for 1000, dodge, hit for 1000, oh boy. Magus versus Lavos sucked. But I digress.)
--Yep, that is what i meant.
Yeah, now I am getting started.
The sprinting will be saving alot of time but still some of those minuses take some time to complete.
I have never been even understanding the Relm skitch generally, or the glitch involving it.
I would have been using the Death/Vanish bug, but it has been fixed... =(
And...equipping bug? Well I haven't even heard of it.
MBlock% glitch isn't needed anymore. There is a way to beat the bosses, trust me. I will make something.
Cyan bug is not going to be used.
Of course I won't do like 20000000 rerecords on just with random encounters. Text can be skipped very easily (I mean just pressing A when text is ready).
I about already know the WoR route now; (will be edited when something changes). I think I use some tactics that Essentia used on her SS run.
-- I won't get Sabin, wastes just time
-- First going to get Edgar
-- Second I get Setzer & Joker's Death
-- Third, then get Mog.
I don't know which characters I get for WoR, but I got these 4 already. I won't probably get Locke, Relm or Gau.
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Location: Kajaani, Finland
Let's bump this old thread up. I'm going to make a strategy list on ADVANCE version (some glitches, like vanish-doom is fixed, but Joker Doom + white magic is nice), is someone still interested? I also updated the first post.
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Actually there's no good glitches other than the Joker's Death-glitch where casting white magic and getting the first 7 before the animation finishes, it makes getting 7-7-7 on every battle (including final battle) possible.
But we need a strategy list of each boss before even thinking of the run. Someone help me?
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Just in case I gotta fix some errors / buy something more in the game, I can use TAS Video editor for this? For example, I buy a pair of Running Shoes from South Figaro, but afterwards I realize that I needed more, I could add some frames which makes the input file to buy me some more? (Of course I had to check the money first before doing the changes!)
Tuppenfall: it depends on how friendly the game is to hex-editing. That in turn depends primarily on how the RNG runs. For example, if you have an RNG that advances once per frame, then any delays will cause a desync as soon as you reach your first luck manipulation after the inserted delay. However, if your RNG advances only when it is used, and buying shoes doesn't involve any randomness, then you might be able to insert the extra purchase without getting a desync.
Other things can also cause desyncs -- as a totally made-up example, if the game's random encounter generator depended on how much gold you were carrying, then any inserted change which modified your gold count would change when the next random encounter occurs, which would assuredly desync you. But the RNG is the main factor.
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A little progress.
I've been trying to find out some of the RAM adresses, any help is welcome.
A lot thanks to samuraigoroh and his useful list of modifier codes. It helps alot on this RAM investigation.
I'll list the most important adresses later, but now I can finally start doing this.. after almost two years creating this thread :P ill post a wip someday, when I have made some progress.
Now I mainly need adresses only for manipulating pre-emptive and desperation attacks.
When I saw this topic I was going to post my file, but it seems you already found it :P
The list is nowhere as good as the FFV file, because I don't like FFVI as much as I do for FFV. I guess I could find some more addresses for the attributes of the enemies if you want them, but I don't know how to find RNGs, so I can't help you there....
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Location: Kajaani, Finland
Yep, this thread is about FFVI not FFV :P
I started the address searching some days ago without that list, but then I found it and I was like "wow!". But the main problem is the RNG's and Kefka's Tower boss battles (Goddess, where I can't 7-7-7, Psycho-Cyan bug maybe?)
Yes, all other addresses are welcome, even if they haven't much use, but they can always help.
But the problem is just the RNG's and manipulating pre-emptives and desperations. Most boss battles will go same as on SNES, except there is no need for Confuse/77B in a single battle.
I noticed some time savers.
First:If Locke steal a Mythril Claws from Vargas and get a Hyper Wrist at the basement of South Figaro in Locke’s scenario, Sabin equipping them can beat Templar only one critical hit.
Second:Magic order should be changed.
Third:In the battle of Leo versus Kefka, using Fire Rods is the fastest way, I think. I know in Catastrophe’s run he used Ice Rods, but Fire Rod has the fastest animation.
I think that Kefka’s Tower boss is the hardest part in advance version, too. Good luck!
We have seen a few TASes of Final Fantasy VI on the SNES.
This version suffers from slowdown (i.e. laggy Chocobo and airship controls)
Having B to run makes up for it and having the sprint shoes makes you go even more faster.
Various bugs have been fixed (like the vanish/doom combo and the sketch bug).
A few glitches still exist like skipping Celes (also removed the ability to put placeholder characters on your team), the airship glitch, and introduced the quicksave bug.
The most notorious of all is the poor sound quality.
If you wanna beat the game quicker I would have to go through the Zone Eater's Dungeon to get Gogo and you don't need to leave Kefka's Tower and reenter due to the pause glitch that was seen in the most recent TAS of Final Fantasy VI on the SNES by going up an escalator going downward.
I also would like to see a run going through the Dragon's Den (which requires defeating all 8 dragons to gain access (including 2 in Kefka's Tower)) and the Soul Shrine (after beating the game).