Post subject: AVI Recording on PCSX (Problema Solved!)
Joined: 10/11/2008
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Location: Kajaani, Finland
This time it don't need to be on realtime but how do I get "direct" AVI out of PCSX rerecording? I can't make any AVI with AVI Recording feature, it's always blocked option =( Solve anyone? Offtopic: happy halloween :P and also I didn't get answer on PCSX Rerecording thread so I posted my own. **Problem solved. BUt now there's just no sound, even with sound plugin. What to do?
Joined: 2/25/2006
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Did you read the help file? does it tell you to get mencoder or something?
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I did. I also have MEncoder. Where you have to put it in? All text I have is:
PCSX Rerecording ---------------------------------------- PCSX Rerecording is the rerecording version of PCSX with many customized features designed to aid in recording movie input files. ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- IMPORTANT: you will have TONS of desyncs if you don't follow these steps FIRST: ---------------------------------------- 1) Get scph1001.bin and put it inside the "./bios" folder. 2) Configure your Plugins & Bios as follows: *Sound: "No Sound 0.4". Then you can change this one when you're replaying your movie, but select this one when you're recording to prevent desyncs later. *Bios: "scph1001.bin". Don't use the internal bios; it's really buggy and it causes a lot of desyncs when you have the sound enabled. *Controllers: make sure you don't have "analog" enabled if you're going to only record the standard controller, or it will desync when you replay the movie file. Also, make sure Player 2 is connected if your plugin has an option for that. What's New? ----------- v0.0.5 -Configurable hotkeys -Cheat editor -RAM search -RAM watch -GPU updates GUI even if no real frame is being drawn -Pause, Frame-Advance and Save State work on FMVs now -Input rerecording stuff written from scratch. It uses an internal buffer, so hard drives will be a lot happier now. Also, it may hopefully fix some desyncs -New movie file format -Fixed a nasty bug where input from Controller 1 wasn't written to the file for one frame. Some movies made with v0.0.1-3 won't work anymore, unless they're hex-edited. Movies made with v0.0.00006 and older will still always sync, even if they didn't on v0.0.1-3 -No more GPU crashes at all -Hotkeys work with CPU in interpreter mode too -PCSX doesn't hide the mouse cursor while running -New program icon + manifest file -Some new hotkeys like: Increase/Decrease Speed, Save/Load Current State, Select Save Slot, Start Recording/Playback, etc. -There are thousands of new lines of code in this version, and most of them were taken from other open-source emulators, so, a huge thanks to the authors of Dega, FBA, FCEU/FCEUX, Gens, Snes9x and VBA. v0.0.3 -Possible workaround for desync issues. PCSX now works as FBA: each time you press "frame advance" it will advance until the next frame is drawn, which means you will see the frame counter jump two numbers or so after a single "frame advance" in most games (those games which run at ~30FPS, for example). Also, "Pause" and "Save State" functions will wait until the next frame is drawn too. It may be annoying if you try to save a state or pause in a 600 frames long static "loading..." screen, but this prevents a LOT of desyncs, and you will quickly get used to it anyway. Of course this isn't 100% desync-proof, but it has helped very much with some of the games I've tested: PaRappa the Rapper, Metal Gear Solid, Ghost in the Shell and Skullmonkeys. Other games may or may not notice changes regarding desyncs. -Fixed another bug reported by Atma, where the frame counter didn't stay red after a lagged frame. But this won't be so useful anymore, anyway, since some games "frame advance" two frames or more from now on, and you may miss the lagged frame. -Fixed bug where movie-mode did change from "recording" to "replaying" or from "replaying" to "recording" after trying to load a nonexistent savestate. v0.0.2 -PCSX won't crash anymore at start if you try to use any other GPU plugin besides P.E.Op.S. -Fixed bug reported by Atma, where if you tried to resume emulation at the middle of a movie, it desynced -PCSX won't try to read anymore an extra frame after the movie ends. Also, if your movie file header says "10" frames, it will only play 10 frames, even if there are more frames inside the file. This prevents movie length cheating. v0.0.1 -New movie file format -New dialogs for recording and replaying -Option to record mouse, standard or analog controllers -Now movies record/replay both player 1 and player 2 -GPU keep messages/counters updated even if emulation is paused -GPU shows emulation status (paused) and movie status (recording/replaying) -GPU display both players input -"P.E.Op.S." SPU plugin should sync with all movies made with "No Sound 0.4" -"Start recording from savestate" option -Frame counter shows total movie frames -Pause automatically at last frame of playback to prevent movie end -Savestates made while recording/replaying a movie are now named like this: "movieFilename.pxm.000", "movieFilename.pxm.001", etc. -Most of the rerecording stuff was rewritten from scratch, so it may have new bugs. Please report them if you found any
Anything else I should have? Nowhere there reads how to record AVI.
Joined: 3/7/2006
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It doesn't support direct AVI output yet. I think I said this in the other topic too.
Voted NO for NO reason
Joined: 10/11/2008
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Location: Kajaani, Finland
Oh god. Thanks. Finally someone answered. But how someone like this guy recorded his videos?
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Uh... go to the video plugin settings. Then there's a little button named "key configuration" or something. Press it. Now tell me what the MULTIPLY (*) key does when you are ingame...
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Bisqwit wrote:
Drama, too long, didn't read, lol.
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