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Quite a bump from a while ago, but I have decided to redo my Pokemon speedrun. Right now, I'm in the process of SRing for a good Charmander. And I just got this one: Charmander HP: 11-15 Att: 9 Def: 7-13 Spec: 14-15 Speed: 10-12 I fear that Atk is too low. And I also know that if Speed is 10, I will NEVER tie the level 11 Rattata on route 3. However, if I fight just one battle in the forest, it will level to 12 before it and it will ALWAYS outspeed it as long as Speed is 8 or higher. So basically, if Speed is 11 or 12, I suppose I could take a chance and hope for a tie break. I know that near max Spec critical Ember will OHKO the Rattata. I remember from my other run that I couldn't. Probably because Spec was too low. In the end, the extra battle would only help against the Rattata, but it would ensure me to not go crazy on Ekans after finally beating up Rattata. I could of course SR for a new Charmander, knowing that a 15 Speed IV will ALWAYS outspeed said Rattata. I just need some luck with the Atk/Spec stats. Opinions? Remember, I'm not TASing.
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You have a 68% poke at worst, 85.3% at best, where 100% got max ivs. Personally I wouldn't run until I got a 90%+ poke (68 combined iv), or are you dropping it for a glitched poke early?
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EDIT: Deleted useless post. EDIT:Some of you may already know about this, but when resetting Yellow while saving (and maybe R/B) there is another interesting thing that can happen. Here's how it goes: I was just messing around with pokemon yellow on my GameBoy (after being inspired by gia's hilarious run of it) and was trying to corrupt the file. Note: Before this, I had a saved game where I was playing around with experience underflow near Pewter and Viridian Forest. I started a new game and walked near the patch of grass, started saving and turned the game off randomly (but pretty quickly after I selected "Yes"). Game loaded fine, but when I checked my Pokemon menu, I had all of the pokemon that were in my party in my previous game. It was weird. However, I didn't have any badges (I had one in the previous game), and to my disappointment, receiving Pickachu with a full party did not cause any glitches (it just didn't appear). This could be used to easily have access to all of the pokemon and moves needed to beat the game, and maybe even resetting at the right time would yield the badges. This probably would count as using a predefined save, but I don't know how you determine that.
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Sounds like it got stopped from saving the "belt pokémon = 0" or 1, and it only saved your basic game progress/location, without clobbering your last save's pokés. It would count as using predefined save, because if you hadn't had the prior saved game, you wouldn't have had those pokémon, it sounds like.
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cool, but, pikachu didnt appear or was sent to pc box?
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It acted like normal (Ash Received Pickachu!), but Pickachu was not in my belt or in the PC, and its not invisible (talking to the air behind you does nothing).
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gia wrote:
You have a 68% poke at worst, 85.3% at best, where 100% got max ivs. Personally I wouldn't run until I got a 90%+ poke (68 combined iv), or are you dropping it for a glitched poke early?
I've already tossed it. If you've seen my other any % glitched run, I'm using it up to the Pokemon used for getting Mew to level 100, but the most important Pokemon before that is Shellder. The run will basically be the same, aside from fixed mistakes and a few new strats. The first part aside from the different way to skip Brock will be the same until right before Celadon City. I wonder if I should be bothered enough to reset endlessly just to get good stats. I'll never know if Mew's stats might be really bad, so yeah. =/ And now I realised that I can't actually OHKO the Rattata. I'd be better of 2HKOing and just making sure that I outspeed it on the second turn.
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Interesting, but yeah it would count as predefined save anyway. I don't understand what's the problem with Mew, you can always know what its stats are, just play up to missingno. Aren't there those devices that allow you to upload your save to the computer? If you are ssing then use whatever speedy charmander you get, completions are better than early resets. If segmented as I am thinking right now, reset until you hit your plan's stats or until you reach your maximum (ever) so that you never come back to attempt that manipulation again. That way you won't be wasting your time (more than you are anyway :D)
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I'm doing the latter. I've already deleted the save file. I should try to go for (near) perfect. My currently uploaded run is good, but not perfect, so that's what I'm going for now, perfection. :) At least I hope. :P
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I wasn't sure if I could bump this with a double post, but oh well. I just tried to do a glitched run up until past the Nugget Bridge (right before catching Abra). I didn't go for perfection because it was a test run. I tried Gyarados for once, trying to see if it was faster. It's probably not. I timed it to be 1 minute slower (and that's with the 30 seconds penalty because of the mistake in the earlier run). I don't remember my exact time in my old run, 25:XX, but now I had 26 minutes past the Nugget Bridge. A very high 26 one. Now, of course, I realise my luck wasn't as astoundishing as before and I could have gone for more criticals, I also got in two random encounters during the capturing of Gyarados. That took about 23 seconds total, but that won't lower the 26 to 25, I know. Even if we assume I go for near perfect battles, that might save about a minute in a Gyarados run. It would probably tie my old run. Remember, Gyarados becomes useless after getting Mew. I'd also need to deposit one extra Pokemon. Not to mention the amount of luck I need to actually be able to tie or outspeed my old Charmeleon run. I think I can therefore conclude that Gyarados in an non-TAS glitched run, is just not worth it. At least I finally got to test it now. :) Also, a near perfect stats Charmeleon will probably have an easier time in most battles because it's way more easier to actually get those 1 or 2HKO's now. Of course, this is only the beginning part, the biggest improvement in my run will be using Blizzard instead of Ice Beam and using Take Down like in the TAS. Routewise, it wil be almost like the TAS, I think. Sorry for my rambling. *leaves thread*
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I dont have my pokemon files or id tell you exactly... In yellow tho I would glitch Gengar at Viridian Forest and he'd be faster than Gyarados, Char or Mew. I recall I concluded Gengar was not possible on RB but dont remember what were the alternatives. Back to yellow despite facing him is highly improbable since his attacks are not based on acc once you got a run with him itd be a matter of having perfect presses. I suppose he stops working at mid game but could tag along further than gyarados.
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Well, Gyarados would only be used until right before Mew since Mew can get to 100 and Dos can't. You can get Gengar either in Mt.Moon or right after Nugget Bridge, but since it cannot be poisoned, I wouldn't use it. You can definitely get Gengar in Yellow before Brock, but the sheer (console) luck you need for it is astounishing. Triggering a Pidgeotto with the right IVs is pretty ass. It also only get T-bolt, Psychic as the only good moves too. Lick and Night Shade are good, but stop working at some point of the game (when they get > 100 HP and have high Def to resist Lick). PS. Do you have msn? :P
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up to lavender gengar still worked, then you could go back to mew but having gengar for whatever could be used, my hotmale acc is giaym, kadabra is also glitchable at some point not sure if it is enough though.
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Question: I heard that Missingno. and 'M don't work in Jap Red/Green, only in Jap Blue and Eng Red/Blue. In Jap R/G, they freeze the game when encountered. Could someone confirm this for me?
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I'm doing a glitch-free Pokemon Blue run, just to see how fast i can do it without glitches. I luck manipulate the opposing pokemon moves, me getting crits when i need them, and avoiding wild pokemon encounters by stopping for a couple frames then moving. I got to brock battle scene as a level 7 charamander, in 27000 frames. Brock is still moving to the right before he throws out his geodude. is this way to much or about right?
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Technically, this is good enough for someone who is unfamiliar with the game (by comparison, primo's run is at about frame 30000 at Brock, but does an extra battle worth about 4000 frames). Strategically however, Brock will take forever due to not having Ember for Geodude. Be prepared to take 33 turns against Geodude, one for each HP that Geodude has. By comparison, primo's run takes 5 turns against Geodude.
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After catching mew on my actual pokemon red, ive decided to glitch my way to the top, which means im starting over again. i have visualboy advance 1.7.2 rerecording v19.3, is there a newer version than this out there, possibly with an onscreen memory watch feature like on the snesx9 emulator, possibly including the option to move the position of the text using a popup dialog. another option would be to have another memory viewer child window that only lists the memory addresses and their coorosponding values of the addresses you specified in the original memory viewer. this new child window might be like the cheats list window, but without the option to freeze values or change them. I know Nitsuja did the rerecording features of the version I have, so maybe Nitsuja, if you want to, can you (or anyone else who can program for that matter) add a memory watch feature to Visualboy Advance if it hasn't been done already.
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SuperLuigiKirby wrote:
I know Nitsuja did the rerecording features of the version I have, so maybe Nitsuja, if you want to, can you (or anyone else who can program for that matter) add a memory watch feature to Visualboy Advance if it hasn't been done already.
It's there. Tools -> Debug -> Memory Viewer. Opens a child window where you can view specific memory addresses. I typically jump to CFE0 while manipulating battles. FFD3 and FFD4 are also useful if you are manipulating a specific random encounter. Check out the Pokémon Tricks page, maintained by FractalFusion, for further explaination if you haven't already done so. To re-iterate what FractalFusion said, if you want to do a Glitch-Free run, you should definitely fight the extra battle to get your Charmander to level 9 before fighting Brock. If you've decided to skip Pewter Gym, then just go straight through with a level 7 to Route 3 (in my current run, I fight the Lass with two pokémon, and then back track to Pewter, instead of fighting the Bug Catcher with 4. This is actually a slower option (~60 frames or so slower), an I only do so because it prevents my Charmander from evolving in Mt. Moon. If you skip Pewter Gym, fighting the Bug Catcher would be a better way to go (unless it saves a level up, which it very well might. You'll need to experiment)). Also, when are you planning to catch Mew exactly? In my original Pokémon Red run, I gliched a Mew at the earliest possible point in Cerulean. Later I found, that since an Abra is not necessary to return from Vermillion (as Escape Rope can be used inside the Pokémon Fan Club building), that glitching a Gyarados in Mt. Moon is a much faster option (as can be seen in my previous two submissions). EDIT: Also the current re-recording version is v20. It emulates a bit slower than v19.x, but apparently this is the 'correct' emulation behavior.
print reduce(lambda x,p:p/2*x/p+2*10**1000,range(6643,1,-2))
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Doesn't v20 also have serious desync problems?
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Solon wrote:
Doesn't v20 also have serious desync problems?
None that I've experienced. Unless you're referring to v19.x runs desyncing in v20, which I'm sure just about all of them will.
print reduce(lambda x,p:p/2*x/p+2*10**1000,range(6643,1,-2))
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I actually started over my run. the major differences were 1) i chose bulbasaur instead so i would have growl for when I face the youngster with a slowpoke. that way i can growl at it 6 times and undercut mew's experience and get it to level 100. after that i plan to use the walk through walls glitch to glitch my way to the elite four. 2) my bulbasaur's DVs after waiting a few frame is FFCF. I believe that means Attack, Defense, and Special are maxed. 3) against charmander, i made gary use 4 failed growls, and i hit as follows (all tackes): 6 critical, 4 damage, 4 damage, 5 critical. that exactly fainted charmander. 3) in 15000 frames i got about halfway through the "getting the pokedex" dialog. @ primorial#soup: Yeah I figured out that i can just watch the value I need for the moment, namely CFE7 for looking at charmander's current HP at the battle's start, and D0D8 for fainting charmander spot on. I think it would be faster to just buy an escape rope rather than get it from Mt. Moon. On my real pokemon red i figured out that during the trainer-fly glitch, fighting a goldeen gives you staryu instead of mew. fighting a butterfree gives you a chansey, fighting the bug catcher north of vermillion, with 2 weedles and a caterpie, glitches part of the nugget bridge team rocket member dialog and gets you fighting a wild grimer. i caught all three plus mew.
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SuperLuigiKirby wrote:
On my real pokemon red i figured out that during the trainer-fly glitch, fighting a goldeen gives you staryu instead of mew. fighting a butterfree gives you a chansey, fighting the bug catcher north of vermillion, with 2 weedles and a caterpie, glitches part of the nugget bridge team rocket member dialog and gets you fighting a wild grimer. i caught all three plus mew.
This FAQ might be useful: The Jr. Trainer's Goldeen in the Cerulean Gym is not the Mew trigger, but rather the Swimmer's Shellder. I think you'll find it to be quite a bit faster than the Youngster on Rt. 24 (less backtracking, etc.). EDIT: Updated the link to something that actually works.
print reduce(lambda x,p:p/2*x/p+2*10**1000,range(6643,1,-2))
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I've been messing around with the ZZAZZ glitch on Pokemon Red, here is what I did. I used the Gambler west of Lavender to trigger Trainer-Fly and after restoring my buttons I fought a Ditto in the grass east of Fuschia, letting it Transform into my lvl100 Kadabra with special 252. Then I went back to Lavender to face "death-trainer". Here's what I found out: (NOTE: This is for Red, and Special 252 ONLY, I haven't tried the other values.) The glitch overwrites bytes with the hex value 99 in a fixed pattern. It overwrites two bytes and spares the third one, overwrites two bytes and spares the third one and so on. In its way, it changes data from your name and your party, which explains why you have Zs, Bulbasaurs, Explosion, level 153 and some of your pokemon get poisoned (all of these have hex value 99). The overwriting always starts at address D07A, and ends in a random place (it's around D249 though),I think things like your current location, Ditto's attack modifier, and the last pokecenter you healed affect this. Anyway, to stop the game from crashing in Red you must have a party of two or five pokemon. Why? Because the pokemon you have in your party are stored like this: the first byte shows how many pokes you have, the others are their species, and the last one is an FF (null) byte. For a party of five, it would look like this: 05 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 FF The first byte is always spared, so after ZZAZZ it will be like this: 05 99 99 P3 99 99 FF My experimental results show that the game will never crash if the null byte is preserved (didn't test walking around until poison kills me though). However, since the byte shift trick requires the FF to be gone, we will never be able to glitch the inventory. The only way I see to avoid the crash with the null byte overwritten is not to get your pokemon poisoned. So, the questions I have are: 1.What does D07A do? Perhaps knowing this could give us a clue to why the corruption starts there. 2.Can we manipulate ZZAZZ so that it wouldn't overwrite the status ailment addresses, thus avoiding poison? 3.Can we get a value other than 99? 4.Why Pewter City stops you from taking poison damage in Yellow? WHY, JUST WHY? EDIT: I used gameshark code 01997AD0 to change D07A to 99. I ended up getting $9999 money from every trainer I beat. I suppose it controls the amount of money you receive after winning a trainer battle.
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cool, I didn't even check what the overwriting does since I could do the trick without being restricted to Pewter by using special 254 iirc, I finished a test run using Vermillion but didnt "do" the run since the save glitch was way faster, video is on youtube i think The pokedex is after the pokemon data and after that the items, pokedex will never have FF at that point in the game so the FF from the item list cancel button would be the party's EOF. Then you could use the box to deposit your extra pokemon (moving FF up and up) and then retrieve one to overwrite the items counter. If that is not correct what about doing it with 2 pokemon, after glitching deposit 3 so that the pokemon counter rolls back to FF and be able to use the party menu to switch and overwrite the items counter. On my notes I have that it starts at D079 just that it and 7A refresh to their "normal" values afterwards, also their overwriting continue up to D260 (6th pokemon data). All this for yellow. So first what causes the crash, a pokemon fainting from poison is what I remember but it could be an incorrect status value and I remember wrong. If the first about pewter and stuff then pewter or its coordinates while in there might help not hitting a pokemon death by poison on hanzous movie.
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Hmm, I didn't know the pokedex data was after the pokemon party. Didn't even bother to check it. I haven't tested special 254, I'll do it as soon as I can.
gia wrote:
I finished a test run using Vermillion but didnt "do" the run since the save glitch was way faster, video is on youtube i think
I checked your YT channel, but didn't see this vid, can you give me a direct link?
gia wrote:
what about doing it with 2 pokemon, after glitching deposit 3 so that the pokemon counter rolls back to FF and be able to use the party menu to switch and overwrite the items counter.
The byte that determines the quantity of pokemon in your party is never changed. When I deposit pokemon, the game lowers this value by 1 and when it reaches 01, it won't let me deposit anymore.
gia wrote:
So first what causes the crash, a pokemon fainting from poison is what I remember but it could be an incorrect status value
The game only crashes because when poison damages you for the second time, you still haven't restored the FF byte in your party. As I said before, when I have 2 or 5 pokemon, I can walk around taking damage without crashing the game. EDIT: Thanks a lot for suggesting special 254, it worked perfectly, I could successfully spawn at the Hall of Fame in a test run. Although I played at normal speed the entire game, my luck manipulation was poor and my route was random, I still beat primo's published TAS. I recorded the end: (VBA v19.3)