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arukAdo wrote:
Nemesis should not be able to afraid anybody after been TAS'ed :D
Naw, the police station window still gets me every time, even though I expect it. All it took was mistakenly running into the save room nearby on my first playthrough... I wonder how many people also ended up trapped by doing that?
adelikat wrote:
It started off fairly tame, but as more balls entered the picture it sure got a lot more entertaining.
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Any who have fighted him in backyard get trap here for ammo management, that for sure :p Seriously took me time to figure you need to catch him in the larger room (2 doors ahead) If you run near straight in that small corridor he dont realy hit you, if he does, it meen he punch ya, witch doesnt pose a problem to escape, if your too slow you get rocketed, witch is bad lol In the larger rooms (often with zombies there) its much easier to kick him and avoid rockets
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I mean, you know that room not long after room 30, where there is a map and a T at the end and you have a cut scene where you first meet the licker monster??? You ran to an angle before the cutscnee, just run straight :p Yes boss fights don't need to lecture you on lol. I don't know why but all RE3 runners push nemesis off. I personally jumped off. On BH3 it doesn't matter on the cutscene side as it is skipped. I've been watching the routes again, and I don't think the time is lost in terms of inventory/puzzle but with enemies. If you jump off to get the good ending the enemy layouts are more awkward for a speedrun. When you jump off the 6 skinless zombies in the room with a pool keep regenerating until 3 times. With the first option of pushing Nemesis off not only do they not regenerate, but they start in the pool, meaning you can perfect the running in that room and not have to worry about them ever. EDIT: Yes Ap the RPD scene where Mr S.T.A.R.S jumps through the window always gets me :-s he's a douchebag
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I see about the pool zombies, make some sence to me, tough its still faster (in term of distance runned) by jumping off About the licker its just i forgot that cutscene, i dont remember it now, ill take care to review it You need to know generaly angling jill while running dont mean she loose frames (but i guess i loosed some there) Also i did sucked on some places, i was realy aware, its mainly because of lazy redoing the room because forgot the special fix hotkey or such Im trying to do it "clean" this time Edit: first post updated, 50 rooms, 2203 frames saved :p
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if you are just going for the fastest possible time, are you considering any special weapons or would that be classed as a special weapons time attack?? thought i'd note here special weapons don't affect the rank, only health, time and saves do. the rocket launcher is slow but easily the most powerful weapon in game and gnarly once you've spent the time aiming it :D this weapon would only suffice against bosses. and likely only to provide 1-3 hits per time before dodging.
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That would be a clear game run, for that i need first to unlock them with regular run :D If v2 is accepted on submition then can reconsider for clear game run, eventually Edit: update again, 70 rooms, 3529 frames saved :p
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The 'Licker' is a Drain Deimos, just to help clear up any possible confusion.
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how's this coming along?? any news? did you check out zeno's again and combine all thr strategies? thanks Paused, I am sorry if I mixed up the names :p im playing biohazard 1-3 atm on my PS3. drain deimos bother me more than lickers, they are nasty S.O.B's..
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I cant run ahead that lickers you told me about, it need a (small) angle else it does hit me Im now at exactly 96864 frames, i did saved 4407 frames, witch is about 1min13sec (tough that not very revelant, i picked up powder earlier and wasted 500 frames, would be 5000 now without this) I made some tests on nemesis3, he need a lot of ammo... over 12 for sure (now trying to figure out whats the best to pickup, but carlos giving 6 flames probably void me to change ammo type) You apparently cant kill him on first cannon shoot (tough it can damage him regardless, but cant be the lethal hit) So you have plenty of time to unleash over 12 rounds before second shoot get by Edit: capcom devs smoked too much that day, where they sayd, the cannon beam can hit jill... that realy lame to kill the player that way lol :/ I also realized that using the special fix where you dont need it(on doors that work good) can save time, so i hope whe will make a special rule to void using it where its not need to fix the game So far i loosed frames only in 2 rooms because of this fix trick, only 1 room is draw (0 frame saved), 1 room loosed frame because of more pick up, the whole rest is having positive gain I will update room counts when im done tonight, i think in about 2 or 3 days its done, i think it might be under 1:10 (speculate)
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very good man :) i think you got confused by what i mean. the room where you first meet the drain deimos monsters (the T shaped one with the lift and dead guy) I wasn't talking about after the cutscene as you definitely dodge to the right there. I was on about the straight path before the cutscene you turned to the left a little on your v1 just before you triggered the cutscene. You didn't need to do that :p on Resi every frame counts !!! ehehe. Another you pick up any gunpowder a in your current test runs? if so that dead guy has gunpowder A you might want to get it when you backtrack idk. might not be such a good idea actually as you lose frames kneeling down.
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Its an interresting idea actually, for one reason at least, you get trough that area 4 times (and move over his body) I kneel down in the city hall to get stacks of B and A, and your right, it waste time, i hope to find a better place on this run (i took 3xA in pharmacy already) I runned straitgh to that cutscene in the real run (demolickwhatever) From tests with nemesis3 i also can tell, more likely, i will take damage from him (close fight to have him right angled on second cannon shoot) Since i will take (very small) damage from the vapor room anyway doesnt matter Edit: founded new trick to make menus shorter while picking up an item... not redoing run from start tough... i will redo if i have the courage later on... probably will find other tricks meanwhile... now trying to finish this one and submit :p (saved under 10 frames per pickup, that not so "huge" it will pwn my current run anyway) Updated count up to 100'000 frames and 100 rooms on first post, 1min17sec saved so far
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great :D keep it up! sorry i guess i didn't see the straight run properly in that alleyway. do you use the mines for the launcher? you might be able to pick up all the gunpowder in the cabin if you remove the mines before the worm fight. well done with the menu trick, menus dont add or subtract from the time btw but sure looks entertaining when you speed through them, so well done !!
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I mean now in v2 i run straight (didnt looked back at v1 for tell the truth)
Sinister1JP wrote:
menus dont add or subtract from the time
Your wrong actually, that a old folks, everything count toward the clear time, and all menu frames you gain will reduce clear time Edit: my movie file is 270317 frames long, witch is 1:14:57 (game say 1:14:47) Also, just for the record :p I did counted 210 doors fmv, witch is over 22 min long counting an average of 350 frames per doors, that mean a bit less than 1/3 of the run consist of watching a door opening... I dont remember number of items in game, and also, i will have half the run using it, but it mean for 6 items i win 1 second, theres probably less than 60 pickup/questions within 0-100'000 frames, so it will be less than 10 seconds saved, i think v2 still valid for submition, v3 will not save many time because of this, need to find other tricks for realy make a v3... I dont pick up mine thrower this time, its useless, grenades are more powerfull after all (was a bad idea) Between 120'000-180'000 im gonna save huge chunks of frames, because less pick up (got half powder already) and better item management, then it will be in boss fights later i will win again a lot (wurm/nemesis3) Updated first post up to room 140, saved 9333 frames total (2:35) 80 rooms left, im about 2/3 of the game now
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If what you're saying is correct, even now time-wise you have overtaken the world record for console recorded speedrunning of Biohazard 3 :D congrats keep it up!
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Im gonna blow up ZENO clear time that for sure :p Im not sure what time i will end with, but it will be under 1:10 apparently Edit: I tryed many times over and over, theres no way i can kill the wurm in 11 nades like ZENO did, either there is a random factor or the jap version is easier (boss got less hp) I still won 5000 frames on that boss so it doesnt realy matter, well, if i do a jap run, ill be able to see if he realy got less hp Edit2: im done, just wait tomorow for update/videos ect... im dead tonight :p movie lenght: 1:07:25 clear time : 1:07:08
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I deserve a double post now that i finished encoding this run :p Updated first post with new links, youtube still processing the video tough *now waiting for the site to be able to parse my pxm for submition*
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OMG, insane time! Congrats, man!! I bet you'd raise hell with the JP version if this is the amazing time you got on just the US version!
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I assume a clear time of 01:05 or lower for JP version :p Edit: youtube link work now :D
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Just seeing her run without the shotgun makes everything look WAY slicker.
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The most interresting thing is i could save frames from v1 while taking off the shooty in the room you get it, and having only 1 zombie to shoot where in v1 i had 2 in stairs Notice i tryed to get ride of it just dodging, and it take more frames than equiping shooty and kill him :/ This is because you need to push him back to up stairs or knock him down, since i already ko him on first passage, it need several pushes, witch waste many time I use the shooty only in 2 other places. -The mayor statue (2 shoots), this is because i would waste time by dodging 2 times zombies since i need to go back here with the other item (saved many frames from v1 like that). -At the pharmacy (1 shoot) there is a crowd of zombies, theres no way you can do it faster than i did i believe, because getting hit take forever, and generaly you need 2 shoots to take them down, i retryed many time to have them grouped like this and only shoot one time. *need to update first post with zombie kill count* :p
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I don't think there is much improvement you could possibly do on this run of the USA version. I'd say any more major improvements could only come from the JP version - Enemy placement and attributes (strength, speed, health), Text being 1 screen shorter, faster FMA skip. Enemy placements are almost all the same in the JP version but IIRC there were a couple of minor differences in health, speeds (you noted the wurm took 11 acids only, and I think Nemesis has different health in places, too). Again, amazing job :) I didn't think shaving over 5mins on that other time was possible. I think my jaw would need an operation to go back in place if you shave off more time!
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I'll have to watch this run for sure. I knew my run at SDA was crap, but now I see there are even ways to landslide ZENO's run, with the NA version no less. There's absolutely no excuse for me not to improve my run now. Honestly, I don't know whether I should be flabbergasted that nobody (US or Japanese) figured out how to gain such a huge time advantage, or that I didn't learn about this project sooner. I had a feeling unequipping weapons did something outside of giving you an extra second or two on load time. I knew unequipping weapons made you run faster in the GC remake, but I wasn't sure if the same held true for the original RE engine. I'm going to need to figure out the dodge system too, since it seems like most of the time savers come from perfect dodging. Neither I, ZENO, or Goda took advantage of it in any of our runs, partially because it's damn hard to figure out the timing window in which to shove a zombie. The only person I know who has that down to a science is HKGoldenMrA. =| Masterful work. I hope to see a Rocket Launcher run as well. =]
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Nah, pistol run i say :p and pwn nemesis :) There is a youtube link on first post, but most likely, you look for the pxm actually (and PCSX-RR if you dont have it already), if you realy want to analyse how im doing frame per frame The dodge system is simple : -If you are running the windows of opertunity (to press R2) is of 1 frames... yeah just one f****** frame... and the number of angle where you come from are limited -If you are walking, depending the angle, 2 up to 3 frames opertunity (edit: for the sake of giving details, you need to make x2, in re3 the game receive 30 input per seconds, not 60) If you are too slow or too fast of 1 frame, you fail The best system i founded : dont dodge, "lurk" zombie, if at the very last moment you change angle (see the video alley behind restaurant) the zombie will not even be able to grab you, this is ULTRA efficient, realy ;) About weapons: equiping no weapon or knife doesnt boost up, only shootgun or grenade launcher will slow you down (5%) This test was made on the straight corridor that connect to pharmacy (small, 6 seconds only), i didnt tryed rocket launcher or custom western tough :p Edit: oh btw, im noob at tasing so im very flatered the sda runner give such a good feedback :)
Joined: 4/24/2007
Posts: 10 All of this was done with a one-frame timing window you say? There's gotta be more to it. It's like, impossible for human reflexes to hit a one-frame timing window. I notice that he's never directly facing the zombies whenever he shoves. He always turns at an angle or does a 180 facing backwards before he does.
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Yup, but hes walking, so its up to 3 frames (well 6...) While running its down to 1 frame Doesnt realy matter your position from the zombie, what matter is the frame where he start to catch you, if your not even moving, you might get an extra frame oppertunity, would be up to 4 (they are slower to lunge at you if your not running, that for sure)