I hesitate a lot about this, finally I got 7 doublebeat rune(possible characther: viktor, flick, Eilie, Freed, Georg, Humphrey, Stallion, Persmergea...), while some missions, require some specific characther and it's actually hard to figure out how far I can still kickass as low level... I prefer get more double beat rune than necessairy for this first speedrun.
Also, some old thing than I din't saw coming, the hero and some other people(with good technic stat) can knockdown (with low pourcent) some enemy and boss !

I tested this on bonaparte and the double head snake... works fine, nut I tested this on Sierra and if she cant attack on her turn, the game will crash =/
I've also tried some tools to find out the RNS and yes, this is an awfull job... I'm actually working with the memory watch plugin and tsearch, but looks like that I'll also need to learn how to edit the hexadecimal files in the game CD... trying to found some clue about what are the correct formulla and more, maybe give a shot on ollydbg, hmmm
I should also clarify something about "pilika show up", I'm actually need to recruit, Rikimaru, Millie, Kinisson and shiro... then save in an Inn, and it's only after have saved that she'll show up. Pretty tricky.
other strategie: Luck manipulations, is very hard... It's almost impossible to have multiple criticals hits with more than 2 charachter by round. So now I think that the killer rune, can more usefull than fury rune(our hero can make berserk all our allie at lvl3 bright shield(with luck). These rune can be dropped by the bird in ryube forest.. and I have some time to waste while kinnison show up!
I should post news update videos next weeks or this weekends, if i'm working hard :)