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Right right, forgot that one. :> EDIT: Alright, I did some testing. As it turns out, buying one more shop call at the end and saving enough money to buy one more Jet Pack IS futile. Because the next time I summon the shop past that point, there are no Jet Packs in stock! I would have to summon the shop twice more, meaning I would have to build up yet another $2000 for one more Shop Call. All that combined with having to sit through the Chatty Shopkeeper twice at the end pretty much gaurentees that I won't save any time, and will probably lose time. I'm positive that the inventory available in the shops can't be affected, and it appears by a pattern that is identical in every playthrough, much like the enemy's item drops. Ergo there is no way to MAKE Jet Packs available when I want them.
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Alright folks, I've made one change to the end of the movie. Right before I summon the Shop for the final time, I spend maybe 20 seconds building up enough cash to buy one extra Jet Pack. With that, and a few extra revisions (beating Bopper the first time a bit faster) the completion time is now 23:43! Start to Finish! 23:43 This time this version is done for really real. Now, all things considered I may be able to start working on a second version over the Christmas Holidays, hopefully. Though with the Route I have planned, there isn't much room for a LOT of improvement, just some aesthetic things and perhaps I could shave some more seconds off. Anyway, I'm going to submit this now, but I have one final question before I do. Should I or shouldn't I use the category 'Uses Warps'? Because I remembered the Legend of Zelda runs and realized that using the Recorder doesn't count as 'Uses Warps'. Bang's Teleportation Force is pretty much the same principle as that, when you consider the way the game is structured, there isn't an order of stages you have to progress through set in stone, the map is kidna the same idea as the Legend of Zelda overworld in principle. I don't skip any events I have to go through to finish the game, so perhaps 'Uses Warps' isn't needed for it? EDIT: The link is fixed, silly me I forgot to replaces the spaces with underscores...
Joined: 10/16/2004
Posts: 19
thats a 404 partner :/ old link did the trick, dunno if its the newest tho [edit] 15:27 (CET) works now [/edit]
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Joined: 7/17/2004
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I had an idea about getting money, it involves that strange cat which you get some money out of after beating Gahz. How much could you abuse him? With a jet pack, could you position yourself so that your shots hit him immediately and you immediately grab the money he drops? This would get loads of money real fast, fairly early on, which would hopefully solve money problems for the rest of the game.
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Ok, I've begun work on the second version. You can download the first part of it here, it goes up to leaving Route 17... Start to Route 17, 4:48 In my original movie, my time upon finishing Route 17 was 5:37. The new version is that much faster for a couple of reasons. First of all I made one slight Route alteration. After I meet Michael on Route 3 I keep on going and exit, and then enter Route 9 from the other end, go on to Route 11, beat Gahz, and then continue normally. Doing that is a bit faster than backtracking through Route 3, going through Route 2, and most of Route 11. Though at the same time, I don't get to kill as many enemies, and thus don't pick up as much cash as I did the first time through. I did some testing, and while my new way is faster, I lose out on about $4000 or so... The battle with Gahz is improved a bit, mostly due to shooting him earlier. I summon the shop, now, immediately after defeating Gahz, and pick up three Boots and three Shop Calls. There is one thing I neglected to mention when I was giving my tally of the game's physics before, and that was that every Governor's Medallion you recieve gives you $20000 on the spot. A few times in Route 9 (second trip) and Route 12 I either pause, or back up just for a moment, this is due to needing to put myself in a better position to shoot an enemy. Since I am now moving faster in these levels than I was the previous time due to the boots, it was needed, but at the same time they are faster even with these brief pauses. I remove the boots before I start crawling through the narrow gap in Route 17, because they don't let you crawl any faster, but they STILL drain energy while they are equipped despite that. So I have to conserve them, afterall. I made one more change to the planning of this movie, and that was that I bought one Scuba Suit. While I didn't need its underwater life-preserving properties, it DOES let you swim faster. And during a test battle with Shark, he died much faster while using the Scuba Suit. So far he's the only boss to my knowledge who dies faster using a different weapon. Though I'll have to make sure to keep trying different weapons on the others, and see.
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Sounds like great stuff, I guess it showed in almost an entire minute of improvement.
Ambassador, Experienced player (714)
Joined: 7/17/2004
Posts: 985
Excellent start, I love it already. In particular, I loved how you cancel out the enemies shots while skipping on water. I noticed you skipped that cat thing, I hope you have enough money.
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Alright, update number 2. This time it goes up to beating Shark and entering Route 16. Start to Route 16, 11:45 This compared to my first run, which was at 12:50 at that point. Now then, a few more new notes... So far I haven't missed a shot, except maybe one or two during the battle with Shark, but due to the way his (her?) hit detection is I'm almost positive they counted as damage despite going right through. Another big change is that instead of warping immediately after defeating Shark, I leave Route 28, and go on to Route 22 where I use the Gold Exchange to get $12000. This adds a bit of time, but it's about the same that stopping and fighting enemies did late in my original run. Even with this addition the time at the end of this is still faster than my original run at the same place which didn't have that detour. If things go smoothly, with this addition, I probably won't have any more cash woes. A few times I stop and remove items because I needed them a bit later. Right before the gold exchange post, I summon the shop. This is because I need a Shop Call to actually use the Exchange, and had I used up the one I had left I wouldn't have had any Shop Calls. So I needed to buy two in the Shop beforehand, and I spent the rest of my money on boots and jetpacks for the upcoming bits. The next time I summon the shop should be sometime after the battle with Mush, whereupon I should hopefully have enough to buy three more Jet packs. That would be the seventh Shop visit I make, and JetPacks would still be available there. However they are not available on the Eighth visit, so I need to get three on the next one for it to really be worth it. I pause for a moment outside the Gold exchange and let my Jetpack run out, due to the randomization of the exchange itself. Had I entered the door immediately then my options for exchange would have been 300 or 500. By waiting I was able to get 1000, which is the maximum, I'm pretty sure. Axeman: I don't know what you're referring to by missing one of the flying cats. I watched through the run a few times to make sure I didn't miss anything, but there's no flying cat between the first route and route 17. The only one I encoutner is in the same place on the first version, after the battle with Max, which I DO milk for all it's worth. Speaking of Max, the battle with him was improved quite a bit as well. So despite taking an extra detour for more cash, the run is still faster at this point over the last version. Any more comments while I continue?
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Posts: 377
Ok, the second version is completed! You can check it out at the submissions page. I'm looking forward to any further comments or criticisms on it!
Ambassador, Experienced player (714)
Joined: 7/17/2004
Posts: 985
Nice job, you've ironed out the kinks and have a good thing going. Sorry, I totally forgot that the cat thing was on route 7, not 17, duh...