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Thx. However, today i tested some diffrent stuff again and found that i might not need Napalm at all(even though it did synch quite well when loading from savestates, so hex edit might be possible), i probably don't even want it, i might have screwed around too much with settings but it appears Rice looks best. And the flickering frigate problem...well here's what happens now after changing some setting(don't know which of them that improved things though): Almost every time i try to enter frigate or watch up to that point in my run, Anti-DS mupen crashes. I did manage to somehow make it continue by loading fullscreen, again i have no idea if that actually made a diffrence or if i was just lucky, second time i tried doing same things it didn't work. On the try when i did the the level loaded, it synched up perfectly until the previous desynch and i had no flickering/lag issues whatsoever. I'm not sure but i suppose it could have something to do with resolution? I've always had problem playing the game in full screen with rice but now it works perfectly. So long story short, i just gotta find a way to avoid those crashes and we're good to go. On a side note, is everyone having the same probem as DemonStrate? Or has anyone actually managed to get the run to synch?
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Mine doesn't crash but it desynchs inside the engine room (before the first pause you do a 360 degree spin? and do a headshot, then you select the tracker bug (should be the defuser?)) btw If I can only watch through Silo without a desynch if i 'run in Administrator mode' for some reason..... don't we just love Vista this' all with Direct64 ( video plugin.... where can I DL the ocrrect Rice plugin? :D good luck on the synch/crash issues :(
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Just do a google search for it. Should be version 6.1.0 Beta or similar i think. Mudlord and Aristotle has made some upgrades too, don't think it matters too much but google those names as well and you should find those versions. Anyway, i figured out that the old flickering problem is actually caused by OpenGL. Even after updating my drivers i still get the same problem. DirectX on the other hand works just fine but crashes mupen... Any ideas to what it might be with DX that causes this? Dunno if it matter but i'm using a GeForce 8800 GTS graphic card and running on Windows Vista(mentioning since i know vista has ALOT of problems). (It would also be greatly appreciated if someone could try out playing around on frigate with OpenGL/DirectX and see if similar problems occur?) Edit: In the meantime of figuring this out, me and Ryan White came up with a theoretical fastest possible route for frigate redo run, there's still alot of uncertainty around it but it should be able to shave off alot of seconds over previous run: 1: Save #1 Agent hostage. 2: Save #2 Agent hostage. 3: Save 3rd slowest hostage(first hostage after going down all stairs) 4: Ignore next hostage(4th, won't escape anyway) 5: Save Engine room hostage from catwalk. 6: Defuse engine bomb and select unarmed before choosing defuser in pause menu. 7: Warp through pipes but keep defuser out. 8: Defuse bridge bomb, bring out slappers and save bridge hostage. 9: Pause for tracker bug 10: run out the other bridge door, While running up the stairs towards the very first door you opened in the run, throw tracker bug near the top so it lands on helicopter(the biggest uncertainty of the run, but it might be possible to hit chopper from this extreme distance). 11: Pray that hostages are fast enough and finish level. Possible fail time: Between 45-50 seconds? Possible completion: Impossible to say, but maybe 50 seconds.
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you might be able to get that bug toss to work, I've come close on console but always a little short, maybe with a boost which you should be able to get from a bridge room guard. Why is slapper faster than a gun?
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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Well when it comes to killing the bridge guard you'll first have to switch to weapon then shoot. I figure slapper can be used sooner. Besides, I tried the bugthrow and i don't really see how that could work. The bug lands beyond bond's sight and is therefor most likely removed from RAM or something, since the objective neither completes or fails meaning the bug doesn't actually land.
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When I was throwing it I remember getting it to land on the ground above the helicopter right on the edge a lot of the times. Facing that direction might be enough.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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How did you perform the throw? Just looking straight up while running up the stairs right? Were any of the doors opened? (somehow getting a view of the other side of the boat loads the area and makes it possible, but i didn't think there was any way to do that).
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I looked up at about 45º, I think both doors were open.
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Wyster wrote:
Well when it comes to killing the bridge guard you'll first have to switch to weapon then shoot. I figure slapper can be used sooner.
Can be used sooner, but from the time it accepts your press of Z to the connection of the slap is not instantaneous like a gun. Plus the need for close range, and that the soonest possible kill will result in more than likely not the fastest escape time... yeah, just shoot the fucker I think. Interesting route- how will the pipes be warped without a weapon switch? guard boost?
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To get through pipes i will most likely use a guard boost. Not sure if there's any other way. In any case, you do have a good point about the slapper not being instantaneous, though i believe it "accepts Z" sooner than a gun, might be wrong. Also the close range thing...didn't think of it until now but backstrafing and then shooting the guy in the head should save a bit(If there's enough room to accelerate for bug throw afterwards). In the end i'm not sure which method will give fastest escape time but i guess it'll just be marginal diffrence. So well i'm about halfway through the redo run now and it's going fantastic so far. Probably finished in a few days.
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did you ever test if the bug throw can work or the defuser first strat? Also, if the engine hostage can escape fast enough it'd be faster to do the bug throw first.
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Actually as it appears now none of the strats seem to work. And Engine dude isn't fast enough, using a little overall slower strat in engine room he escapes in 54 seconds. However, defuser first in bridge doesn't work, hostage is killed too fast. And bug throw i dunno about, the strat's speed kinda depends on that now. Otherwise i suppose doing bug throw first is in fact fastest(rest of the strat should be same though). Sucks about the defuser, that was my main time saver...
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What if you get a boost when you go in from the guards by the stairs? And if your going to pause 3 times do quick pause first. How much do you have to wait on the engine hostage if you do the bug throw first? Do you not have to wait at all if you do bug throw after engine?
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
What if you get a boost when you go in from the guards by the stairs? I wonder if you could get the guards to blow up the computer saving the hostage while your disarming. And if your going to pause 3 times do quick pause first. How much do you have to wait on the engine hostage if you do the bug throw first? Do you not have to wait at all if you do bug throw after engine?
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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Boost prolly wont matter but i'll definately try everything to make it work. I thought about blowing the comp but if bomb blows up i believe obj fails? I don't know when engine dude will escape, i have to get to that point in my current run to know for sure. Then we'll be able to figure out most optimal strat.
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Once you defuse the bomb you can blow it up. but I think the hostage would die if the bomb went off, I was thinking just have 1 small computer blow up and kill the taker but not blow up the bomb.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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Okay another big letdown today, i came within 9 frames of succeding with saving the bridge hostage, but it's totally impossible to do it. I'm afraid my near perfect run so far will have to be redone.....Argh. Only way to do this strat would be to either 1: come through a diffrent door(requires a slow route), or 2: save bridge guy first but don't do bomb. This would optimally be done in the very beginnign by shooting taker through window, which can only be done from a great not much luck there either. Back to square one and i'm getting more and more convinced that wr strat might be the only way after all. Btw, in this strat the engine hostage have an optimal escape at 52 seconds.
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Simon said that strat fails around 54, so maybe you can get 53. If the fastest the engine hostage can escape is 52 then I don't see any other strat that could work. If you did agent hostages before engine then engine would be too slow. And using the slowest hostage would be too slow unless you could get quick kill with a grenade.
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No no I told you what Henrik told me (ie fail is 55-56).
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Slowest hostage is slow because he has severe problems with getting stuck everywhere. So my plan to warp pipes twice and release him first doesn't work. Doing agent hostages first does work though you need to save tracker bug for later, which requires the crazy throw, which most likely can't be done.(And is apparently slower(57-58 fail at best). Through all testings, i have come to the conclusion that this has to be the optimal strategy and perfect balance between total speed and hostage speed: 3rd Slowest hostage, Ignore slowest, Engine dude from catwalk, Engine bomb, Pipes, agent hostages, tracker bug, bridge. Should be fairly simple to finish level now.
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Ya I agree, You can save slow hostage with grenade but you need the door to be open, and for some reason 3rd slowest can't be saved with grenade, it just doesn't go through that floor, otherwise that would be an awesome strat.
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that just blew my mind
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- Wow -
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That was amazing. I'm looking forward to this run now :)