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Death and true dracula take same damage from holy claymore Fake(?) dracula take less damage from holy claymore than death tough, but i dont fight him Could you try to find a code for me to get the sword so i can realy test how long the fight would take? If its 19, it mean i can probably finish it faster than claymore (not by a lot tought i think) Droping the sword gonna be the most painfull overall
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Just start NG+ and test it... I don't have any cheat codes for luck manipulation. You may find some that increase LCK or decrease rarity though.
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
Post subject: PoR Memory Addresses
Joined: 11/17/2005
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Need cheats? All of these are 1 byte. 0x02 111 _ _ _ = effect of this variable (recommended value) A68 = Relics 1-8 Activated (255) A69 = Relics 9-16 Activated (255) A9A - AA1 = Relics Owned, two per byte (0x11 or 17) AA2 - AF3 = Enemy Guide (255) AF4 - B9C = Item Guide (0x11 or 17) BF8 - C2B = Use Items Quantity (0x99 or 153) C2C - CAD = Equipment Quantity (0x99 or 153) CAF - D59 = Skill Levels I'm not sure how the memory is laid out for the skill levels. The skills are all out of order, most skills don't have levels, and there are 'holes'. If you write 0xFF into every byte then every skill will be level 8192. Good enough. D5A - D6A = Config Settings. Don't mess with these. :x I'm just saying I found them by accident. A6C - A7F = Johnathan's Skills Owned (0x11 or 17) A7F - A94 = Charlotte's Skills Owned (0x11 or 17) A95 - A99 = Dual Tech's Owned (0x11 or 17) Johnathan can use the four animal summons and all of Julius' moves. Don't be too surprised when Holy Water and Cross appear twice in his list of skills. (0x02)112170 = current MP, 2 bytes. I set it to 573 so that I could spam attacks. EDIT: Wow! I just realized that this thread is titled "Portrain of Ruin"
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Nice! Please i just need to boost luck or item drops, actually, i just want the Final Sword to make the needed testing :p Ah the title is bad indeed, not my doing tought :D
Post subject: Luck 'Manipulation'
Joined: 11/17/2005
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111FCC = Johnathan's Luck Stat 11201C = Charlotte's Luck Stat If you set them to 1777 then you'll have a perfect drop rate. The Gambler Glasses will only show up to 50% for any item, but the true drop rate will be higher. I guess I didn't know what you wanted to do? I gave you the code to give yourself the Final Sword (and every other piece of equipment) without having to wait for it to drop. Just start the game, give yourself all the items, and equip the Final Sword. 0x02111C42 = 153 will give you 9 Final Swords and 9 Dragonslayers. (111C43 = 153 will give you 9 Holy Claymores.)
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Im sorry, somewhere i got confused and didnt understood all items code, doesnt matter anyway Now i can realy test! Thanks a billion! Edit: ok i deal 26 to death while im level5 (its very possible to get lvl5), i believe its enought, but, theres a problem: how do you go to dracula once you SG'ed to the final guard...? i couldnt find a way :/ I had to go back to entrance and travel again to reach a SG'able room The other trouble also is i have near no chances to drop that sword :( i got between 5 to 8 luck, witch is realy poor, and the rng in this game sound like a bitch Theres also that unavoidable special bat attack from dracula, not sure how i can deal with it (death fly at top of dracula, will be hard to catch a partner jump without touching death) 170 hits for death, 256 for true dracula, 427 total hits, that gonna be epic battle !
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You SG into the Throne Room to trigger the cutscene and remove the barrier, then go back down to kill the Final Guard. It took me a few hours to get the FS on the first kill in real-time, you have TASing tools, so, keep trying, I guess. As for Bat Moon, there's no reason to go near Death, it's really easy to dodge by double-jumping over the bats at the right moment. Unless partner jumping gives less height than Stone of Flight, this shouldn't be too hard to TAS.
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Yeah i figured that too, i need first to unlock the barrier then final guard (realy silly route lol) I tryed in a previous attempt to partner jump near the teleporter room in keep, the very last jump at top is between 2 screens and i couldnt make it work there So i picked up the double jump (and partisan too!) and im on my way to throne I have no idea if it will realy work for the final sword, i know with tas powa it should be cake, but well, i couldnt drop it just once so far while testing... so i dont think it will be "cake" Edit: about dracula super bat attack, yes i understand now how to avoid it, i just need to push back a bit and double jump them since death dont move while he do that (stand upside dracula) On the test run im simply aiming at hiting death as fast as possible, so i call charl, run trough dracula with charl using stylus (loose only mp) while jo swing sword at death, switch to char when shes past dracula, put away jo, restart attack switching (drac bats are still not finish...)
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Posts: 65
You don't need the double jump. You have to switch to the jumping character before it goes off-screen, otherwise it will despawn if you press X. So, let it gain just enough height to make it to the floor above with a second jump, then switch.
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How much more damage would you do per increased level? Seeing as you'd need 15-16 hits less just from doing 1 point of damage more per strike it might be worth to try and find a quick enough way to go up a few levels if it increases your damage.
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Ok... no double jump But this mean im going to be realy low level As in, theres no reason i would go that far after SG in entrance, i would exit near the warp point and SG to throne from save room near second boss That mean not much ennemys on my way, my guess would be lvl2 With the 500exp from final guard, ill be lvl5 But on double jump route, im already lvl4 when i face final guard, so i end up lvl6 or 7 (dont remember now) To farm exp (and eventually raise my dmg with final sword), final guard sound like the best solution to me, it worth 10exp per hit First boss worth only 1000exp if i remember correctly, second boss 2000, but it would realy wasting lots of time to fight em imo, especially second boss Darts actually works on final guard, he get twice 1 dmg from 1 dart, one problem is this guy ultra laggy, also, buying the darts gonna cost me time (a lot considering how quick i do the big warping in entrance now) Edit: one option can be; buy dart/map, get lizard tail, SG entrance and exit before second boss, SG to speed up room (require tail), SG exit speed up room, throne room, final guard, back to throne room
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Serris wrote:
Of course, the FS run didn't kill anything but the Final Guard beforehand, while the HC run had EXP gains from three bosses. It's been far too long
Yes, it's actually been too long, because I killed Behemoth, at the very least, which gets you to lvl 6, and Final Guard to lvl 7. Here's the full real-time route: Get Change Cube Get Call Cube Get Tome of Arms 1 Get Short Sword Save before Behemoth chase SG to area around Raging Fire Get Summon Skeleton Get Whip Skill 1 Get Spear Kill Behemoth - Summon Skeleton, Spear SG past pushable block Kill Keremet - push cauldron next to right ledge set; leave Charlotte w/ Tome of Arms 1 left of cauldron, position Jonathan w/ Short Sword on left edge of upper right ledge Get Stone of Flight SG to Throne Room Get Speed Up Save Kill Final Guard - Whip Skill 1 Get Final Sword Save Kill Drac - Final Sword No double jump means no Keremet, and I don't even know how you get to Drac without killing Behemoth (something to do with your warp spot to the right of Raging Fire?), but I stand by what I said before - don't waste time on getting more EXP.
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Serris wrote:
something to do with your warp spot to the right of Raging Fire?
Yes that how i get to double jump without fighting keremet, i exit "after" him in double jump room I tought i needed double jump... but if i dont need it... well its another matter, so i think this is correct:
arukAdo wrote:
one option can be; buy dart/map, get lizard tail, SG entrance and exit before second boss, SG to speed up room (require tail), SG exit speed up room, throne room, final guard, back to throne room
Serris wrote:
but I stand by what I said before - don't waste time on getting more EXP.
Yeah well, i would end only killing final guard if i do like that, so i hope its the right way :p For the record taking double jump and up to the SG point, my game timer is under 2min :p Edit: i believe theres gonna be a benefit from speedup on the fight with dracula or final guard, especially on switch/cancel, alltought, if i dont get a dart and just fight the hell with final guard, then of course speedup is not worth it, i would just lend on big open area of throne room, without tail or dart
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Haha, that Raging Fire warp is awesomely simple. Time for some new runs. :D
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Well, it sound like the fastest way, its a straight corridor, and theres no ennemy on the way, since im backdashing the hell in there (blindly, alltought theres no merit, its just scripted), fighting 1 or 2 boss cant be faster A real time run will get the same benefit in term of speed tought, even not backdashing at all, you can exit before or after second boss (potentially meaning you dont need to fight em at all, even in HC run) Edit : more testing on dracula... (well, death actually...) lvl5=26dmg lvl6=28dmg lvl7=29dmg I can get lvl6 quite easly (kills are on the way), lvl7 require to kill an extra FinalGuard (need 500exp between lvl6/7), witch is 50hits long, since i save only 15hits on dracula for eatch extra damage point, lvl6 sound to be the most apropriate in term of speed Ah and yeah, the partner jump in keep work after all, not sure how i missed it before, but well, i got it right now :p I end up having no spell after all (witch is something i found funny), alltought i end up better weapon on charlotte than the holy claymore route... witch is probably much enough to deal with wings attacks from true dracula I still dont know what the hell to do with the "bad ending" deal, point is anyway, i would do 95% the same route and drop sword same way, the rest of the run been the boss... witchever its dracula or sisters doesnt impact much Obviously sisters will go faster, but im quite sure they require also final sword, i dont see how you would kill them at lvl6 with weaked whip or short sword (1dmg...?)... *almost done optimizations up to final guard*
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Forgot to mention: R + direction lets you scroll through the shop faster. Also, 00:02:41 NG+ run with Raging Fire warp. You should probably be aiming for sub-2min, at least. :P
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Serris wrote:
Forgot to mention: R + direction lets you scroll through the shop faster.
Ah, i didnt excepted this, thx to let me now I think i should be able to correct this in my current movie (im at astarte), lets hope it doesnt kill too much lag or i will get desync :/ I made the movie for final sword, im at final guard, i given it to atma and pirate, now well, its just a matter of hope Unlike what you did, its much harder to drop the sword in a tas, the rng doesnt seem to be much changing over time I think you was able to get it for simple reason, you saved and reloaded your game, witch result of course in a different rng, if your enought tedious, you get it in the end Whatever im whoring any frames, i might never get the drop, because you need to "roll" the rng, witch i dont by doing basic attack or alike, saving would probly do, but then its a nightmare to optimize Bottom line its far beyond my ability, so im doing a fully optimized holy claymore run, witch would be a "dont manipulate luck" category (i believe this weekend its done) As for the NG+, you need first to have a movie accepted for NG (holy claymore run would be good for that), then you need to make a "robot" to gather the max stats, then you can start NG+ run
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arukAdo wrote:
I still dont know what the hell to do with the "bad ending" deal, point is anyway, i would do 95% the same route and drop sword same way, the rest of the run been the boss... witchever its dracula or sisters doesnt impact much Obviously sisters will go faster, but im quite sure they require also final sword, i dont see how you would kill them at lvl6 with weaked whip or short sword (1dmg...?)...
imo a Castlevania speedrun should never end with the false ending. they should always beat the final boss.
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Especially since nowadays these "endings" lead to Game Over screens, so it's really just a long-winded way of saying, "you failed."
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Yeah, i think sotn ending on killing richter would sux too Edit: ah, just beated astarte, it took less than 20 seconds (including the 2 menu access for tonics), i think its realy fast now :p But, i couldnt "add" the amelioration in shop, i loose 30 frames for this sadly I founded out you can touch the screen to use warp rooms, witch go faster than push direction + A Also you can use stylus in the main menu and shop... witch actually is quite a big deal since it decal lags and rng (the time spent in menus ect..) I didnt realy founded any improvement on movements for exemple, but such tiny little shit as the menu also force to me restart anyway, i hope this time its settled down
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ljffdb2 & I shall officially be instead working on the border-suspend-glitch-less run from now on, although we started the border-suspend-glitched run as soon as adelikat submitted his NSMB run. However, still be aware: You seem to be restarting your run too many times. We demand that you should settle it down this time, or we may become impatient and return to our own SG run to start the war. [/not really an ultimatum :P]
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
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Don't forget to do an Old Axe Armor Hard lvl1 cap max-up-less 1000% map run after that!
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Serris wrote:
Don't forget to do an Old Axe Armor Hard lvl1 cap max-up-less 1000% map run after that!
That would be boring to the audience. Refused.
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
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klmz wrote:
You seem to be restarting your run too many times. We demand that you should settle it down this time, or we may become impatient and return to our own SG run to start the war. [/not really an ultimatum :P]
Muhaha, very funny Actually theres no real treat from me restarting, since im still doing holy claymore route, and i can already tell the final sword gonna be faster Im just trying to make something good, so the judges cant say "hei, you didnt worked enought on it" I believe its done in 2 days at worst, i would have release this weekend if it wasnt for the menu optimizations (stylus in menus realy is worthy)
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klmz wrote:
Serris wrote:
Don't forget to do an Old Axe Armor Hard lvl1 cap max-up-less 1000% map run after that!
That would be boring to the audience. Refused.
How so? It's the most difficult thing to do, and 1000% is an excellent excuse to do Nest of Evil.
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