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As do I.
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Up through Hyper Room complete: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/161978892/BOMBERMAN%20HERO%20Hyper%20Room%204494.m64 Frames Gained: (I'm using the TAS input plugin; I was sure to move from point A to point B on the straightest path possible.) Intro +3 Battle Room +17 (Better accelerated jump after booster) I cannot get into the exit any better because of the jumping forward acceleration, I believe it is precise under the circumstances. Hyper Room +33 (Precisely executed jump and bomb) (In response to below: Bombs can sometimes be dropped without losing time (only while jumping to my knowledge), I monitored frames very closely to be sure no time was lost.) This will probably be all I post this week, I have finals to study for.
Player (80)
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I noticed that you layed some bombs when you landed sometimes, was that for entertainment, or did it make you faster somehow?
Editor, Active player (436)
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I think it was for entertainment. A solid WIP. I'll try and see if I can beat it later just because I'm an ass like that :)
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very impressive WIP! Also, i tried redoing Dark Prison and although i found another time saver i would still need to save another 20-30 frames to get onto the back platform in time . . . i'll keep looking at it though, but a different route might have to be utilised, perhaps going for the back platform straight away? Anyway, i'll give it another go next weekend or something.
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I discovered 2 tricks in world 1 that could be useful. The first one is skipping blowing up that rock wall in Fog Route and the other one is skipping using the bomb jump trick in Red Cave. I know a couple more tricks in some other worlds too that I'll get around to uploading sometime. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TvRr65yMK8&feature=channel_page
Editor, Active player (436)
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Very nice! Also to anyone that cares I saved 3 frames up to the boost thingy in the first level and lost 2 near the end.
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ZARr wrote:
I discovered 2 tricks in world 1 that could be useful. The first one is skipping blowing up that rock wall in Fog Route and the other one is skipping using the bomb jump trick in Red Cave. I know a couple more tricks in some other worlds too that I'll get around to uploading sometime. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TvRr65yMK8&feature=channel_page
First One: I feel retarded for not trying that. Second One: I tried that for quite a while, I guess I wasn't aiming for the slope, nice find. Luckily it doesn't change the health rationing plan which is outlined earlier in this thread. I made a test run a while ago here, and most of the important notes are outlined earlier in the thread: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/708664563/BOMBERMAN%20HERO%20Final.m64 It desyncs in Heaven Sky. Ridiculous things I did try for quite a while - Throwing bombs at the top of the vent in Secret Room in an attempt to land on top: nowhere close. - In Sky Room, jumping from the platform left of the exit to the exit with a bomb: so extremely close, but to no avail. That's all I can think of right now. I discovered it is possible to beat storm valley without killing all the screws a while ago.
Player (80)
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ThMrksman, do you remember that trick that I tried to tell you? The last trick in that youtube video was it.
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Captain Forehead wrote:
ThMrksman, do you remember that trick that I tried to tell you? The last trick in that youtube video was it.
Ohhh . . . well at least Kirkq knows now XD
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Completed through Sky Room, 8792 frames compared to ThMrksman's 8960. ((+168)) http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/224349005/Kirkq%20Sky%20Room%208792.m64 Secret Room before warp: +28 frames Secret Room after warp: +21 frames Sky Room before key card: +43 frames Sky Room after key card: +23 frames I accidentally discovered that by clipping off the side of the scrolling corridors, you can jump and have them not affect your jumping speed. This saved a lot of frames early in Sky Room, it is not applicable in Hyper Room to my knowledge (can't clip off the side). ThMrksman's key card grab off the trampoline beat my best attempt so I replicated his. Overall I must say, ThMrksman, your run was very good. Most of my frames are being gained from the TAS Input Plugin and small new tricks, which is expected on a second run through. Dropping a bomb while falling out of the air duct in Secret Room revitalizes forward momentum. Dropping a bomb after climbing up a platform gives forward momentum faster. (EDIT: This is only true on hills where it is more difficult to accelerate.) I'm probably losing 1-2 frames every once in a while from not optimizing directions perfectly, but there would be no visual difference, and this run is 50 minutes long. My general rule from now on will be if I can bomb an enemy at the cost of only 1-2 frames, I will do it. Also, Hole Lake I'm probably just going to sacrifice a few frames and shoot everything for entertainment purposes. Water levels are already boring enough.
Captain Forehead wrote:
ThMrksman, do you remember that trick that I tried to tell you? The last trick in that youtube video was it.
Speak up more next time. We both misinterpreted and thought you meant bomb jumping. I'll post my next update after Nitros probably. I just got home from college and relocated my computer from its usual position at home, so my personal computer won't have internet for a few days. No IRC for a while. =(
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Kirkq wrote:
Completed through Sky Room, 8792 frames compared to ThMrksman's 8960. ((+168)) http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/224349005/Kirkq%20Sky%20Room%208792.m64 Secret Room before warp: +28 frames Secret Room after warp: +21 frames Sky Room before key card: +43 frames Sky Room after key card: +23 frames I accidentally discovered that by clipping off the side of the scrolling corridors, you can jump and have them not affect your jumping speed. This saved a lot of frames early in Sky Room, it is not applicable in Hyper Room to my knowledge (can't clip off the side). ThMrksman's key card grab off the trampoline beat my best attempt so I replicated his. Overall I must say, ThMrksman, your run was very good. Most of my frames are being gained from the TAS Input Plugin and small new tricks, which is expected on a second run through.
Thanks! Having said that though, i think you'll find yourself able to achieve bigger time gains as your run progresses. I spent a big deal of the rerecords of my run on the first few levels. I'll admit that the key card grab i did was a bit of a fluke eheh . .
Kirkq wrote:
My general rule from now on will be if I can bomb an enemy at the cost of only 1-2 frames, I will do it. Also, Hole Lake I'm probably just going to sacrifice a few frames and shoot everything for entertainment purposes. Water levels are already boring enough. I'll post my next update after Nitros probably. I just got home from college and relocated my computer from its usual position at home, so my personal computer won't have internet for a few days. No IRC for a while. =(
In terms of speed/entertainment, 1-2 frames is probably a worthwhile tradeoff, its bomberman hero, after all . . Just be careful in the water levels, you can get some nasty lag spikes firing too many bombs in ultra-quick succession. Keep up the great work!
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Can someone describe to me how to monitor my X/Y position in Mupen? I'm able to do it in FCEUX and SNES9X fairly competently, but I don't know how it works in Mupen. I've been using reference points/bomberman's shadow in most levels to check for lag, but it would be much easier in Hole Lake if I could monitor my x/y position at given frames, and constantly check if I'm causing lag. EDIT: Downloaded MemoryHackingSoftware and got it running. No need for response. I didn't need to redo Sky Room, and I gained 5 frames in Blue Cave while still bombing everything in sight.
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WIP Update: Dragon Road Complete http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/198841820/Kirkq%20BOMBERMAN%20HERO%20Dragon%20Road%2020219.m64 Blue Cave +5 Frames Hole Lake +15 Frames (No stop on vest grab, better exit. Bombing stuff is nearly irrelevant to my knowledge.) Red Cave +104 Frames (Better platforming, no bomb jump.) Dark Wood +34 Frames (Utilization of regained momentum via bomb drop.) Dragon Road +36 Frames (May redo ending.) Currently 361 Frames ahead. 5.6 Minutes in out of an estimated 50. 11% complete. I'm a little concerned about my Dragon Road boss fight not being optimal. I understand it won't take damage until I'm in its vicinity, I'll look at it closer later. Fun Fact: In Hole Lake you can get the 100% score without stopping except to kill the last crab.
ThMrksman wrote:
Okay, with waterway, [....] Also, throwing a bomb while you are in the air (sometimes?) helps you fall faster, test it, it may help, i employed the R edge trick here as well, i don't know if it was neccessary . .
I'm not really sure what you mean by "R edge trick". Am I missing a small technique, or are you just describing something obvious? Also, Dark Prison synced for me on a recent watch, something must've messed up earlier.
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Kirkq wrote:
Fun Fact: In Hole Lake you can get the 100% score without stopping except to kill the last crab.
ThMrksman wrote:
Okay, with waterway, [....] Also, throwing a bomb while you are in the air (sometimes?) helps you fall faster, test it, it may help, i employed the R edge trick here as well, i don't know if it was neccessary . .
I'm not really sure what you mean by "R edge trick". Am I missing a small technique, or are you just describing something obvious? Also, Dark Prison synced for me on a recent watch, something must've messed up earlier.
Loved the improvements, especially in Hole Lake! also when i said R edge trick i just meant dropping a bomb as you run off of a platform in order to preserve forward momentum. For when jumping off of a platform is for some reason not as optimal. Not a new trick, if thats what you mean.
Player (80)
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Although I saw some small improvements, very nicely done! Now about the Nitros battle...I recommend making things VERY interesting. ;)
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Captain Forehead wrote:
Although I saw some small improvements, very nicely done!
I honestly could not see any small improvements myself unless you're referring to improvements for entertainment purposes. Please list anything you think I messed up on, I might go back and redo it. I believe the only mistake I've made so far was in the Sky Room Key Card jump. I think I could have thrown a bomb to land faster and saved a few frames. EDIT: In response to below, I suppose that is a fair point. You seem to get more distance that way though, so there must be some balance point between how many frames you are caught on the end and how far the acceleration carries you. There is a similar predicament in Sky Room between the staggered jumps on the moving platforms and the upcoming scrolling ground. You'll notice I don't actually hit the very beginning of the scrolling ground because I want to jump off the platform before it starts moving in the opposite direction. I try to choose the option that is best, and even though there may be a slightly faster method, I tried to test the obvious ones.
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Mainly I'm just talking about the Hyper Room, I noticed that some of the time that you jumped on an escalator, (probably spelled it wrong) The top edge of the escalator stopped you for a little bit. I believe that you could just jump right over them withoutstopping. But that's just a small improvement in mind.
Editor, Active player (436)
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Amazing WIP Kirk. At the battle with the large rock thing right at the end of your WIP, you might want to get as far away from the explosions, because it appears to be laggy.
Post subject: Nitros Battle Complete
Player (211)
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TASing entertainment portions often takes me a ridiculous amount of time. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1715591167/Kirkq%20Bomberman%20Hero%20Nitros%20Complete.m64 Progress should come more steadily now that I'm past that though.
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requesting youtube links for tasmaterial from this game
Player (211)
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Two pages ago has the link to ThMrksMan's Progress. I'm too lazy to encode my run, so you're quite out of luck until my run hits the workbench for publication.
Post subject: Re: Nitros Battle Complete
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Kirkq wrote:
TASing entertainment portions often takes me a ridiculous amount of time. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1715591167/Kirkq%20Bomberman%20Hero%20Nitros%20Complete.m64 Progress should come more steadily now that I'm past that though.
Good to see you still finished with 8220 left, and i liked the way you ended, hadn't thought of that! I'm quite sure that ending with falling off of the course is possible for most bosses as well, just try and keep each fight as unique as possible! (and don't worry if that means not very unique, i know there aren't too many different things to do). Anyway, keep up the great work!
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ditW-JHHpWs Possible route change from this trick?
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ZARr wrote:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ditW-JHHpWs Possible route change from this trick?
Nice find, i think the passing time between Crysta Hole and Emerald Tube was quite significant though. Still, its worth re-investigating. (or have i got the courses the wrong way around?)
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