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This timeattack: Gabby Jay 06.77 Bear Hugger 17.09 Piston Hurricane 06.15 Bald Bull 08.86 Bob Charlie 08.09 Dragon Chan 08.56 Masked Muscle 07.77 Mr. Sandman 18.50 Aran Ryan 10.98 Heike Kagero 12.03 Mad Clown 13.37 Super Machoman 18.30 Narcis Prince 12.73 Hoy Quarlow 10.84 Rick Bruiser 15.47 Nick Bruiser 11.82 187.33 seconds total WR times posted earlier in this topic: Gabby Jay 06.26 Bear Hugger 13.49 Piston Hurricane 05.50 Bald Bull 08.64 Bob Charlie 05.50 Dragon Chan 07.56 Masked Muscle 06.33 Mr. Sandman 13.15 Aran Ryan 08.45 Heike Kagero 10.60 Mad Clown 09.24 Super Machoman 09.58 Narcis Prince 08.58 Hoy Quarlow 08.35 Rick Bruiser 11.09 Nick Bruiser 08.71 141.03 seconds total 46.3 second difference. I'm not saying that the video on this site isn't entertaining. I enjoyed it, and I'm glad the author submitted it, but still, if it can be improved upon, especially by so much time, then it needs to be pointed out.
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Anyboy know a place where I can find good videos for this game? Especially for Super Machoman , Narcis Prince, Rick Bruiser and Nick Bruiser. Near the WR times not miserables movies.
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Phil wrote:
Anyboy know a place where I can find good videos for this game? Especially for Super Machoman , Narcis Prince, Rick Bruiser and Nick Bruiser. Near the WR times not miserables movies.
I could upload these older movies (recorded with HyperCam): Super Machoman in 10"94 (+1"36) Narcis Prince in 10"11 (+1"53) Rick Bruiser in 11"33 (+0"24) Nick Bruiser in 09"15 (+0"44)
.:| |:.
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Burning Death wrote:
Phil wrote:
Anyboy know a place where I can find good videos for this game? Especially for Super Machoman , Narcis Prince, Rick Bruiser and Nick Bruiser. Near the WR times not miserables movies.
I could upload these older movies (recorded with HyperCam): Super Machoman in 10"94 (+1"36) Narcis Prince in 10"11 (+1"53) Rick Bruiser in 11"33 (+0"24) Nick Bruiser in 09"15 (+0"44)
Never mind I actually found the good site for that. Btw Dragon Chan WR is beaten, Mr. Sandman is beaten and Super Machoman. Be patient my video will be the best you have ever seen. Btw those WR were made by savestates so they are not legit run.
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I hope so :) ! The Super Machoman improvement surprises me, but don't tell the exact time yet ;) . Narcis Prince should be the next victim of improvments I think (and maybe the Bruiser brothers, would be cool). On a real attempt you need pure luck to get the best patterns of him every new round (like Dragon Chan too for example), that's why they are too hard to max out in real.
.:| |:.
Post subject: a little writing about mistakes
Editor, Player (91)
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There are some mistakes I spot obviously, there are some mistakes I don't see and there are some mistakes I think I see but which don't really exist. When I see mistakes, I want them fixed, be they real or not. I don't really care about the numbers - they are just tools for comparing movies. I want that movies look fluent, like a dance. This is an aspect of art. The development of Arc's Metroid movie is an excellent example of how fluency gains also speed.
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New WR for Narcis Prince, Rick and Nick.
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<3 Phil
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We've finished it. So enjoy it.
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Really great work, a vast improvement over the initial submission. What's with the pausing, though?
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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feitclub wrote:
Really great work, a vast improvement over the initial submission. What's with the pausing, though?
Category "Abuses programming errors in the game" is selected because a pause glitch is used that let you hit opponent faster by lowering his guard faster or let your Special power to replenish while pausing. In other words, it's a special trick that let you do better times. :)
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Ah.. was just on my way to ask the same. wondering what they was for :) now I know.
Wheeeehaaa.. Yaaayy..
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Downloading it as I type now, look forward to seeing some of it. If my comments were interpreted as negative, please don't take them that way. While many times were well done, there were some things that just appeared to be glaring errors, and in a site that you can quote is looking for perfection in video games, it just doesn't seem right to me. Once work finally fires me, I think I'll make a video though, I've got a rather large number of roms to chose from. I'll see if I can actually get one accepted.
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Fuzzmosis wrote:
Downloading it as I type now, look forward to seeing some of it. If my comments were interpreted as negative, please don't take them that way. While many times were well done, there were some things that just appeared to be glaring errors, and in a site that you can quote is looking for perfection in video games, it just doesn't seem right to me. Once work finally fires me, I think I'll make a video though, I've got a rather large number of roms to chose from. I'll see if I can actually get one accepted.
What do you mean? You don't like our Super punch out run?
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I think everything beyond the first line was talking about the previous super punchout video.
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Phil wrote:
What do you mean? You don't like our Super punch out run?
I think he might have been talking about the previous run.
Post subject: Touchy Touvhy
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First off, I believe I will no longer post past 4 am, as my messages seem to get misintepreted by a lot of people. Second, yes I was refering to the first video, as I enjoyed the latter video much more.
Post subject: Re: Touchy Touvhy
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Fuzzmosis wrote:
First off, I believe I will no longer post past 4 am, as my messages seem to get misintepreted by a lot of people. Second, yes I was refering to the first video, as I enjoyed the latter video much more.
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?I?t?'?s? ?o?b?v?i?o?u?s?l?y? ?w?e?l?l? ?d?o?n?e?,? ?t?h?e?r?e?'?s? ?n?o? ?q?u?e?s?t?i?o?n? ?o?f? ?t?h?a?t?-?-?b?o?t?h? ?y?o?u? ?a?n?d? ?G?e?n?i?s?t?o? ?a?l?w?a?y?s? ?t?u?r?n? ?o?u?t? ?a? ?g?o?o?d?,? ?[?i?:?a?0?1?7?b?2?e?e?e?4?]?v?e?r?y?[?/?i?:?a?0?1?7?b?2?e?e?e?4?]? ?p?r?o?f?e?s?s?i?o?n?a?l? ?p?e?r?f?o?r?m?a?n?c?e?.? ?H?o?w?e?v?e?r?,? ?t?h?i?s? ?v?i?d?e?o? ?s?e?e?m?e?d? ?r?o?b?o?t?i?c?,? ?i?n? ?t?h?e? ?s?e?n?s?e? ?t?h?a?t? ?i?t? ?w?a?s? ?j?u?s?t? ?s?o? ?[?i?:?a?0?1?7?b?2?e?e?e?4?]?e?x?t?r?e?m?e?l?y?[?/?i?:?a?0?1?7?b?2?e?e?e?4?]? ?p?r?e?c?i?s?e?.? ?P?e?r?s?o?n?a?l?l?y?,? ?I? ?t?h?o?u?g?h?t? ?v?i?d?e?o?g?a?m?e?f?r?e?a?k?'?s? ?r?u?n? ?w?a?s? ?g?o?o?d? ?a?s? ?w?e?l?l?-?-?w?h?i?l?e? ?n?o?t? ?t?h?e? ?f?a?s?t?e?s?t?,? ?I? ?f?e?l?t? ?t?h?a?t? ?h?e? ?w?a?s? ?j?u?s?t? ?p?l?a?y?i?n?g? ?h?i?s? ?b?e?s?t?,? ?w?h?i?l?e? ?t?h?i?s? ?n?e?w? ?o?n?e? ?i?s? ?o?b?v?i?o?u?s?l?y? ?w?e?l?l? ?c?a?l?c?u?l?a?t?e?d? ?t?o? ?g?e?t? ?t?h?e? ?a?b?s?o?l?u?t?e? ?f?a?s?t?e?s?t? ?t?i?m?e?.? ? ? ? ?W?h?e?n? ?I? ?s?a?w? ?t?h?e? ?f?r?o?n?t? ?p?a?g?e? ?w?i?t?h? ?t?h?e? ?p?r?e?v?i?o?u?s? ?r?u?n? ?m?a?d?e? ?o?b?s?o?l?e?t?e?,? ?I? ?h?a?d? ?o?n?e? ?t?h?o?u?g?h?t?:? ? ? ? ?"?M?o?t?s?t??n?d? ??r? ?m?e?n?i?n?g?s?l??s?.? ?D?u? ?v?i?l?l? ?b?l?i? ?i?n?t?e?g?r?e?r?a?t?.?"? ? ?(?I? ?h?o?p?e? ?I? ?g?o?t? ?t?h?a?t? ?r?i?g?h?t?.?)?
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?[?q?u?o?t?e?:?2?f?4?3?1?7?3?0?4?4?=?"?V?i?e?w?e?r?"?]? ? ? ? ?"?M?o?t?s?t??n?d? ??r? ?m?e?n?i?n?g?s?l??s?.? ?D?u? ?v?i?l?l? ?b?l?i? ?i?n?t?e?g?r?e?r?a?t?.?"? ? ?(?I? ?h?o?p?e? ?I? ?g?o?t? ?t?h?a?t? ?r?i?g?h?t?.?)?[?/?q?u?o?t?e?:?2?f?4?3?1?7?3?0?4?4?]? ? ? ? ?"?R?e?s?i?s?t?a?n?c?e? ?i?s? ?f?u?t?i?l?e?.? ?Y?o?u? ?w?i?l?l? ?b?e? ?a?s?s?i?m?i?l?a?t?e?d?.?"? ?f?o?r? ?t?h?o?s?e? ?o?f? ?y?o?u? ?w?h?o? ?d?o?n?'?t? ?u?n?d?e?r?s?t?a?n?d? ?S?w?e?d?i?s?h? ?;?)? ? ? ? ?A?l?s?o?,?"?w?i?l?l?"? ?s?h?o?u?l?d? ?b?e? ?t?r?a?n?s?l?a?t?e?d? ?w?i?t?h? ?"?k?o?m?m?e?r?"? ?a?s? ?i?t? ?g?i?v?e?s? ?t?h?e? ?s?e?n?t?e?n?c?e? ?i?t?s? ?p?r?o?p?e?r? ?m?e?a?n?i?n?g? ?;?)?
"When all else fails, hit it with a sledgehammer." "I know Kung-Fu!" "No, you do not. You're an idiot."
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?[?q?u?o?t?e?:?d?4?4?2?e?e?1?8?2?d?=?"?I?n?v?o?k?e?r?"?]?[?q?u?o?t?e?:?d?4?4?2?e?e?1?8?2?d?=?"?V?i?e?w?e?r?"?]? ? ? ? ?"?M?o?t?s?t??n?d? ??r? ?m?e?n?i?n?g?s?l??s?.? ?D?u? ?v?i?l?l? ?b?l?i? ?i?n?t?e?g?r?e?r?a?t?.?"? ? ?(?I? ?h?o?p?e? ?I? ?g?o?t? ?t?h?a?t? ?r?i?g?h?t?.?)?[?/?q?u?o?t?e?:?d?4?4?2?e?e?1?8?2?d?]? ? ? ? ?"?R?e?s?i?s?t?a?n?c?e? ?i?s? ?f?u?t?i?l?e?.? ?Y?o?u? ?w?i?l?l? ?b?e? ?a?s?s?i?m?i?l?a?t?e?d?.?"? ?f?o?r? ?t?h?o?s?e? ?o?f? ?y?o?u? ?w?h?o? ?d?o?n?'?t? ?u?n?d?e?r?s?t?a?n?d? ?S?w?e?d?i?s?h? ?;?)? ? ? ? ?A?l?s?o?,?"?w?i?l?l?"? ?s?h?o?u?l?d? ?b?e? ?t?r?a?n?s?l?a?t?e?d? ?w?i?t?h? ?"?k?o?m?m?e?r?"? ?a?s? ?i?t? ?g?i?v?e?s? ?t?h?e? ?s?e?n?t?e?n?c?e? ?i?t?s? ?p?r?o?p?e?r? ?m?e?a?n?i?n?g? ?;?)?[?/?q?u?o?t?e?:?d?4?4?2?e?e?1?8?2?d?]? ? ? ? ?W?h?a?t?'?s? ?S?w?e?d?i?s?h? ?f?o?r? ?"?D?e?a?t?h? ?i?s? ?i?r?r?e?l?e?v?a?n?t?.?"? ??? ? ? ? ?(?m?y? ?f?a?v?o?r?i?t?e? ?B?o?r?g? ?q?u?o?t?e?)?
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
Joined: 1/1/2022
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"Death is irrelevant" is properly translated to Swedish as: "Döden är irrelevant". But I guess you more likely meant "Death is inevitable" which means "Döden är ofrånkomlig".
Player (36)
Joined: 9/11/2004
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No, he got the quote correct.
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
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Ive been trying to work on the bob charlie time, here are my current findings. Have been able to get him dizzy at 4:22 (current run gets him dizzy at approx 4:85) but the special meter is one punch off from having super punch, so it isnt beneficial from what i have found so far) I have some data here of findings, perhaps it may be useful to anyone who would like this improved. legend: (#RSP) = how many right side punches in the combination of hits. the next columb with sazx's is the sort of punch i did to him to get him dizzy. z= Lower Left Punch, x = Lower Right Punch, a = Upper Left Punch, s = Upper Right Punch (there is a total of 7 punches to get him "dizzy" with full special bar ready for a super punch. next figure is the time i "got" the character dizzy next figure is the time i knocked him down diz -> means the side he "became" dizzy ie. he dizzy animation goes to the "right" of screen the rest means what count he gets up at. heres a few combinations ive done: (1RSP) saaaaaa - 4:86 - 4:90 - diz -> (UR) UP at 5 / ko next hit (2RSP) aassaaa - 4:99 - 5:03 - diz <UR> (LR) up at 5 / ko next hit 5:98 (funny dance at 5) (5RSP) zzxssxs - 5:37 - 5:41 - diz <- (UR) up at 5 / hit- ko 2nd hit (3RSP) zzxsazs - 5:32 - 5.35 - diz <- (UR) up at 8 (5RSP) zzxssxx - 5:37 - 5:41 - diz <- (UR) up at 8 (3RSP) saaxsaa - 5:09 - 5:13 - diz <UR> (UR) up at 5 / hit- ko 2nd hit 7:16 the reson for these combinations is to try "emulate" what i did the time i knocked him down at 4:98 (where he stayed down). This hasnt been achieved in the current TAS so i am trying to emulate it. If someone can beat me to it, ill be quite happy. I just want to see the run achieved in a better time. these combinations are on the basis (and hope) he stays down on the first KO. The interesting thing with these times, is he sometimes gets up at "8" i am really baffled as to why he gets up at "5" on some combinations and why he gets up at "8" on some others with the the data ive collected. if anyone knows why i would really like to know.
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does anyone know what determines the player getting up on certain counts? any ram adresses?