This is my first submitted timeattack. I used Famtasia with
the 60fps patch. I really enjoyed Player1's Excitebike
video, so I tried it myself to see what tricks he used to
go so fast.
This video is the first track done in 40.67 seconds, about
1.8 seconds faster than Player1's time. The route and the
tricks are very nearly the same, but I got very lucky and
made a pixel-perfect jump that gave me a lot of extra
velocity, which gave me a much faster second lap. I tried
to make sure all of my jumps were accurate, but I wouldn't
rule out a faster time being possible.
Making this video was very entertaining so I'm considering
doing other tracks too. However, the next track has several
places where it is very tricky to maintain your velocity,
and it might be beyond my patience to do it.
For future Excitebike timeattackers, here's a description
of some of the exploitable tricks:
-Use the B button to maintain your velocity while on the
ground, but release it in the air to let your engine cool
-Holding right while in the air increases your velocity
slighty. However, you cannot land while tilted all the way
forwards, so just before you land, press left.
-After landing like this, you will bounce on your front
wheel. Hold right to increase your velocity. This time,
you don't have to press left to avoid crashing, even though
you're tilted all the way forwards.
-In a total violation of real-life physics, jumping off
some ramps increases your forward velocity significantly.
This is where your main speed boosts come from.
-While going off a ramp, you can change lanes to affect the
distance you jump slightly. Up decreases the distance
slightly, while going down increases the distance slighty.
This is because your bike does not move while in the air,
but its landing position (i.e. the lane) changes.
I hope that more players will make timeattacks for this
game in the future! They are very entertaining to watch
and require very precise timing to make!
Bisqwit: Fixed the message markup. The submitter probably tried
to enter wiki markup (submitmovie automatically converts plain
text to wiki markup).