Joined: 11/28/2004
Posts: 138
Is anyone interested in seeing a timeattack for this game? I've started one so if you want to see it Up to after the first boss The video ain't perfect, biggest error I can point out is me pushing start to check my experience and forget to load again and just continue without loading. I don't know yet if it's best to just skip all the normal enemies and go for the bosses for exp or just kill the enemies you encounter on the way. If you have any suggestions come with it.
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I actually enjoyed this game back then even though it's not that good. the labyrints is the biggest issue in my opinion since some of them are just stupid because they are really big and confusing. However, I would love to see this done! The best comparison I can do is with Willow, and also Lagoon IS hard. Unfortunately I can't remember much of it now but with re-records and slowdown etc you should be able to tackle some of the hard bosses without too much experience. I hope you manage to fullfill this one! Good luck.
/Walker Boh
Joined: 11/28/2004
Posts: 138
The labyrints shouldn't be so much problem, i can just have a map besides me for that. I will try withouth killing all the enemies, but in the first cave youi have to escort that kid out and he is so slow. So while waiting for him it's perfect to kill some enemies.
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hi thanx for choosing lagoon it brings back memories 1 what I can tell you is to avoid to turn too much. as you dont have diagonal moves. 2 I wonder if killing little enemies is useful. you can kill boss without taking damages and they give a lot of exp, so I think you don't need to kill the little foes. well good luck and courage. with all those labyrinths, it wont be easy.
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Posts: 138
New version is up, fixed some errors and the boss battle is a bit faster. There is a boring part there where i have to rescue the kid, since he walks so slow I have to wait a lot for him. Killing the first boss gave me 2 lvls so i guess i will only be killing enemies that are directly in my way, since you can walk and hit without loosing any speed(I think). Would it be faster to just not turn so much? And as a side note, I got a test on friday so i don't think i'll continue any longer until the weekend, but who knows.
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YEAH, this movie i remember playing as a kid, and damn was it ever hard, actually, i never beat it so i am very interested in seeing a run of it. I won't watch it until its complete though ^-^ Just take your time with it dude.
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Watched your run, it looks like you've done about the best you can. I know I've played through this game, but I barely remember it, I don't think it was anything real amazing. This beginning part looks kinda lame, but it should get better. I'm definitely interested to see if you can stick this out, so good luck!
Joined: 11/28/2004
Posts: 138
The beginning is really boring, there are 2 guys that you have to walk to different locations, + the mazes arent that big yet, I may try to do Phillips castle today which will maybe look a bit better.
The best time you have is the time you share with other people.
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Posts: 138
Sorry for not being so active the last month, as you know it has been christmas and i've been with friends and family. On top of that I had some exams to. But now i finished philips castle so here it is. I've included a save state for those who doesn't wish to see the first part of the game, at place number 4.
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it looks much better, though it's still a lit monotonous ( it's not your fault but the game who is that way). well, carry on ! I ve got one question. do jumping allow you to be faster than standing ? I waiting your next update!
Joined: 11/28/2004
Posts: 138
As far as i can see, jumping aint faster then just walking. I'll try to test it sometime, but if you are reffering to the jumping during the boss fight agains Natela that was for avoiding the fireballs and soem luck abuse so that he didnt fire fireballs.
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Joined: 5/17/2004
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Desynced when going out of Gold Cave for me, but what I saw alarmed me. You seem to be avoiding foes rather than kill them. As with the Rygar time attack, that's a bad idea. Getting XP & levels is going to be important, more MP & higher attack power is going to significantly decrease time spent killing bosses. Since killing something in your path doesn't cost any time, you should try to manipulate enemy movement so that they often do stand in your path and especially use the escort sequences to carve up everything nearby. Edit: Watched it again without the desync, which resulted in a lot more killing during the escort parts, very good. Sadly, there're still plenty of missed opportunities in the regular dungeon romps. Also, you drained all your MP on a regular kill in the area of Philips Castle just before Natela instead of using it to speed up the boss fight - why?
Joined: 11/28/2004
Posts: 138
Also, you drained all your MP on a regular kill in the area of Philips Castle just before Natela instead of using it to speed up the boss fight - why?
You cant use magic during boss fights, and after natela i got 2 lvls + a new sword which almost doubled my attack power. This speeded up the killing speed alot. And this isnt the final version of the movie, im doing a test run of it now to see how it goes. The final version should be better than this.
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Well it definitely did get more interesting. I agree that you shouldn't bother going out of the way to kill any enemies as long as you can still kill the bosses. Especially if you can manipulate them as well as you have been. Nice job, looking forward to seeing more.
Player (36)
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I figure that this needs some competition. And I'd also like to try a game that doesn't desync all crazy like. ^_^;; File Here EDIT:Up to killing Samson. EDIT2: And no, turning alot only looks bad it saves no time, and cutting corners also saves no time but I do it so I know I'm as far to one side as possible, reduces my rerecord number. EDIT3: Up to right after killing Natela, I stopped where I did because I had an "Oh crap!" moment and realized that I had taken the long way around when I came that way last. And because I used luck manipulation on Natela to just sit still and take it (ie, I probably couldn't just hex in the changes or that'll desync) I decided to call it a night. Same URL, different file. Enjoy. EDIT4: At the last hit on Samson I'm 2704 frames ahead. Last hit on Natela I'm 3604 frames ahead.
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
Joined: 11/28/2004
Posts: 138
This looks much better then my version, and is much faster to. I started playing wow now so I haven't had any time to work on it + i had school to. So I probably wont work on it anymore unless you stop doing it. You can find the maps over the dungeons there if you didn't already know.
The best time you have is the time you share with other people.
Player (36)
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Peh, don't quit. It's not fun if it's only me. I've got today off as well, so I'm going to fix Phillip's Castle and see if I can't get to the next boss.
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
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I don't know yet if im going to quit, wow is just in its final beta stages here in europe so when that is over perhaps i will be doing something then. But if its anything you want to ask just come with it.
The best time you have is the time you share with other people.
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Update: Redid the "Oh Crap!" part, saved 444 frames.
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
Joined: 11/28/2004
Posts: 138
Just a little question, why did you by that shiny stone in atlan?
The best time you have is the time you share with other people.
Player (36)
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Because it's shiny! Hah, really I brought it because I figured I could use the 700 Gold from collecting the two treasure chests where they were. But the only things I'll really bother buying are cheap stuff so that's a few wasted frames. Because of the inconvient location of the shop it's probably quicker to just collect the Red Potion anyway. Anyway, here's up to Eardon, just shy of 40 minutes. I could probably optimize this better, and my second time through the cave is much faster than the first. Same URL, different file.
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
Ambassador, Experienced player (714)
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Excellent job, entity. I would like to see two runs at this, the result is always a higher quality in the end. It looks like you've found some nice corners to cut and also put some thought into finding a good path through the lava. You pause a few times, is this just to recover mp? It seems unnecessary. It also looks like you could work out some more jumps on solid ground, saving HP. Keep at it, always looking forward to seeing more.
Player (36)
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Glad you like it, I'll try to get some stuff done on it tomarrow, but it'll be nothing as big as yesterday or today. Tomarrow is a work day. ^^;; Yeah, it does need some tuning, I took two hits with the wolves that I wound up regretting. Those pauses were to recover HP so I could hop madly across the lava. I'll fix it on the second version. The pauses really aren't necessary with proper planning. I've kinda rushed into this game headlong, mostly to prove to myself that I can get something accomplished. The lava is kinda tricky, sometimes it damages you and other times not. It seems to run two on, two off, or something along those lines. Lagoon jumping nightmarish in terms of a speedrun, you can't initiate a jump and a sword swing in the same frame pair (Lagoon seems to split everything into 2 frame blocks, which lag 2 frames from the input), all jumps last the same amount of time (48 frames), you can't turn during a jump, and you can't orient yourself during a jump, and if you begin a sword swing in the last ten frames of your jump the sword swing restarts when you land (meaning another 12 frames before you can damage anything). Put simply, I don't think that I'll be able to do much about landing my jumps on the ground. But I doubt it'll really matter. I regen HP quick enough. (I unaviodably gain a point HP and MP everytime I talk to someone, or open a chest, or go into the menu.)
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.
Joined: 11/28/2004
Posts: 138
Looks great so far. Wouldn't it be possible to sort of get over the lava and not get hurt? By stoping for a couple of frames before you jump into the lava, would that help to not get hurt? As far as i've seen you are doing this better then i would have done. Atleast compared to my test run.
The best time you have is the time you share with other people.
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Lava only takes off 2 HP per hit. And it only hits sometimes. Even at my absurdly low level. I'll have HP to spare if I manage it correctly. I'm more concerned with coming up with a way to make Eardon come out of his shell quickly, (it can be manipulated, at least in a small way, but I can't figure out how...). And thinking back, I might be able to squeeze an 8th sword attack into each set. EDIT: Nope, can't do that 7's the limit My second attack in each set comes 2 frames later than possible.
Build a man a fire, warm him for a day, Set a man on fire, warm him for the rest of his life.