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Those glitches are very useful and I'm willing to redo the game. This game seems to have many glitches, but I've only been aware of walk-through-walls. How can those glitches be done though? I have not seen a detailed tutorial or explanation. Also, the first few videos have been removed.
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>>Also, the first few videos have been removed. Yeah, I see Fusionbly for some reason purged his video collection. I'll edit the post and put up new links. >>How can those glitches be done though? I have not seen a detailed tutorial or explanation. I can explain it right here: basically, Abe can cancel auto-turn by beginning to run. If a certain move was supposed to follow the auto-turn, it will be delayed as long as you don't attempt to turn normally while walking. For ledge descending, the instructions are... 1. stand on a ledge, with Abe facing the side without floor (so that he would have to auto-turn before descending). 2. press 'down', but start running to cancel the auto-turn. 3. after moving Abe to a desired spot, stop, then just turn around normally. He will climb down through the floor.
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From what I understand, a flag is set which allows Abe to climb down from a ledge if you press down while standing at a suitable spot. This flag is turned off after you actually finish climbing down, but it can "kept on" even when you're not actually at a ledge. I haven't tried this, but judging from the videos, the following must be done:
  1. Stand on the edge of a platform from which you can climb down, facing the opposite direction.
  2. Press down. Abe will begin turning around, because he's not facing the right direction to climb down.
  3. While Abe is turning around, start running to "cancel" the climb down.
  4. Now go to any spot and press down; Abe should climb down regardless if he's allowed to.
EDIT: rats, too late :)
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Oh, I think I understand. I will test this out and re-start my run this week then. My computer will be fixed by Wednesday =D Thanks for the information.
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Before you begin the actual run, I'll speak about some other things that might be useful to examine further. (I'll do some testing myself too, now that I've regained my interest for the serie, but this in particular could use memory watch to really get to the bottom of.) Using the ledge glitch, it's very easy to get yourself to fall down into screens that are empty. Even inside this blank area Abe can be moved, though it works in a strange way. In my experience, the combination of chant + jump works somewhat decently. (There is a way to see the results of your moving attempts on the screen in real time, in rooms where there is a slig in the distance. Moving below the screen makes his aim change.) I still haven't found screens I could enter while outside boundaries without the game freezing, but I have not discounted the possibility of it yet. Another way to exit game area is using a glitched elevator that never stops anywhere (video is in my first post). I can only guess what happens to Abe's coordinates when he endlessly descends below the screen... Anyway, if you could reach new checkpoints while out of screen, saving and loading might allow skipping of areas as well.
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AKheon wrote:
Anyway, if you could reach new checkpoints while out of screen, saving and loading might allow skipping of areas as well.
Ahh, good idea. I'll do some testing in a few days time with the aid of memory-watch. Be sure to post here if you find anything extra! :P
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In Abe's exoddus, you can skip Boneworkz, Slig barrack, and the Feeco executive office with this glitch, that's great !
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It's too bad you can only go down with it. The flag seems to disappear when you jump. When you fall down into a "bottomless pit", strange things happen. Random objects disappear and Abe keeps falling for about 2 minutes after which the game crashes (edit: a "crash" is really a freeze in this case). I was hoping for it to wrap around and place him at the top of the map, but that hasn't happened so far. At some point I tried the bug while some Fleeches were attacking me, and Abe turned into a square of glitch and became unable to move (even though the Fleeches eventually ate him). So I think there might still be unexpected side effects to be discovered. (I tested things on a real console by the way, though I suppose that won't make a difference.)
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>>Abe keeps falling for about 2 minutes after which the game crashes (edit: a "crash" is really a freeze in this case). So it happens even if you don't do anything? Then, maybe my previous theory was wrong. In any case, at least in Exoddus I've managed to have something interesting happen while below game area. >>I tried the bug while some Fleeches were attacking me, and Abe turned into a square of glitch and became unable to move (even though the Fleeches eventually ate him). In some areas Abe turns into pixelated mush for some reason, preventing doing the trick, both in Exoddus and Oddysee. In Exoddus, if you quiksave and load the game back, Abe has returned to normal form but is completely frozen regardless. Who knows what it means. >>In Abe's exoddus, you can skip Boneworkz, Slig barrack, and the Feeco executive office with this glitch, that's great ! You are correct. It's not possible to do it from above because you are forced to descend right into the electric fences. However, from the ground level, past the greeters, you can descend to the secret area and climb back up from the other side, right next to the Brewery entrance!
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AKheon wrote:
>>Abe keeps falling for about 2 minutes after which the game crashes (edit: a "crash" is really a freeze in this case). So it happens even if you don't do anything? Then, maybe my previous theory was wrong. In any case, at least in Exoddus I've managed to have something interesting happen while below game area.
Actually, that did happen in Exoddus. But I suppose there are two possibilities: either Abe can be controlled or he can't. In my situation, it seemed like he just kept falling because I could not move him and never heard the landing sound. Did random objects disappear in your try? I tried it in the Scrabania Temple and a Scrab that was waiting nearby disappeared (the Fleeches did not, and kept crawling around for a while until the game froze). I'll start trying things again in a second, it's kind of fun. :)
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>>But I suppose there are two possibilities: either Abe can be controlled or he can't. I have a small amount of empirical evidence indicating that you can move below the screen. However, since I was controlling a glukkon... maybe it's different? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXwxejBNUWk At one of Mudomo temple's first rooms I was able to get Abe to resurface by doing chant + jump. There was a platform below the normal floor Abe could stand on. The platform didn't extend very far, and so, not too long afterwards, Abe plummeted back into the void. >>Did random objects disappear in your try? Yeah, Paramites and other Mudokons disappear, while sligs apparently don't. Topic creator: just to make sure, you know of the glitch/technique of jumping into screen boundary? You have to walk two steps from a screen edge, then do a normal jump into it. Bullets won't hit Abe while he is in there, and you can chant safely even if a slig is right next to you. (note: this glitch was fixed in Exoddus)
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AKheon wrote:
just to make sure, you know of the glitch/technique of jumping into screen boundary?
I didn't know about it :)
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AKheon wrote:
>>But I suppose there are two possibilities: either Abe can be controlled or he can't. I have a small amount of empirical evidence indicating that you can move below the screen. However, since I was controlling a glukkon... maybe it's different? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXwxejBNUWk
I think it's indeed different. The code for moving around your enemies is different from Abe's (otherwise the game would glitch up if you'd try to turn around one of your enemies while having the "climb down" power; they don't, and you keep the power no matter what). When Abe gets "lost" beneath the stage, it's game over, but it apparently doesn't really matter when it's an enemy. Still, it's very interesting to know you can move around enemies even in supposed bottomless pits. I doubt it will be useful, but it's worth keeping in mind.
AKheon wrote:
At one of Mudomo temple's first rooms I was able to get Abe to resurface by doing chant + jump. There was a platform below the normal floor Abe could stand on. The platform didn't extend very far, and so, not too long afterwards, Abe plummeted back into the void.
I suppose there are two layers in the Abe developers' level editor: one for tiles and sprites, and one for collision detection. It could very well be so that whoever made that particular level just happened to drag his mouse a bit too far out of screen when he was creating the collision layer, giving Abe a rare and small off-screen platform to stand on.
AKheon wrote:
>>Did random objects disappear in your try? Yeah, Paramites and other Mudokons disappear, while sligs apparently don't.
I suppose nothing happens to the Mudokon counter when they do? Not that it will make much of a difference even if they do.
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>>It could very well be so that whoever made that particular level just happened to drag his mouse a bit too far out of screen when he was creating the collision layer, giving Abe a rare and small off-screen platform to stand on. The interesting thing is, this "platform" can't be hit while dropping through the floor in the first place. (I know that all collision for Abe's vertical length is passed through, so I dropped down from a little higher area to prevent accidentally going through the platform.) Also, the fact that Abe actually re-surfaced back to the screen must mean that you can do *something* down there. >>I suppose nothing happens to the Mudokon counter when they do? Hmm, didn't check. --- I found a small timesave from Oddysee. While testing auto-turn cancelling possibilities with sligs, I noticed that sometimes doing the necessary action on elevators, I skipped both the auto-turn and grabbing onto the elevator ropes, saving maybe a second. So, if you are ever controlling a slig, need to use an elevator, but are coming from the wrong direction... (however, auto-turn can't be cancelled with sligs by running. Shame.) --- Fusionbly noted that it's possible to possess sligs while out of screen (via Elum teleport). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdzjK7IrFj8 However, doing this will not let you fool the flying electric orbs of doom, as they prove capable of shocking you even if you are physically several screen-lengths away. Doing this the other way around, so that Abe is out of screen inside a room where there's an orb and a slig, chanting works because the orb disappears. However, sligs disappear too... --- Here's more info about the elusive "double pick-up" glitch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlHTxP4HUOo Note that on PSX version the game crashes if you attempt to pick up more than 9 of rocks (or anything?).
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I have done some testing. I don't think you can move while Abe is in a bottomless pit. At least with Abe alone. Abe's Y coordinates just increase (abe falls). And then the game crashes once Abe passes a specific distance (Y coord) I can confirm that Abe is falling, because I did some memory hacking to get Abe back on the screen, and he is in his falling animation. Sometimes you can drop yourself into a wall. If you continue to walk off-screen the X coord continues to increase indefinitely. (seems like an infinite loop) I have found at least 5 places, so far, where drop-through-floor glitches provide an alternative way of completing the stage. Although, I have not compared it, frame by frame, to my original TAS strategy yet. I've only tested up to Door 3 of Paramonia. I was happy when I first saw this. Unfortunately it's just the infinite symbol... you still run out... >.< You can actually pick up a huge amount (you still have to manually pick them up). I've tested picking up to 181 grenades...(it seems to always crash at 182?) At this point, some slight graphics glitches start to occur. Another weird thing is that if you enter a Paramonia stage where only meat can be found,,, but you already picked up 'infinite rocks' from another stage - those infinite rocks turn into infinite meat - im not sure if this is normal. EDIT: Rupture Farms http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycw8IfokrNo anomalous running/skidding = glitch Thanks to the people who found and provided info on the auto-turn glitch.
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Anomalous walking/skidding? Anyway, looks good so far. I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with Elum teleporting at Paramonia and Scrabania. :)
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It was my attempt at describing the turn-around glitch in as few words as possible I've found a 'warp' which brings you to a secret area. Warp Glitch Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TR7RPA4f3G0 maybe processing right now (you can STOP viewing the video once on the screen with the two sligs, nothing happens) The only problem is, I have not yet found a way to make Abe really 'return' there... Abe is off the screen... I'll upload video of this later. Do you think the birds are significant?
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So, I take it you ended up to the situation you're in by falling below the screen? And the sequence of screens, do they change completely naturally or are you doing something to make them change? Saving and re-loading is a way to get Abe back inside screen limits. But you probably tried that already... It would indeed be awesome (in a way) if you could skip straight to Rupture Farms 2nd romp from Stockyards. That many teleport bird portals in the otherwise semi-illogical sequence is something suspicious in my books... But take it with a grain of salt, it's been a long time since I last played through these areas.
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Yes, just falling from Stockyards using the drop through floor glitch - near the end. I pressed record too late so I guess it didn't show exactly where I fell from.... I'm not pressing anything after I fall, they change naturally and there's nothing you can do about it :p Saving and loading brings you back to Stockyards checkpoint Oh and the final screen is displayed for a long time, even with 1000fps+ turbo mode - then the infamous freeze occurs. Yah me too. I have not played through those areas in such a long time. Those birds are fishy. There's also another weird place: You land on a floor? after dropping through here. Running right brings you to the next screen (the normal screen to the right) and then freezes. Running left freezes immediately. Abe is alive if you stand still, you can chant and the red zapper thing hits you.....
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You're not back in Rupture farm, but in a secret area, you can enter this place with a bird portal. Sorry
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oh so the birds are significant :P Stockyards Escape / Free-fire Zone Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8ELBj9Hbow new strats, etc -- A few more strange things: Another screen warp. This one will bring you to another secret area. It's interesting... because you drop into a wall. Then you have to do the following: (remember you cannot see abe at all here, you can hear him and see his coords with ram watch though. You have to run far right, then running jump left, then keep running left. Finally, jump and move around. You should fall out to a secret screen. Abe is fully controllable here. Hopefully there are more useful screen warps later on) Monsaic lines - around 4 seconds faster -- I need to find out how this is done: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R31EmCdkD58
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Scrabanian & Scrabanian Temple runs: I made a scrabanian speedrun "again", and I through to walls using Elum and at the same time I did scrabanian temple 5 door speedruns too. And antd, awesome pictures :] I wish antd you will keep going to make oddworld speedruns, because your runs are neat. My videos are bit laggy, so sorry about that. And antd, can you please tell me what program you using to making those speedrun videos? scrabanian http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYKB1b4hRGM scrabanian temple door 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrGj-KkUR8k scrabanian temple door 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hD04WYKf_jw scrabanian temple door 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IP6vPAUyg4o scrabanian temple door 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpDmFILsO60 scrabanian temple door 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eay8cHiRIcQ
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Watched the scrabanian run; looked good otherwise, but wouldn't it be faster to simply chant-kill the last Slig rather than possess the other one, run all the way to the last Slig and kill him?
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I do not think so, but anyway I tassed paramonia again and that can be done faster way, I did do another glitch in this speedrun (double pic-up glitch) here is a link Paramonia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBFb1tro_7c
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I tried to play this game on PCSX, but the graphics are all messed up, can you post your configurations, and maybe your .pxm file please? It's like this on PCSX: But on ePSXe with the same plugins it's perfect:
I am old enough to know better, but not enough to do it.
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