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Very nice :P I'll be following this :)
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Ok, i have done several Tests, you can watch them here: http://www.mediafire.com/?djzqcwz1dd5 After i did those, i got pretty sure that it's faster getting the Triple Rod, for Train Engine Core, Hydra Mechaniloid, Anubis Necromancess and Rainbow Devil (Not sure since i haven't tested him yet. But for the others im pretty sure i save more than enough time. Air Rolling Slash on those bosses cost time, jumping, getting high enough, 2 slashes per jump (4 frames wasted). And Triple Rod is usefull for Submarine Skipping with a pogo jump on an enemy in Stop the Hacking mission. I think there's another point in the Capture Factory mission that i can use a Pogo Jump to skip something (I can't remember right now) Also, this may sound incredibly stupid and non-sense, but Triple Rod Cancelling is slower than Triple Rod alone :S. And just by 1 frame. EDIT: I will do some test with the Boomerang Shield, though i don't like the idea of getting it for this run, but i will do some tests with it.
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Heh, i went to get the Triple Rod, and i spend on it 1232 frames getting it. Movie: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/437084860/0588%20-%20Megaman%20Zero%20%28UE%29.vbm I'm starting to doubt that the TAS would be faster with the Triple Rod :( Im deffinitively not getting the Boomerang Shield, so i now i will have to do lots of test before i continue.
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I did 2 tests, one doing submarine skipping wich need the Recoild Rod, and a simple run starting from the same point and ended in the same without submarine skipping. Using the Submarine Skip, saves 602 frames, i still have to do tests about the bosses, since Anubis has turned awfull to TAS with the Rod.
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I though about it a lot, but i think im giving up this project. I feel like this kinda of TAS should be done by someone else, i also have lots and lots of things to Test, and im tired about it. And also, i totaly forgot that i needed a Bird Elf that was on Disposal Center Mission, so i would have to re-do 2 missions, and i don't feel like re-doing Retrieve Data. Still, im interested on TASing this game, so i have 2 options: A) Improve Computerbird's Current TAS B) Do an Ultimate Mode TAS with mission skips I would like to do Ultimate Mode, but i would need to it with SRAM, would this kind of TAS be accepted? I though about Hard Mode, but that would be less interesting, since it would look like the current TAS. If i don't see improvement on Computerbird's TAS, im going to do Ultimate Mode even if it doesn't get accepted.
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Hmm, you just didn't want redo the Retrieve Data mission for your give up? i think you could use the tas-movie-edit to copy your input (also, the boss might be redo). Don't give up this run please, man, your work is very nice and we also want to see a full stage run with this game, so go on please!!
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Well, I re-thinked it, and well, I came with the following: I want to get more familiar with the game, so i plan to put that movie on stand-by, and beat it on Ultimate Mode first, and i will publish it (even knowing that it may not be accepted but wth). I will then, finish the all bosses goal, i also think that i should re-do the whole movie, first because the Intro Stage looks pretty much like Computerbird's, and second, i though about doing double air slash agaisnt enemies on Disposal Center, so with it i will end up needing less slash to make on Retrieve Data. What do you guys think about it?
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After a deeply look on Computerbird's TAS, i saw that tehre are some improvements on his TAS, so i decided to improve it. Here's my recent WIP: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/462001295/0588%20-%20Megaman%20Zero%20(U).vbm It's up after Disposal Center, with an improvation of 15 frames. Thanks a lot to Computerbird for telling me how to manipulate Aztec Falcon, wich was the reason why i didn't published this WIP a bit before.
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Defend the Base (2) mision have been done. Movie: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1875358523/0588%20-%20Megaman%20Zero%20(U).vbm I ended up improving 10 frames. So i have saved a total of 25 frames :)
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Neo Arcadia Shrine done. Movie: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1518549614/0588%20-%20Megaman%20Zero%20(U).vbm I ended up improving 34 frames. With a total of 59 frames being improved. I'm kinda unsure about the boss, i managed to improve 7 frames on the bossfight alone, and manipulating him is worthless, since any attack will just make stuff slower. The best attack from the boss could be the electric balls wich was what computerbird manipulated. Any idea on how to improve him?
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hmm, why don't you use the cyberelf? And mainpulate the boss do the dash attack twice will be better, IIRC, i did it in my test run used only 273 frames, and more nearly the door, but i have no sense enough to mainpulate the boss's action when i was working on this.
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computerbird wrote:
hmm, why don't you use the cyberelf? And mainpulate the boss do the dash attack twice will be better, IIRC, i did it in my test run used only 273 frames, and more nearly the door, but i have no sense enough to mainpulate the boss's action when i was working on this.
About the elf, it only saves like 100 or less frames, but as you know, i need to level up the saber, if i use the elf, i wont get Air Rolling Slash before Ganeshariff and Anubis. Using RAM Watch, i can see how many Air Slashes i have done in the whole game, and i need to hit 100 Air Slash in the whole game. About the boss, that could probably be better than my method, i should give it a try.
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So my cyberelf abuse doesn't actually help in TAS, shame.
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Done: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/917824384/0588%20-%20Megaman%20Zero%20(U).vbm Loosed 27 frames, im pretty sure it's faster if i can manipulate him to make him dash twice, though, i haven't found any way to manipulate him other than this: A) One is if i have space from him, like before touchign an invisible wall. B) One if i'm near. C) Another if i am between the wall and him, he will always do the same attack. For A and B, those attacks can be manipulated, not sure how. Aswell that he will do diferent attacks. For C, he will always shoot his arms in the wall and the floor.
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Well, after countless way to manipulate him, i couldn't manage him to make him dash twice, i decided to keep going the TAS, since i want the job done. Right now i have 81 Air Slash, so with 19 i will get Air Rolling Slash before the Ganeshariff and Anubis. The memory addres for Air Slash count is 0202B73B, if anyone is interested on more memory adresses here are the weapon related adresses: http://www.mediafire.com/?kmeyjzzgnzy
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Sorry if i have longed too much on the next stage, i have spent so much time trying to avoid lag frames on this stage, and it's going harder each time. Btw, here are some damage related data: http://www.mediafire.com/?d2lu3mnd2wl
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I fixed the damage related data: http://www.mediafire.com/myfiles.php It had a wrong Memory Adress, wich was the Destroy Train Midboss. I also did some demonstration about this boss, i beat him with and without charged slash. No Charged Slash: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1213577948/Destroy%20Train%20Midboss%20Demonstration%201.vbm Charged Slash: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/99713545/Destroy%20Train%20Midboss%20Demonstration%202.vbm Note: He is weak to thunder attacks.
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Route for the All Missions TAS: Intro > Disposal Center > Retrieve Data > Occupy Factory > Destroy Train > Find Shuttle > Defend the Base (1) > Duel in Desert > Protect Factory > Find Hidden Base > Stop the Hacking > Rescue Colbor Disposal Center: I will get the bird elf in this stage so i can use it on Occupy Factory Mission. Retrieve Data: I will get Air Rolling Slash by slashing those invincible floating balls so i can use it against Maha Ganeshariff, Anubis Necromancess, Train Engine and Hydra Mechaniloid. Occupy Factory: Will use the bird elf in this mission, also i picked this stage so i can level up the saber to get charged slash ASAP. Destroy Train: Nothing special. Find Shutte: My goal is to get Charged Slash in this stage of before, though i'm not sure if that's possible, but i will do my best. The point of this is because of Anubis Necromances, i want to see if i can do it on him since it will summon less píllars. Defend the Base (1): I will need Charged Saber for this boss, it would be painfull slower to do him without it. Duel in Desert: The point of this stage is to get Quick Charged Saber more sooner, this stage helps due to the big quantity of enemies in the way. The other stages have nothing important, i plan to use another bird elf in the Neo Arcadia Shrine mission. And i also plan to get Charged Buster for Defend the Base (2) mission, since it will save some good time while rescuing Cerveau.
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I like, don't forget to pick up the second cyberelf from the 5th vulturoid in the desertification zone now :P
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It will show usefull but only if i can get rid of the last turtle enemy before he hides on the shrine. The thing is, that if i go to full speed there's a platform above him, so it's mandatory to get hit, but if i can avoid that with charged attacks i will show to be usefull.
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After so much time without any updates, i started working with the 'All Missions' TAS while im at work (yeah, nothing better to do). Movie File It is up to the Disposal Center Mission, used double air slash during the mission, since it wouldn't hurt my time since i would have to do multiple air slash on the Retrieve Data mission, and it still proved usefull, i got 40 slashes just when i hit Aztec Falcon with my first slash, wich means that i got the 2nd slash for the combo, saving 21 frames :). I will do an encode when i finish the Retrieve Data mission.
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Found a better method to double air slash, saving 10 frames in the whole stage, this method can't be used on enemies above zero. Also avoided 2 lag frames, saving a total of 12 frames. I also equipped a bird elf that will be used on the Protect Factory Mission. Movie File As said before, encode will be uploaded after i finish the next mission.
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Wow, i like these improvement, nice work!
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The bad news is that this would be realy useful on the 'warped' TAS, aswell that it will be like 5 frames faster in Hanumachine fight, since normaly you don't start with the double slash from the very beginning of it. Having in mind that you could avoid further enemies.
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I decided to farm the saber exp in the Retrieve Data, we are talking about 500 slash needed to get charged saber, so i will sacrifice frames to raise the saber here, and will change a bit the route. The Occupy Factory Mission can't be started unless i beat Find Shuttle or Destroy Train, so i will go for Destroy Train after Retrieve Data and then i would either go for Rescue Colbor, Occupy Factory and then Protect Factory. None of the Guardians may need charged saber, probably Leviathan, i will go for them soon because all i will do is double slash cancel wich will increase the saber Exp, since the 2nd slash raises the Exp X2. Any ideas or comments would be great.
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