...otherwise known as "Shin Nekketsu: Kouha Kunio-tachi no Banka", but that's a little wordy.
This game is a side-scrolling beat 'em up, and contains a lot of non-skippable dialogue inbetween the fighting. The plot, for those who care, is that Kunio and Riki (Alex and Ryan) are accused of running down a girl on their motorcycle, and thrown into prison. After teaching the "boss" of cell 218 a painful lesson, they learn that there's someone who looks identical to Kunio running around on the outside, and that Nekketsu (River City) has been taken over by a local thug. And so, the violence continues...
The movie runs up until after the boss at Nekketsu--because of all the dialogue, I wanted to see if this movie was interesting to anyone before continuing. The ROM used is "Shin Nekketsu Kouha Kunio tachi no Bannka (J)", and
the movie is here.
Edit: Now up to the boss battle at Hanazono High, with a demonstration of the new moves Kunio and Riki get after they get their uniforms back.
Here it is.